ALERT: Potential BIo-Attack in DC???


Senior Member
May 12, 2004
Enterprise, Alabama
From drudge...

Officials say several dozen people have been sickened in a downtown Washington, D.C. office building.

D.C., Fire and EMS spokesman Alan Etter said the incident is being treated as what he calls a "mass casualty" incident. Ambulances are lining up in the area around 1990 "I" Street, Northwest, and a triage area is being set up at nearby Murrow Park.

There's no immediate word on what the problem is...

Authorities now believe it was pepper spray that affected several people in a downtown Washington D.C. office building this afternoon.

Commander Cathy Lenier of the Metropolitan Police Department says between 20 and 30 people are being treated for eye irritations. Lenier says a group of kids apparently released the pepper spray into a shopping area inside the building at 19th and "I" streets, Northwest.

D-C Fire and E-M-S spokesman Alan Etter says this a triage area is being set up at nearby Murrow Park.

Portions of "I" and 19th streets are shut in the area, where some two-dozen emergency vehicles are situated.
My wife left her office early because of the evacuation. She's on 17th and L....

Pretty routine around DC for this kind of sh!t.....I think there iwll be more of this around the nation within the next year or so, unfortunately.

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