Admit it Liberals, your leadership hates the Middle Class.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
In Liberal minds, rent free.
The GOP controlled House sent the senate not one, not two, but 27 Bipartisan jobs bills. All of them are sitting in the Democrat controlled Senate being ignored.

The Democrat Party would rather save obama's job than provide jobs for the middle class. They are afraid that if the GOP controlled House gets a jobs bill passed then the GOP can prove that they have the real plan and obama will be at a disadvantage. The Democrats don't care about the Middle Class at all.

Time for you Liberals and rdean to admit it.
It has always been a goal of the left to destroy the middle class. Why? Because people who are free, and prosperous, will never opt for Communism.

Vladimir Lenin laid out the basic plan: "The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation." It was easy to turn the peasants against the haute bourgeoisie, the Uber wealthy, by appealing to man's base nature: envy ("Look at what they have, Comrades, while you have nothing!"), greed ("We should take what they have, and give it to you!"), and sloth ("You work too hard already, Comrade!") It was much more difficult to turn the peasants against the middle class. After all, the middle class, the petite bourgeoisie, unlike the haute bourgeoisie, lived and worked amongst and alongside the lower classes. They were friends and neighbors. They went to the same church. They shopped at the same stores. Their children went to school, and played together. Sure, maybe their house (or apartment!) was a little nicer, but it was still a house - not a palace, not a mansion, not an estate. The middle class served as an example, and an inspiration to the lower classes - this is what you can achieve, if you apply yourself. And, even if it's too late for you to achieve their position, your children can achieve it.

So, the middle class had to go.
It has always been a goal of the left to destroy the middle class. Why? Because people who are free, and prosperous, will never opt for Communism.

Vladimir Lenin laid out the basic plan: "The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation." It was easy to turn the peasants against the haute bourgeoisie, the Uber wealthy, by appealing to man's base nature: envy ("Look at what they have, Comrades, while you have nothing!"), greed ("We should take what they have, and give it to you!"), and sloth ("You work too hard already, Comrade!") It was much more difficult to turn the peasants against the middle class. After all, the middle class, the petite bourgeoisie, unlike the haute bourgeoisie, lived and worked amongst and alongside the lower classes. They were friends and neighbors. They went to the same church. They shopped at the same stores. Their children went to school, and played together. Sure, maybe their house (or apartment!) was a little nicer, but it was still a house - not a palace, not a mansion, not an estate. The middle class served as an example, and an inspiration to the lower classes - this is what you can achieve, if you apply yourself. And, even if it's too late for you to achieve their position, your children can achieve it.

So, the middle class had to go.

Exactally, And it comes mainly from the French Revolution where the middle class is Bourgosie, which liberals toss at us now adays as a slap, since most people arent familiar with it. Leftists HATE the middle class, because we wont jump on board the commie train, it really irritates them.
Dear fucking con idiots.

Your party gets its money from the wealthy.

the dems get way more individual donations.

Follow the money you lying sacks of pig shit
Dear fucking con idiots.

Your party gets its money from the wealthy.

the dems get way more individual donations.

Follow the money you lying sacks of pig shit

Yeah that's why Obama's fundraising is lagging and he's hitting up every Hollywood celebrity, Do you ever question ANYTHING, or do you just find talking points easier?

Jon Stewart Mocks Obama’s Fundraising Efforts for the 2012 Presidential Campaign, Before Helping Him ‘Monetize’ His Numbers | Video |

I mean John Stewart is no right wing hack and he's an Obama supporter.
12 fucking %.

that is how much of Robmoneys donations come from individual doners.

44% is the Obama number
You all hated Robmoney jsut a few months ago.

we told you would get him and like it.

you screamed that that was a lie.

Here we all are.

that 12% bought your idiot fucking vote
12% of Robmoneys money comes from regular joe donations.

You have a bought candidate
It has always been a goal of the left to destroy the middle class. Why? Because people who are free, and prosperous, will never opt for Communism.

Vladimir Lenin laid out the basic plan: "The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation." It was easy to turn the peasants against the haute bourgeoisie, the Uber wealthy, by appealing to man's base nature: envy ("Look at what they have, Comrades, while you have nothing!"), greed ("We should take what they have, and give it to you!"), and sloth ("You work too hard already, Comrade!") It was much more difficult to turn the peasants against the middle class. After all, the middle class, the petite bourgeoisie, unlike the haute bourgeoisie, lived and worked amongst and alongside the lower classes. They were friends and neighbors. They went to the same church. They shopped at the same stores. Their children went to school, and played together. Sure, maybe their house (or apartment!) was a little nicer, but it was still a house - not a palace, not a mansion, not an estate. The middle class served as an example, and an inspiration to the lower classes - this is what you can achieve, if you apply yourself. And, even if it's too late for you to achieve their position, your children can achieve it.

So, the middle class had to go.

Obama is not communist, epic fail, try again.
Dear fucking con idiots.

Your party gets its money from the wealthy.

the dems get way more individual donations.

Follow the money you lying sacks of pig shit
Oh how soon you forget George Clooneys dinner, Or how about Sarah Jessica Parker party or the million dollars Bill Maher gave, And you really cant forget George Soros and all his other companies he funnels money into , the UNIONS .. I could go on .
but you are not worth it to me
Do you know you people support the candidate of the wealthy?

your robmoney is not appealing to the middle class you disgruntled brained cons
Dear fucking con idiots.

Your party gets its money from the wealthy.

the dems get way more individual donations.

Follow the money you lying sacks of pig shit
Oh how soon you forget George Clooneys dinner, Or how about Sarah Jessica Parker party or the million dollars Bill Maher gave, And you really cant forget George Soros and all his other companies he funnels money into , the UNIONS .. I could go on .
but you are not worth it to me

You dont understand the world of percentage do you?

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