"Act Like a Man"


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
...If you're a man, and a woman if a woman. But is it as clear-cut as that? Read an article recently mentioning how chromosomal possibilities aren't only XX or XY (female and male respectively.) But included at least half a dozen other possibilities (intersex et al.) My question then is this:

What if homosexuality/non-heterosexuality isn't so much a matter of genes, but chromosomes? And what if some who think they're males, are in fact "intersex?" Would that then "justify" their being homosexual? Intersexed people aren't always outwardly so so it stands to reason some are born in hospitals but not "altered" to conform to male or female physicality and go through life blissfully unaware they in fact are something other than "normal male/female."

I've never had a genetic/chromosomal test. But identifying as bisexual I certainly wouldn't be surprised to find out I was other than 'XY.'
Homosexuality is a natural condition which has been observed in many animal species and is believed to be the result of hormonal imbalance.

Prenatal hormones and sexual orientation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So all we have to do is inject the 1's (entirely heterosexual) with the right hormones and they'll be 2-6s? I don't think so. While it's true hormones play a part, no hormonal mix is gonna short-circuit conscious choice.

Besides, if you couldn't see between their legs pleanty of men look every bit like women and vice-versa. This reveals deliberate choices being made in how an aforementioned 1 would engage in sexual behaviours with their own sex if they didn't know they were. And how they react often violently when they discover the truth. Bu tthat instant change in acceptance reveals how it's all conscious choice.
Homosexuality is a natural condition which has been observed in many animal species and is believed to be the result of hormonal imbalance.

Prenatal hormones and sexual orientation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So all we have to do is inject the 1's (entirely heterosexual) with the right hormones and they'll be 2-6s? I don't think so. While it's true hormones play a part, no hormonal mix is gonna short-circuit conscious choice.
Note the long list of impressive academic credentials in the references. Your argument is with those well-lettered scholars, so I'd be interested in knowing what your credentials are.

And if I read you correctly you seem to be saying one's sexual preference is a matter of choice. Presuming you are a male, do you feel you are able to consciously decide which gender appeals to you sexually?
Homosexuality is a natural condition which has been observed in many animal species and is believed to be the result of hormonal imbalance.

Prenatal hormones and sexual orientation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So all we have to do is inject the 1's (entirely heterosexual) with the right hormones and they'll be 2-6s? I don't think so. While it's true hormones play a part, no hormonal mix is gonna short-circuit conscious choice.
Note the long list of impressive academic credentials in the references. Your argument is with those well-lettered scholars, so I'd be interested in knowing what your credentials are.

And if I read you correctly you seem to be saying one's sexual preference is a matter of choice. Presuming you are a male, do you feel you are able to consciously decide which gender appeals to you sexually?

One's decision to have sex with another person (or themselves for that matter) is always a matter of choice. Who we may be attracted to is more abstract and psychological. Everyone has the same anatomy insofar as what's attracting us to them, but pairing off involves things we can't quite quantify or we'd be pursueing sexual behaviours with everyone. Little almost imperceptable things like maybe the way someone tilts their head looking at us, or how they smile or walk. Things like that, I believe are what determines the final decision to walk up to a stranger and introduce ourselves.

I'm male. I think in at least my own case, my attraction lies in how I started my sex life quite young. Like most, my parebts found out but rather than reading me the riot act, my Mom simply advised me it's better to satisfy those urges myself than with a girl I may get pregnant. So unlike others, I didn't grow up with a sense of shame about sex. Just cold practicality. And rather than being scolded for masturbating, I was actively encouraged to since the alternative wasn't any better. :)

Growing up then with sexual needs 'meetable' on my own my sexuality developed in a much more positive way. Ironically my younger brother wound up being the one having girlfriends sleep over with him (and I had to endure the noise sleeping next door.) :) Whereas I was satisfying my lust on my own. Wasn't until I was 22 or so I mustered up the courage to go home with an out co-worker for sex. But ever since then I've enjoyed sex with both guys n gals. Oddly enough though, now at 43 my sex life is mostly theoretical :) I have a lover only every few years then make due for a few years before giving it the ol' college try once again. For me this is fine. If the main goal of a relationship is sex, then giving myself that pleasure eliminiates it as a driving force leaving mr looking for people I actually enjoy being around in a non-sexual context. Few meet that description.

