Al Roker Uncorks False Charge That Rush Limbaugh Said Irma Was 'Fake,' Not 'Dangerous


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010


Read the transcript you left wing wankers.

By Tim Graham | September 7, 2017 11:25 AM EDT
The liberal media lashed into Rush Limbaugh over a Tuesday monologue about hurricanes and the media. He lamented how even the weather has been corrupted and politicized by the media as a way to promote panic over “climate change.”

“All you need is to create the fear and panic accompanied by talk that climate change is causing hurricanes to become more frequent and bigger and more dangerous, and you create the panic, and it’s mission accomplished, agenda advanced.”

The most prominent critic was NBC weatherman Al Roker -- a champion at climate change panic -- who drew headlines by harshly attacking Limbaugh on Twitter:



Neither of these tweets stand up to an actual reading of the Tuesday Limbaugh transcript. Read it. Nowhere did Limbaugh say Hurricane Irma was "fake" or "not a dangerous storm." He never told anyone to "ignore" the forecasts. No one should expect the liberals at PolitiFact/PunditFact to award Roker with a big "FALSE" on the "Truth-o-Meter." But he deserves one.

Al Roker Uncorks False Charge That Rush Limbaugh Said Irma Was 'Fake,' Not 'Dangerous'
The bed wetters will bring it up over and over again though, as if it's anything more than a lie.

They're still bitching about Reagan beating the soviets and Lincoln freeing their slaves.

Yeah, I actually heard it, but the left, who would never listen, knows better than somebody who actually LISTENS.

This is why they've lost all credibility.
Many of the left who rarely listen to Rush L don't realize that much of what RL says is satire or sarcasm. RL is as good of a political analyst as any of the talking heads on the major networks, if not better.


Read the transcript you left wing wankers.

By Tim Graham | September 7, 2017 11:25 AM EDT
The liberal media lashed into Rush Limbaugh over a Tuesday monologue about hurricanes and the media. He lamented how even the weather has been corrupted and politicized by the media as a way to promote panic over “climate change.”

“All you need is to create the fear and panic accompanied by talk that climate change is causing hurricanes to become more frequent and bigger and more dangerous, and you create the panic, and it’s mission accomplished, agenda advanced.”

The most prominent critic was NBC weatherman Al Roker -- a champion at climate change panic -- who drew headlines by harshly attacking Limbaugh on Twitter:



Neither of these tweets stand up to an actual reading of the Tuesday Limbaugh transcript. Read it. Nowhere did Limbaugh say Hurricane Irma was "fake" or "not a dangerous storm." He never told anyone to "ignore" the forecasts. No one should expect the liberals at PolitiFact/PunditFact to award Roker with a big "FALSE" on the "Truth-o-Meter." But he deserves one.

Al Roker Uncorks False Charge That Rush Limbaugh Said Irma Was 'Fake,' Not 'Dangerous'

Facts and liberal opinion rarely fall on the same sentence.
Many of the left who rarely listen to Rush L don't realize that much of what RL says is satire or sarcasm. RL is as good of a political analyst as any of the talking heads on the major networks, if not better.
Most on this site know that I don't exactly lean left.

I will say this about Rush, he is a statist, a pathetic sell out piece of crap joke, and he isn't nearly as smart as he thinks he is.

Rush cares about only one thing, the almighty dollar. If he thought he could make more money tomorrow shilling for communists, or if the commie's took over and told him they would throw him in a gulag if he didn't start shilling the party line, that is exactly what el Rushbo would do. He is a coward protected by the corporate state.

Yesterday he was sucking Bush's cock, today he is in Trump's corner criticizing both the neo-cons and the RINO's. Fifteen years ago, anyone signing Newt's contract w/America were just fine, but today? Well, now he is all of a sudden he's aware of Ike's military-industrial deep state? Bullshit. A decade ago he was shilling for it.

He is way behind the curve as far as what is going on, and he would never dare give the American public the truth about what is actually going on.

With that said. He forces the MSM to tell more of the truth than they would otherwise have to if he weren't around. AND THAT, is the truth about why the rest of the media hate him.

For that, the nation should be grateful that he does what he does.

And, like you said, he is a bit of a clown. I think he lets more of the American public on his show than most national political shows. Maybe not, who knows? :dunno:


Read the transcript you left wing wankers.

