African-Americans are so fed up with shitty, racist liberal cities that they are returning to Africa


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017
Democratic People's Republique de Californie
Why some African Americans are moving to Africa

Accra, Ghana - They have come from the big cities of San Francisco, Chicago, and New York. Thousands of them. And many refuse to return.

A new wave of African Americans is escaping the incessant racism and prejudice in the United States. From Senegal and Ghana to The Gambia, communities are emerging in defiance of conventional wisdom that Africa is a continent everyone is trying to leave.

It is estimated that between 3,000 and 5,000 African Americans live in Accra, the Ghanaian capital. They are teachers in small towns in the west or entrepreneurs in the capital and say they that even though living in Ghana is not always easy, they feel free and safe.

Take Muhammida el-Muhajir, a digital marketer from New York City, who left her job to move to Accra.

She says she moved, because despite her education and experience, she was always made to feel like a second-class citizen. Moving was an opportunity to fulfil her potential and avoid being targeted by racial violence.

She told Al Jazeera her story:

On life as a second-class citizen in the US...

"I grew up in Philadelphia and then New York. I went to Howard, which is a historically black university. I tell people that Ghana is like Howard in real life. It felt like a microcosm of the world. At university, they tell us the world isn't black, but there are places where this is the real world. Howard prepares you for a world where black people are in charge, which is a completely different experience compared to people who have gone to predominantly white universities."...

I support anyone who hate this great country leaving America.
Many blacks left America in the 1800s and formed the nation of Liberia in Africa.
Many blacks left America in the 1800s and formed the nation of Liberia in Africa.
-------------------------------------------- and maybe these Black Americans will go to Africa and Liberia use their brains and things they know and fix both up .
and seems to me that this maybe an OPPORTUNITY . Not many left anymore in the undeveloped world . They go back and Colonize Africa using their learned skills and education and hopefully Westernizing Africa to some degree .
Well there you have it. Maybe if Trump continues his dog whistling they'll all self-deport!
The dog whistling is coming from the demonrat party every day. Blacks are better off under this President than Obama, for sure. Blacks are leaving the demonrat party in droves. That's why black leftist politicians are having such a meltdown.
Well there you have it. Maybe if Trump continues his dog whistling they'll all self-deport!

considering only the brainwashed who liked obama cause he was black like them and could do no wrong for it that a great portion of blacks are supporters of Trump unlike Obozo,maybe they will stop leaving finally since he unlike obozo,is doing things for them.LOL
They will be much happier without all the high standards of White people
I come from an all-black island and we've always liked white people.
Maybe that's why. :p
I get the impression that most African nations have a favorable impression of whites, but the governments like to demonize us as their primary excuse for why they are fucking up their own countries so badly.

But if you look at the purchase parity stats, Africa is not all that bad.

The USA is 13th at $57k/person
Gabon is 67th at $19k/person
Botswana is 76th at $17k/person
Algeria comes in at 87th for $15k/person
Lybia in at 80th for $14k/person
South Africa 94th at $13k/person
Egypt at 98th with $12k/person

Considering that the entire continent was largely undeveloped in 1900 they have come quite far, IMO.
I come from an all-black island and we've always liked white people.
Maybe that's why. :p
I get the impression that most African nations have a favorable impression of whites, but the governments like to demonize us as their primary excuse for why they are fucking up their own countries so badly.

But if you look at the purchase parity stats, Africa is not all that bad.

The USA is 13th at $57k/person
Gabon is 67th at $19k/person
Botswana is 76th at $17k/person
Algeria comes in at 87th for $15k/person
Lybia in at 80th for $14k/person
South Africa 94th at $13k/person
Egypt at 98th with $12k/person

Considering that the entire continent was largely undeveloped in 1900 they have come quite far, IMO.
It was developed by the dreaded colonialists. Roads, trains, electricity, running water. White people are polite and mean money to the locals. There is every reason to like them.
5000 is a tiny drop in the bucket.

Let us know when 5 or 10 million have moved to Africa, then we can crack open a beer, or tap a keg.
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