Affirmative Action a White Thing Before a Black Thing.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Affirmative Action a White Thing Before a Black Thing.

Affirmative Action was a White thing long before it was a Black and minority thing. Government assistance and programs and education, benefits in the work place was available only to Whites. Affirmative Action for Whites is what led to Affirmation Action for minorities. Discrimination led to Affirmative Action. There were never welfare act designed especially for minorities to give then a hand ups but it was available to Whites. Affirmative action keep upper class out of the military and put minorities on the front lines. Especially in the Vietnam war. “Vietnam Reader.“ Affirmative Action let Whites into the Air Force and Navy and put minorities in the army. Romney’s grand father returning here from Mexico with his wives and children were recipients of a Affirmative Action welfare act designed especially for them and other returning Mormons with their wives and children.
Affirmative Action was designed to help Whites in welfare, education and in the work force long before it helped minorities. And it led to Affirmative Action for minorities because the system was not an equal opportunity for all.

Obama/Biden got to get down and dirty where Romney/Ryan is.

Affirmative Action a White Thing Before a Black Thing.

Affirmative Action was a White thing long before it was a Black and minority thing. Government assistance and programs and education, benefits in the work place was available only to Whites. Affirmative Action for Whites is what led to Affirmation Action for minorities. Discrimination led to Affirmative Action. There were never welfare act designed especially for minorities to give then a hand ups but it was available to Whites. Affirmative action keep upper class out of the military and put minorities on the front lines. Especially in the Vietnam war. “Vietnam Reader.“ Affirmative Action let Whites into the Air Force and Navy and put minorities in the army. Romney’s grand father returning here from Mexico with his wives and children were recipients of a Affirmative Action welfare act designed especially for them and other returning Mormons with their wives and children.
Affirmative Action was designed to help Whites in welfare, education and in the work force long before it helped minorities. And it led to Affirmative Action for minorities because the system was not an equal opportunity for all.

Obama/Biden got to get down and dirty where Romney/Ryan is.

You're too stupid to bother arguing with.
I'm sorry

I must be honest. Be lucky we thought up human freedom and the concept of equal under the law.

LilOlLady thinks working hard and being smart is the equivalent of getting privileges from the government based purely on your race.
Granny says blacks have had almost 3 generations of classes to get their act together - if they haven't by now, when will they ever?
Texas affirmative action plan in trouble at court
11 Oct.`12 WASHINGTON (AP) — The fate of the University of Texas' affirmative action program rests with the Supreme Court, where skeptical conservative justices indicated they are ready to impose new limits on the use of race in college admissions.
Liberal justices more supportive of affirmative action worried variously at Wednesday's argument that the court would either eviscerate its 9-year-old ruling upholding the use of race or enmesh federal judges around the country in evaluating college admissions programs. Depending on how broadly the court rules, the decision could affect not only public colleges but most private ones as well. That's because federal civil rights law prevents discrimination by institutions that receive federal money.

"A decision condemning Texas' admissions procedures might well be taken, depending on how it was written, to confound and restrict (our) effort to assemble diverse student bodies," 37 small private colleges in 12 states told the court in a written submission. More than five dozen private schools, including the eight Ivy League colleges, chimed in to support the Texas plan. The court heard arguments in a challenge to the program from a white Texan who contends she was discriminated against when the university did not offer her a spot in 2008.

Abigail Fisher, 22, the rejected student who sued, was among the hundreds of spectators at the arguments. Also in attendance was retired Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, who wrote the majority opinion in a 2003 case, Grutter v. Bollinger, that upheld the use of race in college admissions. Changes in the court's makeup since then, especially O'Connor's departure, could affect the outcome of the Texas case. Justice Samuel Alito, O'Connor's successor, has voted consistently against racial preferences since he joined the court in 2006 and appears likely to side with Fisher.

Among the liberal justices who looked more favorably on the Texas admissions system was Justice Sonia Sotomayor. She told Bert Rein, Fisher's Washington-based lawyer: "So you don't want to overrule Grutter, you just want to gut it." Justice Stephen Breyer, a part of the majority in 2003, said he feared the court would put federal judges in charge of "dictating the policy of admission of all these universities." Texas says the program is necessary to provide the kind of diverse educational experience the high court previously has endorsed. Along with race, the university considers community service, work experience, extracurricular activities, awards and other factors as it seeks to fill out its incoming classes. The bulk of its slots go to students who are admitted based on their high school class rank, without regard to race.

"The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race." - United States Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts

Affirmative action IS discrimination!

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