ACLU Perv Pleads Guilty To Child Pornography

"Actually, conservatives are inherently evil and have been for thousands of years, and they always support tyranny and that is why they met in 1789 in secret in Philadelphia. They were reactionaries and sought to undo the freedom we had obtained in 1776 and they prevailed."

One more reason why you find yourself ignored by those who you are desperately trying to interact with. You, sir, are the Fred Phelps of liberal politics. I understand how conservatives must feel when they vote in common with their far right nutjobs. You have the credibility of Pat Robertson at a GNC.

You, sir, are an asshole and an egocentric bastard (would you like to elect a representative to decide whether you are a motherfucker and deny me or a person of my choice a vote on whether you are a motherfucker). It is because of our your ignorance of my motivations that you think I am trying to interact with people like you. I don't interact with tyrants or anyone who supports the Constitution. In the words of Thomas Jefferson, "Men have differed in opinion and been divided into parties by these opinions from the first origin of societies, and in all governments where they have been permitted freely to think and to speak. The same political parties which now agitate the U.S. have existed through all time. Whether the power of the people or that of the [aristocracy] should prevail were questions which kept the states of Greece and Rome in eternal convulsions, as they now schismatize every people whose minds and mouths are not shut up by the gag of a despot. And in fact the terms of Whig and Tory belong to natural as well as to civil history. They denote the temper and constitution of mind of different individuals."

Today, we refer to them as conservatives and liberals. Conservatives do not trust the people, and they are reactionaries. They are not pleased to see the people having an equal voice in all matters before the government instead preferring a system of government modeled after the British one. Ironically, the liberals of today are in fact of this faction as well. The two major political parties are in reality the same party with minor disagreements yet their core philosophy is the same. They are in fact the party that met in 1789 to draft the Constitution. Those who opposed it slowly fell silent under the threats of death, intimidation, and violence of these reactionaries. They could not stand up to those who wanted to restore the British form of government. The so-called Founding Fathers knew exactly what they were doing when they met to draft and ratify the Constitution and that is why they met in secret. Had they done and said what they did in public they all would have been lynched by the people.

The truth is that we do not govern our own society. Our only right in this country is the right to vote and that isn't the same as the right of self-government. If we are lucky enough to vote for the winner of an election then we get a voice and a vote in the legislature and if we are so unlucky as not to vote for the winner then we are basically told to go home as others make the laws for us. In essence, our right to a voice and an equal vote was voted away in the election and we consent to this because we are ignorant of our rights. We call this freedom when in reality it is not. In regards to my so-called right to vote I say "big fucking deal" just like those who oppposed the Constitution in 1789 said "big fucking deal." The Constitution betrayed the ideals of the Revolution by restoring the British form of government under another name.

Also, I am not a liberal but of course you must label me a liberal because that is what you are all about. You do not want to admit the real reason you don't like what I have said. My opposition to the Constitution as a form of tyranny offends you because it means you would have to admit that you have been a tryant who votes away the rights of others to have an equal say everytime you vote. You do not wish to discuss things with them, you do not wish to sit at their kitchen table, and hold honest and open discussions with people you know and you do not want to vote openly in front of them so they know you for who you really are instead you prefer to force your will upon them and vice versa through secret elections. Voting should be part of every free society but the missing ingredient in ours is that we do not elect people to represent us instead we elect people to represent one faction and the rest must simply wait for the next election in the hope of prevailing against the others. What is wrong with this? Why don't people understand that when one faction or person can vote away the right of another to a vote on the very laws that govern them on election day is tyranny. Like, I have said on several occasions. I have as much of a problem with liberals and Democrats as I do with conservatives and Republicans because of this.

I also don't give a shit if you find me credible asshole because the moment you cast your motherfucking vote you lose credibility with me you fucking mini-tryant who casts your vote to get a vote on the laws of our country and against others having the right to vote on those laws. The electoral system of our country comes down to one thing and that is: THE MAJORITY VOTES AWAY THE RIGHT OF EVERYONE TO HAVE AN EQUAL VOICE AT THE TABLE WITH THEM AND THAT IS TYRANNY. We are simply to accept this because a group of bastards met in 1789 to restore the British form of government. We are simply to go along with it because assholes like you (whether conservatives, liberals or whatever they choose to call themselves) want to have a twisted form of government. Those who warned us about ratifying the Constitution and those who voted to reject it were right about the motivations of the bastards who took it upon themselves to create a system of government based on the conservative (or by whatever name you wish to call them) principles that are now finding their way into even more prominence.

