Al Gore is now 'richer than Romney'


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Al Gore the con-man now richer than Romney:eusa_shhh:


Someone finally has done all the math on the recent sale of Al Gore's Current TV to the Arabic language channel Al-Jazeera for $500 million. Jobs were lost, buzz created, employees angered, but the former vice president had little to say about it. He did walk away with a reported $100 million — a tidy sum for a man who had less that $2 million in assets when he ran for president more than a dozen years ago, says Forbes magazine.

"Taking into account taxes to be paid on the deal, possible earlier debt and the fact that Gore's representatives declined to comment, Forbes conservatively estimates the former vice president's net worth to be at least $300 million, making him wealthier than unsuccessful Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney," says Ryan Mac, a Forbes analyst.

"Last May, Forbes estimated Romney's net worth to be around $230 million," he adds.

Mr. Gore founded Current TV with much ado six years ago, and he even anchored its presidential election coverage last fall. But apparently, news and public affairs are no longer his calling. Now 64, Mr. Gore remains a board member of Apple, a senior adviser on "green issues" for Google and chairman of Generation Investment Management, a firm dedicated to an "investment philosophy that integrates sustainability research with rigorous fundamental equity analysis," according to its website. He continues to complain about global warming issues.
I think it is funny that Al Gore said that the best Fiscal cliff plan was to raise taxes on the rich. That being said why did Al Gore try and get his T.V station sold before January 1st? The answer is simple to the system.It just proves that liberals love to tell people how to spend their money as long as it is not their own money

Gore hoped to sell Current before fiscal cliff tax increases | The Daily Caller
Feel the hate.

good gawd some of you people are so full of hate you're blind


I love the fact that he sold his soul to the oil barons he claims to be so against. Exposes him for the hypocrite and fraudster he is. But you would never admit that as you are a true believer.
God Bless AL Gore and Gos Bless American Capitalism and God Bless Success

Indeed! I wonder why Al Jazeera felt they needed to pay him so much money for a TV station that has fewer than 100,000 viewers? What service were they pre-paying for?
God Bless AL Gore and Gos Bless American Capitalism and God Bless Success

Indeed! I wonder why Al Jazeera felt they needed to pay him so much money for a TV station that has fewer than 100,000 viewers? What service were they pre-paying for?

They pay him for influence... Al gore is the worst kind of scum, he sells his soul for profit
Liberals are ok with algore being a lying scumbag hypocrite because he claims to believe in global warming....he can sell his TV station to OIL BARRONS because he is a liberal.

Conservatives aren't allowed to be rich by investing in our economy and creating their own business, liberals are allowed to gain wealth by any means available.

Overall, this is a perfect example of why liberals are piles of shit that shouldn't be trusted.
How exactly would anyone know?

Romney has hidden most of his wealth.

Which is part of the reason he didn't release his tax forms.
Al Gore the con-man now richer than Romney:eusa_shhh:


Someone finally has done all the math on the recent sale of Al Gore's Current TV to the Arabic language channel Al-Jazeera for $500 million. Jobs were lost, buzz created, employees angered, but the former vice president had little to say about it. He did walk away with a reported $100 million — a tidy sum for a man who had less that $2 million in assets when he ran for president more than a dozen years ago, says Forbes magazine.

"Taking into account taxes to be paid on the deal, possible earlier debt and the fact that Gore's representatives declined to comment, Forbes conservatively estimates the former vice president's net worth to be at least $300 million, making him wealthier than unsuccessful Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney," says Ryan Mac, a Forbes analyst.

"Last May, Forbes estimated Romney's net worth to be around $230 million," he adds.

Mr. Gore founded Current TV with much ado six years ago, and he even anchored its presidential election coverage last fall. But apparently, news and public affairs are no longer his calling. Now 64, Mr. Gore remains a board member of Apple, a senior adviser on "green issues" for Google and chairman of Generation Investment Management, a firm dedicated to an "investment philosophy that integrates sustainability research with rigorous fundamental equity analysis," according to its website. He continues to complain about global warming issues.

Link to the article?
The terrorist supporters in Qatar believe algore's TV will let them get into the US market passing along their pro-islamic message and anti-US/Israel message under the disguise of normal TV. If you see it here on your TV...well it must be American made information.

Also, they paid algore to have him carry their message to Hollywood and DC with his fellow liberal scum. He is now in debt to them for being overpaid for his trash network.

algore knows he is in bed with the terrorists, that is why he didn't go to his own company's personnel meetings the past week to face his pissed off employees. The idiot 20-30 year old minds of mush that believed his bullshit lies....just like the scum here.
God Bless AL Gore and Gos Bless American Capitalism and God Bless Success

Indeed! I wonder why Al Jazeera felt they needed to pay him so much money for a TV station that has fewer than 100,000 viewers? What service were they pre-paying for?

You have a problem with a private transaction in the Free Market?

Do tell.

It’s liberals who have a problem with it, except for themselves. Al Gore is a hypocrite, a swindler, and a snake oil salesmen who profits off of his fraud

“He has no credibility. He’s supposed to be the face of clean energy and just sold [the channel] to very big oil, the emir of Qatar! Current never even took big oil advertising—and Al Gore, that bulls---ter sells to the emir?”

The displeasure with Gore among the staff was thick enough to cut with a scimitar.
The FACTS are a global warming lying nut sold his company to rich people that made their riches via people that support islamic terrorists against the US and it allies.

Liberal scum like swallow's response to pointing out the hypocrisy and the stupidity is that we are so-called jealous of algore and don't support capitalism.

Scum like swallow defending algore violating everything he stood for just shows we will never be able to change the demented mind of a liberal.
"The Hour of choosing".... Al Gore chose 100 million dollars

[ame=]Al Gore Reads His Global Warming Poem To CNN Reporter - YouTube[/ame]

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