Advertisers Drop Glenn Beck


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
Looks like Glenn Beck might be forced to dial back his right-wing psycho clown routine. The Color of Change, which ran a petition last week urging corporate sponsors to drop Beck, has just announced that three companies have agreed to stop advertising on Beck's Fox show.

Three companies who run ads during Glenn Beck -- NexisLexis-owned, Proctor & Gamble and Progressive Insurance -- today distanced themselves from Beck. LexisNexis has pulled its advertising from Beck and says it has no plans to advertise on the program in the future. Both Proctor & Gamble and Progressive Insurance called the Beck advertising placements an error that they would correct.

Two of the companies seem pretty embarrassed about it. According to the Color of Change press release, Lexis Nexis and Proctor and Gamble claim their ads appeared on Beck's show by mistake:

"Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention," said John Michaels, Senior Communications Manager at LexisNexis in an email to "We have suspended further advertising during Mr. Beck's program."

"We have no plans to continue advertising on Mr. Beck's show," Michaels continued in another email.

When executives at Procter & Gamble were contacted by, they said that any ads run during Glenn Beck were run by mistake, and that they would correct the problem going forward.

"No P&G ads should have appeared on this program in the first place," said Martha Depenbrock, Brand Building Stakeholder Relations for Procter & Gamble in an email. "To be clear, if any of our advertising appeared on the Glenn Beck show, it was in error and we appreciate you bringing this matter to our attention. We will do what we can to see that it doesn't happen again."

Progressive Insurance said any ads running during Glenn Beck were a mistake by Fox News Channel -- a mistake they have asked the network to fix immediately.

"Our (advertising) order specifies no Glenn Beck," said Linda J. Harris, Media Director at Progressive Insurance in an email to "We have confirmed with the network that our spots should not be running there," Harris said in a later email.

Advertisers Drop Glenn Beck | PEEK | AlterNet
I wonder if they even considered the fact that these companies are just unable to afford it? Advertising during "American False Gods" is much more profitable, so to save money they cut the ads on the less popular times. That's just smart capitalism.
Do you have anything other than ultra leftwing, anti-conservative, and/or George Soros funded sites who will verify this? I can't find anything other than the same story repeated almost verbatim on extreme leftwing sites. Beck has phenomenal ratings, and I am having a difficult time thinking that these companies would have pulled advertising based on one Beck 'extremist' remark since vertually every other media source has also made the same remark at some time or another.
I was just reading an article about ad revenue dropping for talk radio in general, can't remember where it was.
Profits are falling for most companies and advertising is one of the categories that faces cuts. Be it Radio or TV. But don't get yer hopes up Libs, Conservative radio still stomps Liberal radio in the ratings wars.

I like Glenn Becks' radio show but I usually turn off his TV show. Been watching The Dave Ramsey (personal finance) show a lot lately.
Glenn Beck has gone too far with this latest slam. He's shown himself to be very ignorant and downright psychotic at times. He's become a liability to the Republican party.

He's a Rush wannabe just like Michelle Malkin is an Ann Coulter wannabe. Neither of them quite live up to the originals.

Republican hate has been taken about as far as it will go in terms of strategy. It's an old and tired method of bringing the base back to the flock. Getting back to basics. :cuckoo:
I like the Glenn Beck Show on the Fox Network and I watch it very often. Not every day but almost. I think Glenn Beck's humor is sometimes a bit overdone but I do think he's funny. I think what he has to say is important and has a lot of truth to it. It must be striking a nerve someplace because if it wasn't nobody would be posting things like you did. Lots of people have a hard time accepting the truth - especially if they are brain-washed liberal sheep. Even if what you say is true about those companies dropping their ads on his show, so what? Because of the economy lots of ad campaigns are changing. If they dropped it because they don't care for his particular comments, so what about that too? I'm sure it won't hurt Glenn Beck's rating in anyway. What it might do though is cause a loss of sales to these particular companies. If these companies are so vocal about not liking Glenn Beck, well maybe the people who watch his show and use their products might decide to spend their dollars elsewhere so who is really hurting who?
I don't know much about Glen Beck, so perhaps one of you can enlighten me. Glen Beck is a Republican? I thought he claimed to be a Libertarian or Conservative depending on which day of the week it is.
I don't know much about Glen Beck, so perhaps one of you can enlighten me. Glen Beck is a Republican? I thought he claimed to be a Libertarian or Conservative depending on which day of the week it is.

