Al Gore Warns of 'Planetary Emergency' Again

Energy industry concerned Obama could pursue end-run on climate change rules...
Al Gore: Obama must ‘get moving’ on climate
12/6/12 - Former Vice President Al Gore said Thursday that it’s time for President Barack Obama to “get moving” on global warming.
“I deeply respect our president, and I am grateful for the steps that he has taken, but we cannot have four more years of mentioning this occasionally and saying it’s too bad that the Congress can’t act,” Gore said in a speech in New York City at the New York League of Conservation Voters. Gore continued: “I know how tough it is. He’s done more in first four years than any other administration has ever done, and I respect that and acknowledge that. But the time has long since passed for us to get moving.”

The former vice president introduced New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who later spoke about Hurricane Sandy and the need for the city to prepare for future storms. Gore urged the Obama administration to show leadership on the issue. “In national government, to use a computer term, our democracy has been hacked, … and when the large carbon polluters and their ideological allies tell the members of Congress to jump, they do say, ‘How high?’ And we need leadership in the executive branch as well,” Gore said.

Gore said lawmakers should view Bloomberg as an example and said that Sandy was related to global warming. “What will it take for the national government to wake up as this mayor has been telling us to do?” Gore asked. “This storm was related to global warming.” He added: “Dirty energy causes dirty weather.” It’s not the first time Gore has criticized Obama’s energy policies. In June 2011, Gore criticized Obama’s environmental record in a 7,000-word article in Rolling Stone.


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Energy industry concerned Obama could pursue end-run on climate change rules
December 07, 2012 - The United States has joined nearly 200 countries at a United Nations climate summit in Doha, Qatar, this week with the primary goal of coming together on a treaty aimed at preventing what activists are calling dangerous climate change.
Some point to superstorm Sandy as a primary example of the need to curb emissions that they believe are fundamentally disrupting the way Earth's ecosystem works. They would like to have a treaty signed by 2015. But many in the energy industry are concerned the Obama administration, fresh off a re-election win, will go too far with a radical environmental strategy that will have a negative impact on U.S. businesses and consumers – not just through the U.N., but executive edict. "They brought hundreds of millions of dollars into his re-election campaign," said Michael Whatley, vice president of the Consumer Energy Alliance. He believes the president delayed consideration of the Canada-to-Texas Keystone XL Pipeline because he couldn't afford to lose allies in the environmental sector, and may now feel pressure to deliver to those groups. Indeed, on the night of his re-election, Obama vowed the U.S. would be a leader in combating a "warming planet."

For years, both Democrats and Republicans have blocked cap-and-trade legislation on Capitol Hill which would set emissions limits and fees for those who exceed them. Now, a growing number of lawmakers are sounding an alarm about what they believe will be the Executive Branch's "end run" around Congress. Sen. Jim Inhofe, R-Okla., believes, whether via a U.N. treaty or domestic regulations, Obama will continue to work toward reining in domestic energy production. "The president couldn't get it done through legislation, so now he's doing it through regulation using our tax dollars to make it happen,” he said. Inhofe sent a scathing recorded message to the U.N. gathering in Doha, chastising the administration for "quietly handing over billions of dollars to the United Nations in the name of global warming" as Washington runs up against a fiscal crisis.

But environmental groups say the president is simply doing his job. Bob Deans, of the Natural Resources Defense Council, said they've found a partner in Obama. "He understands that increased drought, record heat, wildfires, storms like Sandy ... are threats we need to do something about,” he said. The Environmental Protection Agency is taking the federal lead, beefing up enforcement actions under the Clean Water Act and issuing new regulations. Inhofe is keeping a close eye on those regulations, but says the administration is stonewalling.

Under current law, the administration is supposed to provide a full accounting every April and October of any proposed regulations that will have a "significant" economic impact. That hasn't happened since 2011. Inhofe continues to push the White House for an explanation. A source at the White House, while not explaining the lapse, told Fox News that federal agencies are currently in the process of pulling together that information.

Arctic Methane Emergency Group - AMEG - Arctic Sea Ice - Methane Release - Planetary Emergency

It’s about the Arctic sea ice, whose reflection of sunshine keeps the planet cool. Remove the sea ice, and not only does the planet start to overheat, but the whole climate is suddenly changed. The global weather systems, on whose predictability farmers rely, are dependent for their stability on there being a temperature gradient between tropics and the poles. Remove the snow and ice at one pole, and the weather systems go awry and we have “global weirding”. Furthermore, the weather systems get stuck in one place, and we get weather extremes: long spells of hot/dry weather with drought, or long spells of cold/wet weather with floods.

This global weirding has started with a vengeance. The sea ice is rapidly disappearing. The behaviour of the polar jet stream is disrupted. Extreme weather events occur more often and with greater ferocity. And the food price index climbs and climbs.

There is an obvious relationship between strife and food – if you starve a nation they will fight to get food. This relationship has been pinned down by an organisation called the Complex Systems Institute, CSI. They show that the food riots break out when the food price index rises above a certain critical level. An example was the Arab Spring

Are these scientists being overly alarmist? The ones called 'alarmist' a decade ago were notably mistaken. Their 'alarmist' predictions had the present ice melt happening in 2080, not 2012. And the weather extremes we are presently experiancing were predicted for mid-century, not now.

Let us hope they are being overly alarmist. Because if they are not, we are in for a rough ride. And, if they are wrong the side that the previous 'alarmists' have been, it's Katy Bar the Door!
Winter is coming, he has to say something to keep his myth going.

Yep. Tornado season this year was near below average, so no opportunity to cry "GLOBAL WARMING!!" there. Superstorm Sandy and the drought was about it in the way of reasons to scream "PROOF OF GLOBAL WARMING!!", and even those didn't really take off.
The present drought is an excellant example of global warming excaberating a normal cycle.

The only major link between Sandy and global warming was the 2 degree increase in the temperature of the Gulf Stream that fed Sandy energy while that storm traveled over the Gulf Stream. The rest was a very bad combination of the worse case situation coming to pass. Happens occasionaly. Oh yes, and the 1 foot rise in sea level off the New England coast was not a help.

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