By Tim Graham | September 7, 2017 11:25 AM EDT
The liberal media lashed into Rush Limbaugh over a Tuesday monologue about hurricanes and the media. He lamented how even the weather has been corrupted and politicized by the media as a way to promote panic over “climate change.”

“All you need is to create the fear and panic accompanied by talk that climate change is causing hurricanes to become more frequent and bigger and more dangerous, and you create the panic, and it’s mission accomplished, agenda advanced.”

The most prominent critic was NBC weatherman Al Roker -- a champion at climate change panic -- who drew headlines by harshly attacking Limbaugh on Twitter:



Neither of these tweets stand up to an actual reading of the Tuesday Limbaugh transcript. Read it. Nowhere did Limbaugh say Hurricane Irma was "fake" or "not a dangerous storm." He never told anyone to "ignore" the forecasts. No one should expect the liberals at PolitiFact/PunditFact to award Roker with a big "FALSE" on the "Truth-o-Meter." But he deserves one.

Al Roker Uncorks False Charge That Rush Limbaugh Said Irma Was 'Fake,' Not 'Dangerous'
Didn't Roker shit his pants on the air once or more?
Many of the left who rarely listen to Rush L don't realize that much of what RL says is satire or sarcasm. RL is as good of a political analyst as any of the talking heads on the major networks, if not better.
Most on this site know that I don't exactly lean left.

I will say this about Rush, he is a statist, a pathetic sell out piece of crap joke, and he isn't nearly as smart as he thinks he is.

Rush cares about only one thing, the almighty dollar. If he thought he could make more money tomorrow shilling for communists, or if the commie's took over and told him they would throw him in a gulag if he didn't start shilling the party line, that is exactly what el Rushbo would do. He is a coward protected by the corporate state.

Yesterday he was sucking Bush's cock, today he is in Trump's corner criticizing both the neo-cons and the RINO's. Fifteen years ago, anyone signing Newt's contract w/America were just fine, but today? Well, now he is all of a sudden he's aware of Ike's military-industrial deep state? Bullshit. A decade ago he was shilling for it.

He is way behind the curve as far as what is going on, and he would never dare give the American public the truth about what is actually going on.

With that said. He forces the MSM to tell more of the truth than they would otherwise have to if he weren't around. AND THAT, is the truth about why the rest of the media hate him.

For that, the nation should be grateful that he does what he does.

And, like you said, he is a bit of a clown. I think he lets more of the American public on his show than most national political shows. Maybe not, who knows? :dunno:
I agree, RL knows which side his bread is buttered and he plays to his base. I don't blame him for's business.
Many of the left who rarely listen to Rush L don't realize that much of what RL says is satire or sarcasm. RL is as good of a political analyst as any of the talking heads on the major networks, if not better.
Most on this site know that I don't exactly lean left.

I will say this about Rush, he is a statist, a pathetic sell out piece of crap joke, and he isn't nearly as smart as he thinks he is.

Rush cares about only one thing, the almighty dollar. If he thought he could make more money tomorrow shilling for communists, or if the commie's took over and told him they would throw him in a gulag if he didn't start shilling the party line, that is exactly what el Rushbo would do. He is a coward protected by the corporate state.

Yesterday he was sucking Bush's cock, today he is in Trump's corner criticizing both the neo-cons and the RINO's. Fifteen years ago, anyone signing Newt's contract w/America were just fine, but today? Well, now he is all of a sudden he's aware of Ike's military-industrial deep state? Bullshit. A decade ago he was shilling for it.

He is way behind the curve as far as what is going on, and he would never dare give the American public the truth about what is actually going on.

With that said. He forces the MSM to tell more of the truth than they would otherwise have to if he weren't around. AND THAT, is the truth about why the rest of the media hate him.

For that, the nation should be grateful that he does what he does.

And, like you said, he is a bit of a clown. I think he lets more of the American public on his show than most national political shows. Maybe not, who knows? :dunno:
I agree, RL knows which side his bread is buttered and he plays to his base. I don't blame him for's business.
This guy that RL leans on, Mr. Sneardly? Fascinating guy. I wonder what folks would think about Limbaugh, both on the right, and the left, if they knew a little bit more about how RL is so successful.

Many of the left who rarely listen to Rush L don't realize that much of what RL says is satire or sarcasm. RL is as good of a political analyst as any of the talking heads on the major networks, if not better.
Most on this site know that I don't exactly lean left.

