AGAIN! with yet ANOTHER bogus jobs report. ...

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
What the fuck.....Barely enough jobs created to keep up with population growth. Foodstamp recipients increasing. Nearly a million new unemployed added through amnesty. And those are just a few of the obvious reasons these reports appear bogus.

Green is a Obama-tron. Obama is a Demi God to people like Greenie, no matter how bad things actually are he finds some info telling us how great things are. More on welfare, more poor people, more money shifting into the rich's hands yet people like TM/Shaman/Chris/RW/Greenie find a way to blame it all on Bush and show how Obama saved us from things that never happened, like a depression... Must be great to get credit for saving people from shit that never happened repeatedly while simultaneously blaming everything that keeps getting worse on Bush.

I mean the left can still as of today complain about rising HC costs, a rising deficit and a massively growing military spending while in the same breath blaming Bush for all of it. They can also talk about education getting worse, HC getting worse, the economy getting worse due to “the rich,” poverty growing in America and how badly the country is divided and still tell you how great of a job Obama is doing.

These people are the Bush-bots on 5-8 years ago. These people are only important in that they help destroy a nation with their blind hate based on subject matters they don’t understand.

Obama managed to get UE to go down with 80k jobs created in some months… Never mind the fact that it’s impossible, but we’re all haters for talking about how it’s impossible and not accepting false information and “good news.”
But the unimployment numbers were accurate according to right wingers during the last administration.
LMFAO! @ partisan sheeple.
Ah, the bitterness of defeat.

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But the unimployment numbers were accurate according to right wingers during the last administration.
LMFAO! @ partisan sheeple.

Another off topic post just like greens.
And for the record it's not a conspiricy when the damn numbers don't add up. Simple math....

A. How many jobs does it take to keep up with population growth?
B. How many jobs were actually created?
C. Lie about the numbers results.
But the unimployment numbers were accurate according to right wingers during the last administration.
LMFAO! @ partisan sheeple.

Another off topic post just like greens.
And for the record it's not a conspiricy when the damn numbers don't add up. Simple math....

A. How many jobs does it take to keep up with population growth?
B. How many jobs were actually created?
C. Lie about the numbers results.

My position is you all deserve each other. UScitizen has a very valid point and so do you Gramps. But in the end US voted for Obama (as far as I know,) and Gramps voted for Romney (as far as I know..) That makes both of you useless partisan tools that never actually cared about things getting better seeing as their policies are virtually the same. Hell, just watch the presidential debates and how much they agree on whelp, everything. Mitt owned Obama in the first debate simply because no one expected him to agree with Obama’s policies so much. I love the part where Romney shifts is position on the #1 jobs killer in American “Obamacare,” from full repeal to keeping most of it with minor changes to make it Romneycare.
What's funny to me is that our elected offices resemble just what our citizens are. Our politicians care more about a good punch line at the end of an attack than balancing the budget because that's where most voters mind is. Look at people like Newt "the smartest guy on stage" who later was found to be one of the most stupid people in the state.

People don't care if Obamacare will make anything better, they cared about bragging that "Obama won" and Republicans are bitter losers as Greenbear in this very thread demonstrated... Sure, HC costs keep rising and companies are lowering hours and looking to fire employees while holding off on any growth due to the bill, bit it was never about Obamacare making HC affordable or better for them... thus the reflection I talked about.

Politicians are mean spirited people who have no sense of budget or morals because the American voter base does not have these things.
But the unimployment numbers were accurate according to right wingers during the last administration.
LMFAO! @ partisan sheeple.

Another off topic post just like greens.
And for the record it's not a conspiricy when the damn numbers don't add up. Simple math....

A. How many jobs does it take to keep up with population growth?
B. How many jobs were actually created?
C. Lie about the numbers results.

My position is you all deserve each other. UScitizen has a very valid point and so do you Gramps. But in the end US voted for Obama (as far as I know,) and Gramps voted for Romney (as far as I know..) That makes both of you useless partisan tools that never actually cared about things getting better seeing as their policies are virtually the same. Hell, just watch the presidential debates and how much they agree on whelp, everything. Mitt owned Obama in the first debate simply because no one expected him to agree with Obama’s policies so much. I love the part where Romney shifts is position on the #1 jobs killer in American “Obamacare,” from full repeal to keeping most of it with minor changes to make it Romneycare.

More off topic nonsense.

Does anyone on usmb not have a.d.d?
Find some ritilan
More people give up looking for work.....unemployment numbers look better by removing those thousands of people......

It's like a teacher throwing out Greenbeard's Fs and making his grade rise to D.
People don't care if Obamacare will make anything better, they cared about bragging that "Obama won" and Republicans are bitter losers as Greenbear in this very thread demonstrated... Sure, HC costs keep rising and companies are lowering hours and looking to fire employees while holding off on any growth due to the bill, bit it was never about Obamacare making HC affordable or better for them... thus the reflection I talked about.

Uninsurance rates are starting to come down, insurance premiums are growing only modestly on the whole (personally, mine are declining slightly next year), preventable hospital readmissions are starting to creep downward, early iterations of the kinds of health care reforms Obamacare encourages are showing the ability to reduce costs and improve care quality where they've been implemented, health care price growth remains remarkably low, and Medicare spending growth remains historically low.

Doom and gloom is fashionable. That doesn't make it insightful.
Shithead, if thousands of workers no longer get counted....that makes unemployment numbers get better.

You see simpleton, when the teacher throws out your test scores of 66, 52 and 33.....your grade average should've gone up unless you have all worse scores than that.....which is possible in your case.

repubs aren't good at math. :dunno: Everyone knows this.

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