Al Qaeda In Iraq Audio Message Reportedly Asks Ex-Members To Return


Belligerent Drunk
Nov 19, 2010
Richmond VA
Al Qaeda In Iraq Audio Message Reportedly Asks Ex-Members To Return


CAIRO -- A new message posted online purportedly from al-Qaida in Iraq asks Sunni fighters who switched sides and joined forces with the U.S. and Iraqi government to return to the insurgent group, promising to forgive them and admitting that their departure had weakened the militants.

The begging-like tone and the wide-open promises of forgiveness to members of the government-backed Sunni militia known as Awakening Councils, or Sahwa, would mark an abrupt shift for al-Qaida in Iraq if it is authentic.

Abu Mohammed al-Adnani, who identified himself as the official spokesman of the Islamic State of Iraq, an al-Qaida front group, also threatened to slaughter those he was trying to recruit if they insist on continuing to fight alongside the government.

"We call upon you to repent truly and come back to your religion and he who returns will be accepted by us and his blood will be conserved even if he had killed a thousand Muslims," al-Adnani said.

The authenticity of the hour-long audio could not be verified, but it was posted Monday on militant websites affiliated with al-Qaida.

The plea was the latest sign of the group's problems. Last month, al-Qaida militants in Iraq made an online appeal for new fundraising ideas, saying they were in dire need of money to help thousands of widows and children of slain fighters.

Tens of thousands of Sunni fighters, mostly members or sympathizers of al-Qaida, switched sides and joined U.S. and government forces at the height of Iraq's insurgency. Their support created a crucial turning point in the war against al-Qaida in 2007.

Since then, the Sahwa say they haven't been given jobs fitting to their contribution in the war and still feel they're viewed with suspicion by the Shiite-led government.

After the government disarmed thousands of Sahwa fighters and sent some to jail, al-Qaida launched a series of attacks killing dozens of them and leading others to return to the insurgent group.

"Now who will protect you from our blows after your masters, the Americans, abandoned you and left you alone and the government filled its prisons with your men after you handed them the land of the Sunnis," al-Adnani said.

Al Qaeda In Iraq Audio Message Reportedly Asks Ex-Members To Return
The trouble with Iraq militants is that if they gain power, they tend to murder the outgoing regime. When Saddam invited family members back who had crossed him, he killed them upon return after promising them safe passage and forgiveness.

I don't think there's a whole lot of trust there in old school military doings. Eventually, they kill the "offender." I'd think before going back if I were them. They're back in the bad graces of leadership once they have served their purpose.
The trouble with Iraq militants is that if they gain power, they tend to murder the outgoing regime. When Saddam invited family members back who had crossed him, he killed them upon return after promising them safe passage and forgiveness.

I don't think there's a whole lot of trust there in old school military doings. Eventually, they kill the "offender." I'd think before going back if I were them. They're back in the bad graces of leadership once they have served their purpose.

You have a point, if these guys go back they are likely to all be rounded up and beheaded for serving with "infidels".

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