Algore sex scandal goes international


<--- Pic is not me
Jan 23, 2010
Cincinnati, OH
Al Gore, international man of mischief... :lol:



The ENQUIRER recently uncovered shocking allegations, from two other massage therapists.

The first incident allegedly took place at a Beverly Hills
luxury hotel when Gore, 62, was in Hollywood to attend the Oscars in 2007.

The second reportedly occurred a year later at a hotel in Tokyo.

Well, the Enquirer is a goofball rag, but then again... they were right about John "how's my hair" Edwards. Things that make you go hmmmm.

Eh. I still don't buy it. I mean this is Al Gore we are talking about. I can't (and frankly don't want to) picture him excited about anything.
The Further Adventures of the Crazed Sex Poodle!

Soon to be a mini-series on WE TV!
Gore is just like the majority of politicians who thought succumbed to hubris when he convinced himself that his power and standing as a statesman would allow him to get away with such an action. Perhaps the saddest part of the whole ordeal is that Gore did not think there would be a price to pay for his actions.
Gore is just like the majority of politicians who thought succumbed to hubris when he convinced himself that his power and standing as a statesman would allow him to get away with such an action. Perhaps the saddest part of the whole ordeal is that Gore did not think there would be a price to pay for his actions.

Let's be fair. Gore has a lot of faults. (I am emphasize a lot). But there just simply is no credible evidence that these women are telling the truth. At least not at this point.
good lord....let it was let go years ago based on lack of evidence

unless you have new evidence, this is just a smear tactic
Al Gore sex scandal accusers multiplying

Police in the U.S. and Japan are investigating charges from two additional masseuses that former Vice President Al Gore sexually molested them, according to the New York Daily News.

The masseuse claims that she kept the pants she was wearing the night of the alleged attack and that there is biological material on them that may contain Al Gore's DNA. Oregon Live reports that she also saved a candy wrapper he had touched.

Oregon Live also reports that the masseuse officially made a police complaint around two months after the alleged incident happened. However, she then missed three interviews with the police and later informed them she would not go through with a criminal case.

While few facts are known, there are many pundits and political strategists already speculating. "This brings back memories of the Clinton White House staff who called such incidents 'bimbo eruptions.' They also coined the term 'nuts and sluts' defense in order to destroy a complaining woman's credibility," said former NYPD detective Sid Franes.

Eww. And also, if anyone should have farking known better it's Al "also ran" Gore. Yikes.

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