After Walker wins tomorrow how long till other states follow his lead?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
And yes he may lose but I got you to click on the thread didn't I? Now be a good democrat and don't "flee" the thread. Don't flame. Just give me your honest opinion.
I,like all conservatives pray he wins 55/45,,,,that will spread right thru all rust belt states. that would cause an earthquake! Obama wouldnt know what state to campaign in without the crowd chanting "SOLLLLYNNNDRA !!"
I think there will be a move to get these recalls out of state constitutions... they are a waste of taxpayer money and elected officials time (again, more taxpayer dollars).

Elections have consequences.... deal with it people!
I think there will be a move to get these recalls out of state constitutions... they are a waste of taxpayer money and elected officials time (again, more taxpayer dollars).

Elections have consequences.... deal with it people!

As long as people can still impeach elected officials, I dont have a problem with that.
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I suspect that states run by the GOP may venture down this or a very similar road AFTER November. That way their proposals will have a chance to bare fruit before the next election cycle.

That is if Walker wins. If he loses I suspect most politicians will slip into self preservation mode and avoid hard choices all together.
I think there will be a move to get these recalls out of state constitutions... they are a waste of taxpayer money and elected officials time (again, more taxpayer dollars).

Elections have consequences.... deal with it people!

As long as people can still impeach elected officials, I dont have a problem with that.

Oh yeah... of course.

Never know what kind of jackball could get into office.
I'm voting for I doubt we'll get any action on public sector unions...but I think Jay has done a good job cutting spending, working across party lines to balance the budget, helping Joplin recover, and he let a few Gop measures slip thru, like the abortion restriction bills and the new comprehensive gun law.
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The one thing I know for sure is if Walker wins tomorrow the loons on this board will be off the charts it will be sedatives and straight jacket time.

Naw, they will just spin it. The only ones that are subject to needing medication, like Chris, won't show their faces.
I'm voting for I doubt we'll get any action on public sector unions...but I think Jay has done a good job cutting spending, working across party lines to balance the budget, helping Joplin recover, and he let a few Gop measures slip thru, like the abortion restriction bills and the new comprehensive gun law.

Have you seen what Clair is up too now? She is pretending to be outraged by theGSA scandal and taking a lead role in the investigation.
And yes he may lose but I got you to click on the thread didn't I? Now be a good democrat and don't "flee" the thread. Don't flame. Just give me your honest opinion.

None that are not already led by neanderthals; 900,000 citizens for recall is not something most if office desire to confront. Walker acts as though it is a civil war. He is as least distracted, but as he enjoys doing nothing but spitting on Americans, he has gained more reason for his vitriol. He sure has big money behind him, the wealthy take care of their POSSESSIONS.
And yes he may lose but I got you to click on the thread didn't I? Now be a good democrat and don't "flee" the thread. Don't flame. Just give me your honest opinion.

It could end up hurting a lot of middle class families. Long term damage could be substantial.

No doubt about it.

The world waits while the people of Wisconsin vote for either for their governor to make things right, or to let their state slide into the mire of being shoved around forever by out-of-control and power-starved unions who always want more-more-more.

I'm hoping they will take all things into consideration. It is their state.Their elected governor is constant in his integrity to clean up the fiscal mess left by his predecessors.

What a good guy he is. What a shame it would be to lose him.

For he asked for small cuts from everyone rather than throwing a percentage of teachers out of a job. I thought that had a kindly touch.
And yes he may lose but I got you to click on the thread didn't I? Now be a good democrat and don't "flee" the thread. Don't flame. Just give me your honest opinion.

None that are not already led by neanderthals; 900,000 citizens for recall is not something most if office desire to confront. Walker acts as though it is a civil war. He is as least distracted, but as he enjoys doing nothing but spitting on Americans, he has gained more reason for his vitriol. He sure has big money behind him, the wealthy take care of their POSSESSIONS.

You usually have sensible responses peach. I dunno what to make of that jumbled mess.
I'm voting for I doubt we'll get any action on public sector unions...but I think Jay has done a good job cutting spending, working across party lines to balance the budget, helping Joplin recover, and he let a few Gop measures slip thru, like the abortion restriction bills and the new comprehensive gun law.

Have you seen what Clair is up too now? She is pretending to be outraged by theGSA scandal and taking a lead role in the investigation.

Saw that...but it's too little too late.

She hitched her wagon to Obama and Obamacare...and the wheels are coming off.

She was done when Missouri passed the anti-mandate proposition C.

Did you watch the GOP Senator candidate debate last week?

I've been in Sarah Steelman's corner since she ran in the primary to be the GOP candidate for Governor in 2008...but John Brunner was pretty impressive.
I'm voting for I doubt we'll get any action on public sector unions...but I think Jay has done a good job cutting spending, working across party lines to balance the budget, helping Joplin recover, and he let a few Gop measures slip thru, like the abortion restriction bills and the new comprehensive gun law.

Have you seen what Clair is up too now? She is pretending to be outraged by theGSA scandal and taking a lead role in the investigation.

Saw that...but it's too little too late.

She hitched her wagon to Obama and Obamacare...and the wheels are coming off.

She was done when Missouri passed the anti-mandate proposition C.

Did you watch the GOP Senator candidate debate last week?

I've been in Sarah Steelman's corner since she ran in the primary to be the GOP candidate for Governor in 2008...but John Brunner was pretty impressive.

No, I missed it. Never even heard about it. Since 980 am got some stupid new personalities in the morning I don't stay as up to date. They can't keep a morning host.

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