Al Qaeda Beheads British Hostage in Mali

I guess lopping off from the front (thereby cutting the windpipe and voice box / vocal chords) doesn't allow you to scream either. So I wonder which direction they hacked away at Nick Berg from, and why he screamed if it's all so painless.

When I first started watching the beheading vids, the terrorists would use a machete or a katana to sever heads. The last one I saw, it looked like they used a pocket knife. So, I can understand what KK is saying. The person is usually screaming even before the cutting starts. The screams never really change pitch (like from regular I'm so afraid scream to blood curdling scream). I think that it may seem more painful than it really is.

There is a video of a Serbian soldier severing someone's head. I was sure that when you feel the knife make the first cut, you would do everything to get out of the position. But it was like he didn't really know that they were cutting. He was screaming with his mouth closed and when they cut open his esophagus, it sounds like he opens his mouth.

well why dont you and Kitty go out and try some of these,and then get back here and tell us which ones are the best....hey inquiring minds...

Whutchu talkin' bout Willis?
Why are you so afraid of a handfull of fundimentalist religious assholes?

Prison is for convicted criminals ..aren't you refering to suspected terrorists? in the U S you are supposed to be presumed innocent until a jury of your peers decides you are not. Knee jerk fear mongerers don't get to make that determination.

That's the theory least it was until a few sick fucks like Cheney showed up.

Have I mentioned how much I hate neo cons?

Lecturing a Brit about trial by jury. Classic.

Remember that little diatride I wrote about egglanders being pompus assholes? Know it alls? Superior??? That's a laugh. If it wasn't for my ancestors y'all would be specken de doich. It is you that aughta chill on the lecture circuit.

I don't remember your diatride (sic) at all I'm afraid. I read little of what you write, and remember even less.

And I wasn't lecturing you. I was making fun of you.

Way to change the subject, BTW, to something you felt you could be pompous and superior about. :clap2:

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