Al Qaeda in Iraq threatens attacks in U.S.


Belligerent Drunk
Nov 19, 2010
Richmond VA
Al Qaeda in Iraq threatens attacks in U.S.


WASHINGTON — The militant organization that was once the scourge of the U.S. militarycampaign in Iraq and probably is responsible for more than 100 deaths in the country over the last few days has set its sights on launching attacks in the United States, intelligence officials said.

Al Qaeda in Iraq released a message this week that threatened to strike at the "heart" of the United States, and several associates of the group have been arrested in the U.S. and Canada in the last two years, said American officials, a sign that the organization has tried to establish a network in North America.

The arrests highlight "the potential threat posed to the United States" from Al Qaeda in Iraq, said Matthew Olsen, the director of the National Counterterrorism Center, during a hearing Wednesday before the House Homeland Security Committee examining the current threat from terrorism to the United States.

Al Qaeda in Iraq had been known primarily for launching attacks against the American forces in Iraq and the Shiite Muslim-led government there, as well as helping to plot attacks in neighboring Jordan.

But "there are networks and recruiting efforts in the U.S. and Canada," said Seth Jones, an expert on Al Qaeda at the Rand Corp. and author of "Hunting in the Shadows: The Pursuit of Al Qaeda since9/11."

"You can say pretty categorically that Al Qaeda in Iraq appears to be strengthening from where it was two years ago," even as Al Qaeda's senior leaders in Pakistan have been killed, Jones said.

Al Qaeda in Iraq was pummeled more than five years ago by a coalition of Sunni Arab tribal leaders in western Iraq and U.S. forces, but experts who study Al Qaeda say that the organization in Iraq has begun to rebuild, energized in the last year by the violent uprising next door in Syria and an influx of cash from wealthy benefactors in the Persian Gulf. U.S. forces withdrew from Iraq in December.

Al Qaeda in Iraq threatens attacks in U.S. -
I can't believe you source your pathetic news piece on the most pathetic ....janet napo....has fingers deep in all kinds of failures. Reminds of the gorelick wall as if it was an excuse
Nope... The job in Iraq is finished, and the troops need to come home. Move along...No jumping the gun here... Nothing to see here, everyone is safe now... Obama has proclaimed it to be so.
But we got rid of the evil dictator who kept elements like Al Qaeda stifled and replaced him with a government yet to prove itself and a allowed Al Qaeda to take a foothold in Iraq. I'd say that's a definite accomplishment, a negative one but an accomplishment nonetheless!
Did Al-Q know about it?

My son's unit was the first in.
Ask him.
I know what he told me.

Your son's unit was the first there... And? Was it met by a banner "Al-Q is here"?

Did your son tell you that "al-Q" is NOT an organisation, but a catch-name for few loosely connected militant Islamic factions? And these factions were kept out of Iraq by Saddam.

Early on, if your brain can recall truth, we uncovered that training camp.
That was his unit that found it.
My son's unit was the first in.
Ask him.
I know what he told me.

Your son's unit was the first there... And? Was it met by a banner "Al-Q is here"?

Did your son tell you that "al-Q" is NOT an organisation, but a catch-name for few loosely connected militant Islamic factions? And these factions were kept out of Iraq by Saddam.

Early on, if your brain can recall truth, we uncovered that training camp.
That was his unit that found it.

With "al-Q" written all over it, no doubt...

"There is no evidence of formal links between Iraqi ex-leader Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda leaders prior to the 2003 war, a US Senate report says.
The finding is contained in a 2005 CIA report released by the Senate's Intelligence Committee on Friday.

US President George W Bush has said that the presence of late al-Qaeda leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in Iraq before the war was evidence of a link.

Opposition Democrats are accusing the White House of deliberate deception..."
Your son's unit was the first there... And? Was it met by a banner "Al-Q is here"?

Did your son tell you that "al-Q" is NOT an organisation, but a catch-name for few loosely connected militant Islamic factions? And these factions were kept out of Iraq by Saddam.

Early on, if your brain can recall truth, we uncovered that training camp.
That was his unit that found it.

With "al-Q" written all over it, no doubt...

"There is no evidence of formal links between Iraqi ex-leader Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda leaders prior to the 2003 war, a US Senate report says.
The finding is contained in a 2005 CIA report released by the Senate's Intelligence Committee on Friday.

US President George W Bush has said that the presence of late al-Qaeda leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in Iraq before the war was evidence of a link.

Opposition Democrats are accusing the White House of deliberate deception..."

Al-Qaida running new terror camp, say Kurds | World news | The Guardian
Early on, if your brain can recall truth, we uncovered that training camp.
That was his unit that found it.

With "al-Q" written all over it, no doubt...

"There is no evidence of formal links between Iraqi ex-leader Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda leaders prior to the 2003 war, a US Senate report says.
The finding is contained in a 2005 CIA report released by the Senate's Intelligence Committee on Friday.

US President George W Bush has said that the presence of late al-Qaeda leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in Iraq before the war was evidence of a link.

Opposition Democrats are accusing the White House of deliberate deception..."

Al-Qaida running new terror camp, say Kurds | World news | The Guardian

Kurdish territory? :D
And again, Bush and his "chemical laboratory"...

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