I watch his show every day...and he IS a conservative. he has said he does not associate himself directly with republicans or democrats. He'll bash either side if they deserve's just that he has so much more to bash the dems for that it looks like he's a republican.
I don't know much about Glen Beck, so perhaps one of you can enlighten me. Glen Beck is a Republican? I thought he claimed to be a Libertarian or Conservative depending on which day of the week it is.

Beck is non-partisan and very issue oriented. I don't agree with his take or spin on some things and disagree with him on some things, but I think he is unabashedly honest in his views and tells it like he believes it is. He is far more libertarian than most in his position, and he praises or bashes Republicans and Democrats alike when he feels they are serving their own interests and not those they represent or the country.

And I think the more successful some of these people like Beck are, the sillier, more frantic, more ridiculous, and more hateful the extreme leftwingers get. :razz:
So he lost one advertiser. Whoopee. The other two shouldn't have run in his program to begin with, so you can't count them as a loss.

I get all kinds of buys from agencies that I have to put into our on-air system here at work About 1/4 of them say that they are not to air in any controversial programming. This isn't a loss to the program.

The one advertiser he did actually lose will be replaced by 2 or 3 others because he's making headlines, which means people are watching his show.

You people really don't know how to counter these blowhards on TV and radio, doya?
So he lost one advertiser. Whoopee. The other two shouldn't have run in his program to begin with, so you can't count them as a loss.

I get all kinds of buys from agencies that I have to put into our on-air system here at work About 1/4 of them say that they are not to air in any controversial programming. This isn't a loss to the program.

The one advertiser he did actually lose will be replaced by 2 or 3 others because he's making headlines, which means people are watching his show.

You people really don't know how to counter these blowhards on TV and radio, doya?

He lost three advertisers including Proctor and Gamble and Progressive Insurance.

And this is just the beginning....
So he lost one advertiser. Whoopee. The other two shouldn't have run in his program to begin with, so you can't count them as a loss.

I get all kinds of buys from agencies that I have to put into our on-air system here at work About 1/4 of them say that they are not to air in any controversial programming. This isn't a loss to the program.

The one advertiser he did actually lose will be replaced by 2 or 3 others because he's making headlines, which means people are watching his show.

You people really don't know how to counter these blowhards on TV and radio, doya?

He lost three advertisers including Proctor and Gamble and Progressive Insurance.

And this is just the beginning....

No, he didn't. Read the story again. Fox placed the spots in the wrong time slot against the advertisers wishes. The advertisers didn't even know that they were advertising on Beck's show.

He lost one. And since, actually, HE doesn't gain monetarily from the advertisements it doesn't really matter. I would bet that the one who pulled from Beck's show still advertises on Fox, just in different dayparts. So Fox didn't lose anything, just shuffled things around.

Net result? Nothing.
So he lost one advertiser. Whoopee. The other two shouldn't have run in his program to begin with, so you can't count them as a loss.

I get all kinds of buys from agencies that I have to put into our on-air system here at work About 1/4 of them say that they are not to air in any controversial programming. This isn't a loss to the program.

The one advertiser he did actually lose will be replaced by 2 or 3 others because he's making headlines, which means people are watching his show.

You people really don't know how to counter these blowhards on TV and radio, doya?

He lost three advertisers including Proctor and Gamble and Progressive Insurance.

And this is just the beginning....

No, he didn't. Read the story again. Fox placed the spots in the wrong time slot against the advertisers wishes. The advertisers didn't even know that they were advertising on Beck's show.

He lost one. And since, actually, HE doesn't gain monetarily from the advertisements it doesn't really matter. I would bet that the one who pulled from Beck's show still advertises on Fox, just in different dayparts. So Fox didn't lose anything, just shuffled things around.

Net result? Nothing.

Thanks for proving my point.

Fox placed the ads. Attention was drawn to them. Now, no more ads.
So he lost one advertiser. Whoopee. The other two shouldn't have run in his program to begin with, so you can't count them as a loss.

I get all kinds of buys from agencies that I have to put into our on-air system here at work About 1/4 of them say that they are not to air in any controversial programming. This isn't a loss to the program.

The one advertiser he did actually lose will be replaced by 2 or 3 others because he's making headlines, which means people are watching his show.

