Airports ban ads

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Airports Ban Ad With Basic Facts About Women's Equality | ThinkProgress


It’s “designed to elevate issues like paycheck fairness, minimum wage increases, and paid family leave and to expose the ongoing attacks on women’s health and economic security,” Karin Roland, campaign director at Ultra Violet, told ThinkProgress. “The goal is to shame and pressure candidates with industries that rely on tourism to make them champions for these causes.”

But despite this political goal, the group insists that the ads themselves are merely fact-based. “Women being discriminated against and the facts…aren’t issue advertising,” Roland said. “It’s just reality for women.”

And yet, many now say they do not agree with feminism, which is the basic belief that women are equal to men.


If they ban KKK ads, then I don't see the problem with them banning Feminists ads.
As I understand it, the figures they use reflect income over the working lifetime. That women have kids taking time off, sometimes for years, iswhy their pay is seemingly lower.

If they actually had documented incidents of two people being hired for the exact same job where the woman got less they'd have a case and cite those. As it is, if that happens it's so rare they have to use a skewered average instead.
Anyone with a three digit IQ recognizes these pathetic posters as nothing more than vacuous, inaccurate propaganda. People who would take them seriously are already Democrats, and will not have their opinions changed.

If you required that all advertising be truthful, ad revenues overall would dry up like a raisin.

Stupid, but harmless IMO.
Anyone with a three digit IQ recognizes these pathetic posters as nothing more than vacuous, inaccurate propaganda. People who would take them seriously are already Democrats, and will not have their opinions changed.

If you required that all advertising be truthful, ad revenues overall would dry up like a raisin.

Stupid, but harmless IMO.

Well...Mostly harmless. ;)

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