Alert: Severe shortage of grown-ups

Mr. P

VIP Member
Aug 5, 2004
South of the Mason Dixon
Do you allow your pre-teen daughters to wear T-shirts with suggestive messages? Well, plenty of parents do. Just stroll through any clothing store catering to the younger set, and you will find "Hottie" and "Sexy" on shirts too small to fit anyone older than 12. Bare midriffs are marketed to girls as young as 7 and 8. I don't have daughters; I have sons. But I hate for them to be living in such a coarse society.

The Washington Post recently ran a story about how schools are handling the issue at all grade levels (yes, these kids apparently walk out the door dressed like this). A 14- or 15-year-old girl stared happily into the camera wearing a T-shirt that read, "Behind every great girl is a guy checking her out." Her companion's body-hugging T-shirt read, "Yes, but not with u."

Most middle and high schools have dress codes (gotta prove that to me) that forbid plunging necklines, bare bellies, droopy drawers, and T-shirts glorifying drugs and alcohol. But the suggestive T-shirt, according to the Post report, is less clear-cut, falling into "a gray area that requires officials to evaluate one shirt at a time." And apparently, this can be challenging. "Administrators said evaluating the shirts can be awkward because the words are usually printed right over a student's chest. Sometimes students stride quickly past or take other evasive maneuvers to conceal a questionable T-shirt."
whenever my brother Sean would wear his pants halfway off his butt, I would go and yank 'em down then run. He couldn't run after me cuz they were around his ankles and he would trip! My dad didn't do anything about it because he did the same thing!

Reminds me of Pale Rider's thread. Such girls ought to have lewd comments thrown at them by old (read: in their 50's) men with toupees and beer guts. That oughta cure it!
Reminds me of Pale Rider's thread. Such girls ought to have lewd comments thrown at them by old (read: in their 50's) men with toupees and beer guts. That oughta cure it!

My mom suggested that if women her age dressed like that, it'd cure them of it even faster.
My mom suggested that if women her age dressed like that, it'd cure them of it even faster.

Im afraid they're learning all this from an entire culture of "adults" who are obsessed with sex as a form of gratification as opposed to setting examples that we would be proud for kids to emulate. Culture rot. It's all about ME feeling good for now.
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Reminds me of Pale Rider's thread. Such girls ought to have lewd comments thrown at them by old (read: in their 50's) men with toupees and beer guts. That oughta cure it!

Well... if you're going to dress slutty, then don't be all butt hurt when you're treated like a slut. It's all pretty simple to me.
It did me too..I sorta posted it for him.

Kinda figured ya did Mr. P. I guess it sort of reinforces what I was saying in the other thread.

I think society in general is and has been headed further into the gutter. At 51 I see major differences in how people talk, act, and think. I never said "fuck" until I was a teenager. I don't even recall HEARING it before that. My parents sure the hell never talked like that. My parents weren't bar flies or assholes. They were hard working folks that kept a family of little kids fed, clothed and well disciplined. I love them to pieces for that. Too many parents nowadays just don't have enough sense to care.
Kinda figured ya did Mr. P. I guess it sort of reinforces what I was saying in the other thread.

I think society in general is and has been headed further into the gutter. At 51 I see major differences in how people talk, act, and think. I never said "fuck" until I was teenager. I don't even recall HEARING it. My parents sure the hell never talked like that. My parents weren't bar flies or assholes. They were hard working folks that kept a family of little kids fed, clothed and well disciplined. I love them to pieces for that. Too many parents nowadays just don't have enough sense to care.

I think it does too.
All things in this world are transitory, not least of all, youth.

Regardless of how you act, you still are as old as you are. You can't change that. You cannot become younger by repeating the foolish behavior of your youth. Furthermore, you won't become younger by allowing your children to repeat the foolish behavior of your youth, either.

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