You people really don't know how to counter these blowhards on TV and radio, doya?

See? that's where the liar is caught in the headlights. Fox isn't dumb enough to run commercials for free for two companies,, it just doesn't happen that way.. Fox is out for profit and TV advertising is worth big big bucks so it's inconceivable that two "mistakes" were made.
He lost three advertisers including Proctor and Gamble and Progressive Insurance.

And this is just the beginning....

No, he didn't. Read the story again. Fox placed the spots in the wrong time slot against the advertisers wishes. The advertisers didn't even know that they were advertising on Beck's show.

He lost one. And since, actually, HE doesn't gain monetarily from the advertisements it doesn't really matter. I would bet that the one who pulled from Beck's show still advertises on Fox, just in different dayparts. So Fox didn't lose anything, just shuffled things around.

Net result? Nothing.

Thanks for proving my point.

Fox placed the ads. Attention was drawn to them. Now, no more ads.

You completely missed the point. Unsurprisingly I might add.

The advertiser didn't pull from Fox. Which gives a net result of nothing.
So he lost one advertiser. Whoopee. The other two shouldn't have run in his program to begin with, so you can't count them as a loss.

I get all kinds of buys from agencies that I have to put into our on-air system here at work About 1/4 of them say that they are not to air in any controversial programming. This isn't a loss to the program.

The one advertiser he did actually lose will be replaced by 2 or 3 others because he's making headlines, which means people are watching his show.

You people really don't know how to counter these blowhards on TV and radio, doya?

See? that's where the liar is caught in the headlights. Fox isn't dumb enough to run commercials for free for two companies,, it just doesn't happen that way.. Fox is out for profit and TV advertising is worth big big bucks so it's inconceivable that two "mistakes" were made.

Oh, I don't doubt that Fox made a mistake, and Fox didn't run the ads for free either.

Here's how it works Advertiser gives a spot to the network with the instructions "Must air between 6a and 12a, except in controversial programming such as _____". Fox aired the spots in the timeframe requested, but they messed up and placed it within the controversial programming.

Happens all the time. I'm putting in spots now at work, and while I don't control the scheduling of them, I could easily see how one or two could could get the scheduling messed up and air outside of the required daypart.
Oh, I don't doubt that Fox made a mistake, and Fox didn't run the ads for free either.

Here's how it works Advertiser gives a spot to the network with the instructions "Must air between 6a and 12a, except in controversial programming such as _____". Fox aired the spots in the timeframe requested, but they messed up and placed it within the controversial programming.

Happens all the time. I'm putting in spots now at work, and while I don't control the scheduling of them, I could easily see how one or two could could get the scheduling messed up and air outside of the required daypart.

Good assessment, and when you have ratings as impressive as Fox News, you have a lot more advertisers to plug into available time slots and there is more room for error. I'm sure that advertisers also request their ads be removed from other shows too where they might get 'buried' or less noticed. Some of these might be asking if there are any slots available on O'Reilly or Beck or Hannity or any of the shows with the top ratings and an audience with the demographics wanted.

Back when I was still working with that stuff, it wasn't controversy that was so much the issue--we didn't HAVE all that much controversy back then actually--but it was the specific demographics that watched this show or that program that was the target group. And yeah, sometimes we missed the mark when placing ads and we would hear about it from the customer.
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Glenn Beck has gone too far with this latest slam. He's shown himself to be very ignorant and downright psychotic at times. He's become a liability to the Republican party.

He's a Rush wannabe just like Michelle Malkin is an Ann Coulter wannabe. Neither of them quite live up to the originals.

Republican hate has been taken about as far as it will go in terms of strategy. It's an old and tired method of bringing the base back to the flock. Getting back to basics. :cuckoo:

Really/ can you please detail the nature of the hate? And how Beck is involved?
Glenn Beck has gone too far with this latest slam. He's shown himself to be very ignorant and downright psychotic at times. He's become a liability to the Republican party.

He's a Rush wannabe just like Michelle Malkin is an Ann Coulter wannabe. Neither of them quite live up to the originals.

Republican hate has been taken about as far as it will go in terms of strategy. It's an old and tired method of bringing the base back to the flock. Getting back to basics. :cuckoo:

Really/ can you please detail the nature of the hate? And how Beck is involved?
Well this may be another case of left wing talking points going as far as they will go.

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