*Al Sharpton Has TV Show?* *Really?*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Really?
2. This guys a joke y'all!
3. Basically says, "He wants to riot for jobs"
4. I think he should be jailed for sedition.
5. And some network has him sitting infront of their camera crews too,...lol!!!
6. Link:D.C. marchers rally for jobs and justice - The Washington Post

"Referring to Congress, Sharpton said, “If you won’t get the jobs bill done in the suite, we will get the jobs bill done in the street!”

Of political leaders fighting and cutting social programs, he warned, “This is not about Obama,” he boomed, “this is about my mama!”

People laughed and repeated, “It’s about my mama! That’s right!”:lol::lol::lol::lol::cuckoo:

7. I guess he wants his 105 year old Mama to get a job, and carry his lazy ass again???

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Actually, Reverend Al is pretty cool - and smart. I used to consider him a lightweight, but not any more. He seems to be doing a fine job on his new MSNBC show.
Good format, bad speaking style. I can't watch more than 3 minutes before I turn it off. I like Rev AL but he stinks on this show.
Sorry bout that,

So what if he does?

Carzy white people dominate Fox so crazy black people can have a show too.

1. Come on, this guys a total embarrassment, even to a liberal like yourself.
2. There's more liberals on FOXNEWS, than there are Republicans.
3. Its just the liberals make no sense, just like on the Obama Networks, I don't even need to list them.
4. Where 100% of the news men and women are liberals.
5. What is amazing is how so few Republicans on FOXNEWS, airwaves can impact the media so much.

He has a damn good show too. Very informative AND entertaining. His ratings are pretty damn good too!

Everybody loves them some Al Sharpton.

I'm so glad to see that man of God prosper so. :)

Sorry bout that,

So what if he does?

Carzy white people dominate Fox so crazy black people can have a show too.

1. Come on, this guys a total embarrassment, even to a liberal like yourself.
2. There's more liberals on FOXNEWS, than there are Republicans.
3. Its just the liberals make no sense, just like on the Obama Networks, I don't even need to list them.
4. Where 100% of the news men and women are liberals.
5. What is amazing is how so few Republicans on FOXNEWS, airwaves can impact the media so much.


1. Why do you number everything?

He has a damn good show too. Very informative AND entertaining. His ratings are pretty damn good too!

Everybody loves them some Al Sharpton.

I'm so glad to see that man of God prosper so. :)


I enjoyed him back in the day when he'd go on the Donahue Show, all pimped out.:lol:
hookd on phonics
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqQe4KOrvsM]Al Sharpton teleprompter flub MSNBC LIVE TV HILARIOUS 'but resist we much' BLOOPER EPIC FAIL mishap - YouTube[/ame]
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

So what if he does?

Carzy white people dominate Fox so crazy black people can have a show too.

1. Come on, this guys a total embarrassment, even to a liberal like yourself.
2. There's more liberals on FOXNEWS, than there are Republicans.
3. Its just the liberals make no sense, just like on the Obama Networks, I don't even need to list them.
4. Where 100% of the news men and women are liberals.
5. What is amazing is how so few Republicans on FOXNEWS, airwaves can impact the media so much.


1. Why do you number everything?


1. *Inquiring minds want to know, take a number.*:eusa_whistle:

Sorry bout that,

He has a damn good show too. Very informative AND entertaining. His ratings are pretty damn good too!

Everybody loves them some Al Sharpton.

I'm so glad to see that man of God prosper so. :)


1. Now its clear, *Mark you are in a alternate universe.* = MarcATL
2. His show sucks, is the best way to describe it, even the racist negro Salt Jones can't stand it!
3. Stop the bullshit, this world knows better.


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