AlGore:"public knows only 1 percent of what went on under Clinton"


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Bob Woodward said, “Now, sitting next to Gore is taxing.”

After some laughs from the crowd, Woodward continued, “In fact, it’s unpleasant.”

Woodward offered up another tidbit from the conversation with his dinner companion. The investigative reporter asked the politician, more than five years after leaving office,
how much the public knows about what went on during the Clinton administration. Gore replied, “One percent.”

Woodward admitted that revelation made him feel a bit icky, saying, “I kind of died inside and have to confess to having an unclean thought.”

He then dug a little deeper, asking Gore, if the former VP were to write a memoir, how much Americans would know then.
Gore retorted, “Two percent.”
Bob Woodward says sitting next to Al Gore is 'taxing, unpleasant
We all know what happened under Clinton. It was all over the news when he was impeached.
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Gore's still butthurt he never got to be POTUS and no one cares about him. What a miserable egomaniac.

Gore's still butthurt he never got to be POTUS and no one cares about him. What a miserable egomaniac.

al-gore-internet1.jpg's sorta tough when you actually win the get screwed by the Supreme Court.

I like the inventing the internet part. Because the guys that actually did the coding gave Al Gore an award for his work in the congress.

Any of your boys get anything close to that? :lol:'s sorta tough when you actually win the get screwed by the Supreme Court.

I like the inventing the internet part. Because the guys that actually did the coding gave Al Gore an award for his work in the congress.

Any of your boys get anything close to that? :lol:

ok I see what game we're playing. I can play it too:

Considering the left engages in massive voter fraud in every election; 2000 technically should've never even reached the Supreme Court in the first place so Gore's got nothing to bitch about.

See how I did that?
Algore wanted re-counts in only those counties where he thought he could get an advantage. He fucked himself.

Plus, the Florida Supreme Court tried to make law when they gave more time to count the votes before certification. People who understand the Judicial System know that Judges are not to make law either on the State or Federal level.

The Supreme Court said: "Stop fucking around and certify the election please".

"Pregnant Chads and Hanging Chads", how stupid are you people really? :confused:
When people vote, they sometimes vote only local elections and not national elections. Some vote the other way, vote in national not local.

Recounters were told to look at ballots where the vote was Democrat in local elections but no vote for Algore was made and divine whether that voter had "intended to vote" for Algore but mistakenly not done so.

Algore was given votes during the recount based on that alone!

So naturally the Supreme Court stepped in and told them to stop fucking around!
We all know what happened under Clinton. It was all over the news when he was impeached.

So you are calling Gore a liar?

Gore says the news only had 1 % of what went on...

I'm not saying it Gore is!

So why would you dispute Al Gore???
Father of the Internet... Global Warming million degrees Gore!'s sorta tough when you actually win the get screwed by the Supreme Court.

I like the inventing the internet part. Because the guys that actually did the coding gave Al Gore an award for his work in the congress.

Any of your boys get anything close to that? :lol:

ok I see what game we're playing. I can play it too:

Considering the left engages in massive voter fraud in every election; 2000 technically should've never even reached the Supreme Court in the first place so Gore's got nothing to bitch about.

See how I did that?

That might have been cool if there was any "massive" voter fraud.

But you're should have never went to the Supreme Court. Gore won.
Ah, that whole Gore 2000 election thing. Remember it like it was yesterday. There they were Bill Daley and FL Rep. Bobbie Wexler late that afternoon on CNN sounding the alarm that things weren't right in the FL voting because certain counties were using an "illegal butterfly ballot." Hmm...what could be illegal with a butterfly ballot, I thought, since both I and Bill Daley had voted many times in Cook County, IL using the butterfly ballot? And more importantly, a Daley questioning whether voting was on the up and up? A CHICAGO Daley? Uh-oh, time to start paying very close attention now.
Algore wanted re-counts in only those counties where he thought he could get an advantage. He fucked himself.

Plus, the Florida Supreme Court tried to make law when they gave more time to count the votes before certification. People who understand the Judicial System know that Judges are not to make law either on the State or Federal level.

The Supreme Court said: "Stop fucking around and certify the election please".

"Pregnant Chads and Hanging Chads", how stupid are you people really? :confused:

Oh bullshit.

The whole thing was lousy from the beginning. The one state that the election hinged on, had as it governor..the brother of the man running for President. The secretary of state and the person certifying the election was the campaign manager for Bush.

It's un-fucking-believable that all the lousy crap about that election is buried. Scalia even said..that the decision out of Gore v. Bush was a one time, special "emergency" decision never to be repeated or used again in case law.'s sorta tough when you actually win the get screwed by the Supreme Court.

I like the inventing the internet part. Because the guys that actually did the coding gave Al Gore an award for his work in the congress.

Any of your boys get anything close to that? :lol:

ok I see what game we're playing. I can play it too:

Considering the left engages in massive voter fraud in every election; 2000 technically should've never even reached the Supreme Court in the first place so Gore's got nothing to bitch about.

See how I did that?

Have you got any proof of that claim?

I have never seen solid proof of democratic election cheating from the top.

There is undeniable cold hard court documented PROOF! the right has done it for decades from the top.
Gore's still butthurt he never got to be POTUS and no one cares about him. What a miserable egomaniac.

al-gore-internet1.jpg's sorta tough when you actually win the get screwed by the Supreme Court.

I like the inventing the internet part. Because the guys that actually did the coding gave Al Gore an award for his work in the congress.

Any of your boys get anything close to that? :lol:

"During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet." Gore...

Gore ALSO took Bushes to task for well in his words..
``He,'' meaning Saddam Hussein, ``had already launched poison gas attacks repeatedly, and Bush[George H..] looked the other way. He had already conducted extensive terrorism activities, and Bush looked the other way. He was already deeply involved in the efforts to obtain nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction.
Bush knew it, but he looked the other way.
speech Senator Al Gore gave in 1992.
Congressional Chronicle - C-SPAN Video Library

So Gore was "out bushing" BUSH on Iraq!
Blamed them for looking the OTHER WAY!!!

Way to go Al...

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