After the last 11 years shouldn't libz and conz be embarrased

What kind of conz? You need to specify.

And please regale us with examples of how better you are. whatever you are.

To be a lib or a con you have to be a total hypocrite. You have to subscribe to the ideology and then when your dear leaders screw you then you have to tow the party line.

My beliefs don't change like the wind like libz and conz do depending on what their puppet masters and their media talking headz tell them to think. You're nothing but useful idiots. To believe in neither and nothing is better than lying to yourselves don't you think? :lol:

Or bring religion into politics. It's a fast way to ruin this nation thats based on Democracy.

This nation is a Republic and is based on Law, not Democracy.
The problem with our ideal of a representative republic is that all the two-party politicians have been paid off and are owned by the bankers and big multinational corps who pay for their outrageously huge "campaign war chests" without which an ordinary citizen could never hope to afford to run for a significant political office and win.

We've been sold out by the politicians who no longer represent us, rather they represent the people who pay them their graft and bribes.

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