ACLU Will Sue to Block Alabama


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
ACLU Will Sue to Block Alabama Immigration Bill
EFE/Al Día, News Report,
Jun 06, 2011

The ACLU issued a press release Saturday announcing that it plans to sue the state of Alabama over its new immigration bill modeled after Arizona’s SB 1070.

New America Media: Arizona Watch


ACLU Sues Over GA Anti-Immigrant Law Hispanically Speaking News
Jun 03, 2011

A coalition of civil rights groups filed a class action lawsuit challenging Georgia’s discriminatory anti-immigrant law passed last month and inspired by Arizona’s notorious SB 1070.

New America Media: Arizona Watch

There are some interesting editorials on Arizona Watch.
Petition to Defund and Expose ACLU
The ACLU: a wolf in sheep's clothing
Protect our religious and moral heritage...

Petition to Defund and Expose ACLU


Rep. Dana Rohrabacher
Sen. Dianne Feinstein
Sen. Barbara Boxer

May 17, 2011

For many years,we have been treated like second class,non-citizens. Illegal aliens,non-citizens,criminals,are treated better than Christian citizens! Christian Attorney organizations,are supported by citizen donations. The ACLU is given MILLIONS of taxpayers' dollars' to fight against the rights of taxpaying,Americans! Why is this abusive,discriminatory behavior approved of and supported by our federal government and policy makers?! - Letter to Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-California): DEFUND THE ACLU!

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SHOCKER... the anti American, radical, bat shit crazy ACLU is suing on behalf of people in this country ILLEGALLY, instead of siding with the law and America... SHOCKER... :eek:
SHOCKER... the anti American, radical, bat shit crazy ACLU is suing on behalf of people in this country ILLEGALLY, instead of siding with the law and America... SHOCKER... :eek:

Yeah, why aren’t they suing the Federal Government on behalf of the people that are hurt/killed/pay/whatever for illegal’s?
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ACLU Will Sue to Block Alabama Immigration Bill
EFE/Al Día, News Report,
Jun 06, 2011

The ACLU issued a press release Saturday announcing that it plans to sue the state of Alabama over its new immigration bill modeled after Arizona’s SB 1070.

New America Media: Arizona Watch


ACLU Sues Over GA Anti-Immigrant Law Hispanically Speaking News
Jun 03, 2011

A coalition of civil rights groups filed a class action lawsuit challenging Georgia’s discriminatory anti-immigrant law passed last month and inspired by Arizona’s notorious SB 1070.

New America Media: Arizona Watch

There are some interesting editorials on Arizona Watch.

This thread is drawing strange alliances. The ACLU is the biggest Conservative group of constitution following folks I know.
That it will punish people for being brown







I do not know if the law goes so far it is illegal. Nice if the ACLU to be out protecting folks though.

Personally I think we should take anyone looking to come here and work. Too many of my creamy colored friends think they paid into unemployment for a decade so they "have it coming".

Bring me sone working Mexicans in. Perhaps my house value will go uo if demand goes up.
That it will punish people for being brown







I do not know if the law goes so far it is illegal. Nice if the ACLU to be out protecting folks though.

Personally I think we should take anyone looking to come here and work. Too many of my creamy colored friends think they paid into unemployment for a decade so they "have it coming".

Bring me sone working Mexicans in. Perhaps my house value will go uo if demand goes up.

Did anyone notice the hypocrisy:

The AMERICAN Civil Liberties Union protect everyone except AMERICANS!
from the ACLU site>

The American Civil Liberties Union and the ACLU of Alabama said today that they will file, in coalition with other civil rights groups, a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of Alabama's draconian anti-immigrant law before it goes into effect Sept. 1. HB 56, even more restrictive than Arizona's SB1070 which it was inspired by, was signed into law this morning by Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley.

The law’s key provisions sanction discriminatory and unconstitutional practices by police officers, landlords and employers by inviting racial profiling of Latinos and others based on how they look or talk, violating the First Amendment and interfering with federal law. Under the extreme law, Alabama public schools will require children to provide proof of citizenship when enrolling in kindergarten and grade school and require police to demand “papers” from people they stop whom they suspect are not authorized to be in the U.S.

ACLU To File Lawsuit Challenging Alabama

you people really want six dollar dummies to have this kind of power?

That it will punish people for being brown

good gawd that is STUPID. you and others like you are a danger to our country with your idiotic bleeding heart and no care about ILLEGAL people sneaking into our country and breaking OUR LAWS..
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petition to defund and expose aclu
urgent call to action
the aclu: A wolf in sheep's clothing
protect our religious and moral heritage...

petition to defund and expose aclu


defund the aclu!
Rep. Dana rohrabacher
sen. Dianne feinstein
sen. Barbara boxer

may 17, 2011

for many years,we have been treated like second class,non-citizens. Illegal aliens,non-citizens,criminals,are treated better than christian citizens! Christian attorney organizations,are supported by citizen donations. The aclu is given millions of taxpayers' dollars' to fight against the rights of taxpaying,americans! Why is this abusive,discriminatory behavior approved of and supported by our federal government and policy makers?! - letter to senator dianne feinstein (d-california): Defund the aclu!


very good.
None of this would be necessary if these people entering our country outside the law would be deported post haste - and without due process.

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