Activists enter Israeli buffer zone north of Gaza

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009

GAZA, (PIC)-- Dozens of Palestinians and foreign supporters rallied Tuesday to protest the security buffer zone Israel has enforced north of the Gaza Strip.

Marchers, organized by a local resistance initiative, were joined by foreign members of the International Solidarity Movement as they set out from northern Beit Hanoun and headed for the Erez border crossing in northern Gaza Strip.

They raised Palestinian flags and chanted as they managed to step foot on farmlands the access of which has been prohibited to Palestinians by the Israeli occupation.

Activists posted a Palestinian flag on a sand dune across from an Israeli military tower raised above the separation barrier.

“Three years after the buffer zone decision, farmers still live in very harsh conditions as a result of the criminal practices of the occupier (Israel),” the organizer’s general coordinator said in a statement.

He added that the objective in continued resistance of the occupation was to encourage farmers to reclaim their lands.

Activists enter Israeli buffer zone north of Gaza
To bad there is no money in complaining, Palestinians would be rich

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