Ageism, Sexism & Racism


Shoog, clearly you enjoy eating meat. And not just your everyday steak or hamburger, you like to eat things like rabbit which is not everyday fare in the US.

Do you also eat offal? You know, like tripe and sweetbreads? How about ..... pink lung?
in all honesty I used to enjoy potted meat on butter crackers...

until I found a giant fucking pig eyelash in a can. I don't eat liver but gizzards are good. I enjoy white meat even though I come from a long line of people who can find meat and marrow on a piece of chicken no matter where it is hiding. It stems from having ancestors who were busy living off of the land during the depression. Basically, if it can't get away it's fair game.
That is really gross (the eyelash).

My folks were depression era, too. I've dressed up spam like a ham, with cloves and glaze and the whole enchilada. My parents liked it.

I went two years without eating beef when I was growing up. We lived on fish and venison, all poached. We raised chickens, ducks and goat for variety and to feed our animals (cats and dogs do well on goat milk, btw).
if you haven't wrung your own turkey's neck for thanksgiving then you ain't livin.
Or duck. We had dozens of ducks. I butchered a load of them, and I had never butchered anything before so I felt sorry for them, having their heads cut off so suddenly. I was worried they could still think and see after I detatched their heads so I took each head as soon as I chopped it, and placed it up on the chicken coop, so the poor thing would have a nice view as it faded from existence.

I forgot about them, and when my brother went to feed the chickens he was shocked, awed and dismayed by the row of 7 duckheads leering down at him.
Nothing wrong with being vegetarian, nor is it unhealthy. You need to be a bit more careful about getting protein and such, but as someone pointed out Hindus have been doing it for quite a while now, and they are doing fine.

Meat, btw, is a terribly terribly inefficient way of using resources. If we converted the grazing land in this country to farm land and just fed the world we wouldn't be close to hearing about a food crisis.
in all honesty I used to enjoy potted meat on butter crackers...

until I found a giant fucking pig eyelash in a can. I don't eat liver but gizzards are good. I enjoy white meat even though I come from a long line of people who can find meat and marrow on a piece of chicken no matter where it is hiding. It stems from having ancestors who were busy living off of the land during the depression. Basically, if it can't get away it's fair game.

I'm a little disappointed you didn't react to my question about cannibalism.
Nothing wrong with being vegetarian, nor is it unhealthy. You need to be a bit more careful about getting protein and such, but as someone pointed out Hindus have been doing it for quite a while now, and they are doing fine.

Meat, btw, is a terribly terribly inefficient way of using resources. If we converted the grazing land in this country to farm land and just fed the world we wouldn't be close to hearing about a food crisis.

Thanks for bring up those points.

As someone who is concerned about the environment, humane methods of raising and slaughtering animals and my own health and who tries to reconcile that with my cravings for a juicy steak now and then, I found this article encouraging:

Tastes Like Chicken
Growing meat without growing animals.
By William Saletan

"Two years ago, I proposed a compromise between carnivores and vegetarians: We couldn't change our craving for meat, but we could change the way we sated it. The solution was to grow meat in labs, the way we grow therapeutic tissue from stem cells.

Looks like I might get my wish. ......"

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