Wasn't until I was 22 or so I mustered up the courage to go home with an out co-worker for sex. But ever since then I've enjoyed sex with both guys n gals. Oddly enough though, now at 43 my sex life is mostly theoretical :) I have a lover only every few years then make due for a few years before giving it the ol' college try once again. For me this is fine. If the main goal of a relationship is sex, then giving myself that pleasure eliminiates it as a driving force leaving mr looking for people I actually enjoy being around in a non-sexual context. Few meet that description.
I respectfully suggest you acknowledge that your notions about choice where selection of sex partners is concerned derive from your bi-sexual orientation -- which probably is hormonal.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being either homosexual or bi-sexual. But please be assured that the heterosexual orientation affords absolutely no latitude for choosing between one or the other. For heteros, it is what it is and there is no other.


Wasn't until I was 22 or so I mustered up the courage to go home with an out co-worker for sex. But ever since then I've enjoyed sex with both guys n gals. Oddly enough though, now at 43 my sex life is mostly theoretical :) I have a lover only every few years then make due for a few years before giving it the ol' college try once again. For me this is fine. If the main goal of a relationship is sex, then giving myself that pleasure eliminiates it as a driving force leaving mr looking for people I actually enjoy being around in a non-sexual context. Few meet that description.
I respectfully suggest you acknowledge that your notions about choice where selection of sex partners is concerned derive from your bi-sexual orientation -- which probably is hormonal.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being either homosexual or bi-sexual. But please be assured that the heterosexual orientation affords absolutely no latitude for choosing between one or the other. For heteros, it is what it is and there is no other.


How we define our sexual orientation isn't binding and unchangeable. A heterosexual prisoner can instantly choose to have sex with their own sex while incarcerated 'making due.' That fluidity is a big part of why I don't believe in the various orientations in the first place. They're simply words we invented. They're not binding, unchangeable, or fixed.
How we define our sexual orientation isn't binding and unchangeable. A heterosexual prisoner can instantly choose to have sex with their own sex while incarcerated 'making due.' That fluidity is a big part of why I don't believe in the various orientations in the first place. They're simply words we invented. They're not binding, unchangeable, or fixed.
So "Homosexuality is a choice because Prisoners rape each other"?


Wasn't until I was 22 or so I mustered up the courage to go home with an out co-worker for sex. But ever since then I've enjoyed sex with both guys n gals. Oddly enough though, now at 43 my sex life is mostly theoretical :) I have a lover only every few years then make due for a few years before giving it the ol' college try once again. For me this is fine. If the main goal of a relationship is sex, then giving myself that pleasure eliminiates it as a driving force leaving mr looking for people I actually enjoy being around in a non-sexual context. Few meet that description.
I respectfully suggest you acknowledge that your notions about choice where selection of sex partners is concerned derive from your bi-sexual orientation -- which probably is hormonal.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being either homosexual or bi-sexual. But please be assured that the heterosexual orientation affords absolutely no latitude for choosing between one or the other. For heteros, it is what it is and there is no other.


How we define our sexual orientation isn't binding and unchangeable. A heterosexual prisoner can instantly choose to have sex with their own sex while incarcerated 'making due.' That fluidity is a big part of why I don't believe in the various orientations in the first place. They're simply words we invented. They're not binding, unchangeable, or fixed.

I served a year in the lock up and never once was I ever attracted to another man - that's horse shit - the only reason some guys allow themselves to get butt fucked by faggots is out of fear - they basically became someones bitch for protection .
With respect for your intention, Delta4Embassy,
Homosexuality does not need to be justified. The implication in saying it does is that there is something wrong with being gay. There isn't.
Horse Feathers - homosexuality is not a natural condition , and instances of it within the animal kingdom are irrelevant . It is well established that animals will mate with anything, including innate objects .

Homosexuality is Not a "condition." And it Is natural.
Great another faggot thread. Whooopie
We are everywhere. We're your friends, your bothers, your sisters, your parents and grandparents.Your Drs., lawyers, mechanics, firefighters and police; the people you interact with every day.
Get over yourself.
The more exciting sexual encounters/ experiences you have with men or women, the more you will be attracted to that particular gender. If you have terrible sexual encounters/ experiences with either gender, the less you will be attracted to that partcular gender. So yes, we can alter our sexual preference/ attraction through our choices/ experiences.

Thus sayeth Ashtara


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