Al Queada Reportedly Looking to American Blacks for New Recruits


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
The U.S. government says Osama bin Laden saw members of the black community in America as "ripe" for recruiting as terrorists, and the Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, whose Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny reaches out to the black community to encourage responsible decisions, says he's not surprised.
In one of his regular columns on WND weeks ago, Peterson urged Congress to probe the radicalization of blacks in America because of the inherent dangers.
Peterson said his organization sent an open letter to Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., applauding him for his hearings last month on the radicalization of Muslim Americans.
"But we're also calling on lawmakers to hold hearings on the radicalization of black males," Peterson wrote in April. "I realize that pointing out the radicalization of blacks will open lawmakers up to allegations of 'racism.' We know this is a favorite tactic used by some Muslims and the left to silence their critics. But we cannot bury our heads and pretend that this threat does not exist. We owe it to the public and to future generations to protect and preserve America."
The report of bin Laden's plans regarding blacks came in an interview with ABC News.

Republicans torture and our interrogators and generals say that it inflames other Muslims and is used as a recruitment tool.

Our military has said keeping Guantanamo open has been used as a recruitment tool. Republicans say we need that prison, even though only three have been convicted of terrorism out of the hundreds there and two of the three were let go by the Bush administration.

Then you have stunning white peoples "affirmative action". John McCain jumped over thousands to get into the Naval Academy were he graduated a miserable 5th from the bottom out of 899. You have Bush with his below average grades and the fact that he was also jumped over thousands as a "favor to the family".

And then right wingers are screaming that Affirmative Action is unfair, unless you are rich and connected. That's OK.

Then you white business owners preferring "felons" over "blacks".

And finally, the smears and slander against President Obama, the first black president.

So if I was al Qaeda, I would try to get a few blacks, too. Considering that Republicans are still following their own rotten agenda.
So if I was al Qaeda, I would try to get a few blacks, too. Considering that Republicans are still following their own rotten agenda.
It amazing how so many liberal Democrats like to use blacks as violent pawns for their social agendas.

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