Advise for Blacks and Meso's from a white.


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Here is some Advise for you Blacks and Meso's from a white. Let me tell you why most of your nations are POOR and Corrupt as all hell.

-You don't hold your leadership for the wrongs they do. Low standards and a fat cat leadership is a'ok to you! You think because he's black=ok with you no matter what. What idiocy...Whites can't do this without getting our grill cooked. Why not think?

-YOU DON"T think through things. Always it's about YOU and not for your nation. You don't think ahead or how you will better your position in this world. You're the typical oh poor me. Just like this election when you're thinking about free shit at a time when we're deep in fucking debt. Do you think, hell no. I feel sorry for you. :(

-You don't work hard to better your own countries. You don't give a damn about bettering your nations or communities. I live in a shit hole in shit! Living in the ghetto is your choice. Go's back to the statement above. Why not sweep the floor and open up a business?

How about opening up a book and reading to your children??? Why accept being poor and blaming whites for your problems???

What makes whites better is the simple fact that we think through things. We can take an idea and say does this work? If it does then we adopt it and if not then we throw it out(normally).

Blacks within Africa or Detroit for that matter accepts failure. Why not think and improve your own position in this world??? I understand that you believe you're the victim, but since we need you now, you really need to wake the fuck up. :eusa_silenced: If you vote to destroy our wealth and collapse our economy...We all fucking hurt because of it. The entire fucking world will hurt more! Do you want this?

Wake the fuck up black man
Wake the fuck up Meso
Wake the fuck up all you non-whites

I keep hearing how equal you're. Prove it. Time to come over to reality and accept that we must build this world into a better place for all of our children. Please don't hate white people as many of our idea's are good for you.

Let's become a better society of knowledge and betterment!
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Your words fell on deaf ears bro. But I know what your saying. And to be honest it will never happen.
Non-whites please don't make this country a third world country. I want it to be a great country for us all.

Why the hell would you do that to what works?

it takes a certain amount of intelligence to think things through to a conclusion, to have a future time orientation.

whites teach their children not to litter, not to lie, not to steal, not to murder and the importance of helping others, improving their neighbourhoods, supporting their families, not just because it is the right thing to do but because it helps everyone in the end.

I have no doubt that many minorities also try to teach their children these things but it seems that the pay off from cheating society for immediate gains overwhelms the known payoff for everybody by obeying laws and improving things around you.
Non-whites please don't make this country a third world country. I want it to be a great country for us all.

Why the hell would you do that to what works?

it takes a certain amount of intelligence to think things through to a conclusion, to have a future time orientation.

whites teach their children not to litter, not to lie, not to steal, not to murder and the importance of helping others, improving their neighbourhoods, supporting their families, not just because it is the right thing to do but because it helps everyone in the end.

I have no doubt that many minorities also try to teach their children these things but it seems that the pay off from cheating society for immediate gains overwhelms the known payoff for everybody by obeying laws and improving things around you.

Awwww that's so sweet and in addition to that you make sure they know who the "*******" are too right?

fuck off
Non-whites please don't make this country a third world country. I want it to be a great country for us all.

Why the hell would you do that to what works?

Funny, you evil pricks didn't feel this way when you slaughtered thousands upon thousands of Blacks, Native Americans and Mexicans when you invaded this country called America now did you?
Non-whites please don't make this country a third world country. I want it to be a great country for us all.

Why the hell would you do that to what works?

Funny, you evil pricks didn't feel this way when you slaughtered thousands upon thousands of Blacks, Native Americans and Mexicans when you invaded this country called America now did you?

it is useless to judge historical actions by today's standards. the only obvious thing is that whites were clearly better at waging war and seeing the potential of foriegn parts of the world than were the inhabitants of those areas.

it was whites who invented the idea of human rights, btw. most of the non-white world still has incredibly barbaric ideas about how to treat women and outsiders.
Non-whites please don't make this country a third world country. I want it to be a great country for us all.

Why the hell would you do that to what works?

it takes a certain amount of intelligence to think things through to a conclusion, to have a future time orientation.

whites teach their children not to litter, not to lie, not to steal, not to murder and the importance of helping others, improving their neighbourhoods, supporting their families, not just because it is the right thing to do but because it helps everyone in the end.

I have no doubt that many minorities also try to teach their children these things but it seems that the pay off from cheating society for immediate gains overwhelms the known payoff for everybody by obeying laws and improving things around you.

Awwww that's so sweet and in addition to that you make sure they know who the "*******" are too right?

fuck off

if 10% of whites are '*******' and 40% of blacks and browns are '*******' and only 5% of yellows are '*******', then I think you would have to be pretty stupid not to notice the difference.
Non-whites please don't make this country a third world country. I want it to be a great country for us all.

Why the hell would you do that to what works?

Funny, you evil pricks didn't feel this way when you slaughtered thousands upon thousands of Blacks, Native Americans and Mexicans when you invaded this country called America now did you?

it is useless to judge historical actions by today's standards. the only obvious thing is that whites were clearly better at waging war and seeing the potential of foriegn parts of the world than were the inhabitants of those areas.

it was whites who invented the idea of human rights, btw. most of the non-white world still has incredibly barbaric ideas about how to treat women and outsiders.

Yeah, It's called having a Selective Memory. FAIL.
ROTFLOL..."Your Nations"?? "Your Countries"??
MY Nation and MY country is that of the United States of America...I was born and raised here. My parents were born and raised here. My grandparents were born and raised here. My great grandparents were born and raised here. And as with ALL who immigrated here from all over the worldto have a better life and freedom, came my great great grandparents from Mexico.
lmao dude...I have NEVER placed blame on any whites for anything in my entire 38 years of life on this planet...if I fuck up or happen to be down on my luck, I take full responsibility. Period.
I have worked since I was 17 years father worked his ass off and placed himself in danger to help serve his community, which included all persons; black, asian, latino.........white.
Growing up, we hardly needed assistance of any kind and when we did, it was for a brief time only.

So, you can take your hateful post lumping ALL together as if we are POS and shove it deep into that ass of yours.

MY nation and MY country is right here where I belong.
Non-whites please don't make this country a third world country. I want it to be a great country for us all.

Why the hell would you do that to what works?

Funny, you evil pricks didn't feel this way when you slaughtered thousands upon thousands of Blacks, Native Americans and Mexicans when you invaded this country called America now did you?

we evil pricks were not alive asshole
Let's keep the US of A a first world super power then!

Let's be smart and treat each other with respect under the law.

As in ALL.

I thought we had that right now? What do you mean by that.

Do you want us to be happy that our communities are becoming places of violence?
Do you want us to stop arresting them as we do whites?
Do you want us to stop having a opinion within a so called free land?
The lack of economic opportunities among those from a poor background is not a racial issue and America's social mobility has been undermined for decades as socioeconomic inequality has actually increased and the US now has less social mobility than more other wealthy nations and just 8% of American men at the bottom rose to the top fifth compared with 12% of the British and 14% of the Danes and about 62% of Americans raised in the top fifth of incomes stay in the top two-fifths because the US has been preoccupied with addressing racial and gender equality rather than economic equality since the civil rights era and people who were born worse off tend to have fewer opportunities in life.

Kenworthy, Lane. "It's Hard to Make It in America." Foreign Affairs. 25 Oct. 2012.
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Welcome to the browning of America. Does this really surprise you? :dunno:

Consider the ratio of faces darker than khaki to white faces on this wet rock called Earth.

Consider the drive and expenditure of resources throughout history by those of all colors to keep their human competition held down and in check.

Does it really surprise anyone that magnets like economic freedom and civil rights laws attracted a proportional number of brown faces over the last 150 years?

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