I will say this about Rush, he is a statist, a pathetic sell out piece of crap joke, and he isn't nearly as smart as he thinks he is.

Rush cares about only one thing, the almighty dollar. If he thought he could make more money tomorrow shilling for communists, or if the commie's took over and told him they would throw him in a gulag if he didn't start shilling the party line, that is exactly what el Rushbo would do. He is a coward protected by the corporate state.

Yesterday he was sucking Bush's cock, today he is in Trump's corner criticizing both the neo-cons and the RINO's. Fifteen years ago, anyone signing Newt's contract w/America were just fine, but today? Well, now he is all of a sudden he's aware of Ike's military-industrial deep state? Bullshit. A decade ago he was shilling for it.

He is way behind the curve as far as what is going on, and he would never dare give the American public the truth about what is actually going on.

With that said. He forces the MSM to tell more of the truth than they would otherwise have to if he weren't around. AND THAT, is the truth about why the rest of the media hate him.

For that, the nation should be grateful that he does what he does.

And, like you said, he is a bit of a clown. I think he lets more of the American public on his show than most national political shows. Maybe not, who knows? :dunno:
I agree, RL knows which side his bread is buttered and he plays to his base. I don't blame him for's business.
This guy that RL leans on, Mr. Sneardly? Fascinating guy. I wonder what folks would think about Limbaugh, both on the right, and the left, if they knew a little bit more about how RL is so successful.

Sounds like Sneardly could easily have his own show if he wanted.
Rush is a great entertainer nothing radio will suck if he calls it quits
Many of the left who rarely listen to Rush L don't realize that much of what RL says is satire or sarcasm. RL is as good of a political analyst as any of the talking heads on the major networks, if not better.
Most on this site know that I don't exactly lean left.

I will say this about Rush, he is a statist, a pathetic sell out piece of crap joke, and he isn't nearly as smart as he thinks he is.

Rush cares about only one thing, the almighty dollar. If he thought he could make more money tomorrow shilling for communists, or if the commie's took over and told him they would throw him in a gulag if he didn't start shilling the party line, that is exactly what el Rushbo would do. He is a coward protected by the corporate state.

Yesterday he was sucking Bush's cock, today he is in Trump's corner criticizing both the neo-cons and the RINO's. Fifteen years ago, anyone signing Newt's contract w/America were just fine, but today? Well, now he is all of a sudden he's aware of Ike's military-industrial deep state? Bullshit. A decade ago he was shilling for it.

He is way behind the curve as far as what is going on, and he would never dare give the American public the truth about what is actually going on.

With that said. He forces the MSM to tell more of the truth than they would otherwise have to if he weren't around. AND THAT, is the truth about why the rest of the media hate him.

For that, the nation should be grateful that he does what he does.

And, like you said, he is a bit of a clown. I think he lets more of the American public on his show than most national political shows. Maybe not, who knows? :dunno:
I agree, RL knows which side his bread is buttered and he plays to his base. I don't blame him for's business.
This guy that RL leans on, Mr. Sneardly? Fascinating guy. I wonder what folks would think about Limbaugh, both on the right, and the left, if they knew a little bit more about how RL is so successful.

Sounds like Sneardly could easily have his own show if he wanted.

Not really.

Corporate America is worried about truth, and how much it influences America. If he had his own show, it might lead too many minorities moving off the Democratic Party plantation.

The elites carefully cultivate a divide and conquer strategy and that would lead to a party imbalance. Maybe someday if too many illegals become legal and have the right to vote, then they will need to ally the traditional black vote with the white vote against the Hispanic and Muslim vote.

As he said in the clip, and what most folks don't realize, if you have ever really sat down and talked to folks in the ghetto, they really are quite socially conservative in their political and economic outlook. Even "thug" culture is quite patriarchal.

The ancestry of the Black man in this nation goes back further than most whites, except for those that have ancestors going back to the original thirteen. Most folks had relatives that came over in the immigrant waves after the Civil War. If you meet a Black Person, chances are, almost all of them can trace their lineage here as far back as the Revolution. That makes them more American then all but the blue blood elites of the east coast. Well, except for the native Americans of course. This makes them natural Republicans once more.

The time will come, soon. If the globalists keep having their open border policy ways with no resistance. . .

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