Afghanistan casualties


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
It's Buuuuuuuush's fault.

Obamination gets a pass with our idiotic training mission spinning its wheels in the craphole called Afghanistan.

The media understnds they need to keep pushing the bullshit for Obamination allowing him to brag about "personally" killing UBL when Afghanistan is going backwards. They understand he would have NOTHING to brag about if they put a light on his mistakes in Afghanistan.

Economy - Fail
National Debt - Fail
Afghanistan - Fail
But if Mitt gets in the white house people like Zerky here will be in 100% of more war in Afghanistan. Funny how Paul gets booed for talking about pulling the troops out and now most people want to end that useless war.
Oh look, a kook crawls out of its hole.

Romney being intelligent like me will change our mission in Afghanistan to a smaller more lethal force while bringing back the majority of our troops. Stop the training mission and just keep a smaller "kill" force there to take out the Taliban.

That drawdown will save money while not helping the Taliban take back the country.

As for Ron Paul, that kook thinks we should leave Asia, Europe, etc not just Afghanistan. He is a dumbfuck, just like you....but smarter since he got "paid well" by dumbfucks like you.

But if Mitt gets in the white house people like Zerky here will be in 100% of more war in Afghanistan. Funny how Paul gets booed for talking about pulling the troops out and now most people want to end that useless war.
US Troop Deaths in Afghanistan Under Obama Surpass 1,000: Two-Thirds of US Casualties in War |

Obama has been commander-in-chief for 1/3 of the time we've been in Afghanistand. During that time we've had 2/3 of the troop casualties during that war. Yet the media is completely silent about it.

Isnt it about time we got out of afghanistan? We took out Bin Laden. If the Afghanis arent ready to defend themselves by now, i dont think they ever will.

The plan is for 2014. At least we have a date and we can be fairly certain that it will be stuck to considering we are now out of Iraq. You can spot a hack from either side by their unwillingness to ever give credit to the other side for anything.

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