I am sure the bitch Jamie Madison and the cocksucker Alex Hamilton would agree with you because they also attacked the crediblity of those who stood up to their retarded asses and worst they threatened them like the fucking tyrants they were. Learn some history about your fucking founders and what scum they were. It is no wonder they met in secret, and overrode the people of Rhode Island when they rejected their filthy Constitution. Thank God for the Bill of Rights but they wouldn't have given us that either had it not been for the armed men marching on Philadelphia. But of course if I kissed your ass and told you how good and awesome you are and how fucking great I feel for being able to vote one damn day out of the fucking year you would applaud me and find me fucking credible (i.e., your definition of credible is that I agree with your retarded ass and accept your sick form of government King Shogun of the Voterdom of Retardsville). I on the other hand will not do so and do not intend to kiss your ass motherfucker. Instead, I am willing to say what needs to be said and to condem the American Parliment, and the King just like those in 1789 did (the fuckers who supported the Constitution made sure they were barred from attending their special conventions where they made the decision to ratify their constitution and when the people of Rhode Island voted on it they ignored them and held themselve a special convention). I suggest you try learning some history instead of the shit you learn in High School. The truth is that the people of this country did not support the Constitution when it was ratified. :cuckoo: We have been sold the greatest lie of all which is that we are now more free than we were before the Constitution was ratified.
You, sir, are an asshole and an egocentric bastard (would you like to elect a representative to decide whether you are a motherfucker and deny me or a person of my choice a vote on whether you are a motherfucker). It is because of our your ignorance of my motivations that you think I am trying to interact with people like you. I don't interact with tyrants or anyone who supports the Constitution. In the words of Thomas Jefferson, "Men have differed in opinion and been divided into parties by these opinions from the first origin of societies, and in all governments where they have been permitted freely to think and to speak. The same political parties which now agitate the U.S. have existed through all time. Whether the power of the people or that of the [aristocracy] should prevail were questions which kept the states of Greece and Rome in eternal convulsions, as they now schismatize every people whose minds and mouths are not shut up by the gag of a despot. And in fact the terms of Whig and Tory belong to natural as well as to civil history. They denote the temper and constitution of mind of different individuals."

Today, we refer to them as conservatives and liberals. Conservatives do not trust the people, and they are reactionaries. They are not pleased to see the people having an equal voice in all matters before the government instead preferring a system of government modeled after the British one. Ironically, the liberals of today are in fact of this faction as well. The two major political parties are in reality the same party with minor disagreements yet their core philosophy is the same. They are in fact the party that met in 1789 to draft the Constitution. Those who opposed it slowly fell silent under the threats of death, intimidation, and violence of these reactionaries. They could not stand up to those who wanted to restore the British form of government. The so-called Founding Fathers knew exactly what they were doing when they met to draft and ratify the Constitution and that is why they met in secret. Had they done and said what they did in public they all would have been lynched by the people.

The truth is that we do not govern our own society. Our only right in this country is the right to vote and that isn't the same as the right of self-government. If we are lucky enough to vote for the winner of an election then we get a voice and a vote in the legislature and if we are so unlucky as not to vote for the winner then we are basically told to go home as others make the laws for us. In essence, our right to a voice and an equal vote was voted away in the election and we consent to this because we are ignorant of our rights. We call this freedom when in reality it is not. In regards to my so-called right to vote I say "big fucking deal" just like those who oppposed the Constitution in 1789 said "big fucking deal." The Constitution betrayed the ideals of the Revolution by restoring the British form of government under another name.

Also, I am not a liberal but of course you must label me a liberal because that is what you are all about. You do not want to admit the real reason you don't like what I have said. My opposition to the Constitution as a form of tyranny offends you because it means you would have to admit that you have been a tryant who votes away the rights of others to have an equal say everytime you vote. You do not wish to discuss things with them, you do not wish to sit at their kitchen table, and hold honest and open discussions with people you know and you do not want to vote openly in front of them so they know you for who you really are instead you prefer to force your will upon them and vice versa through secret elections. Voting should be part of every free society but the missing ingredient in ours is that we do not elect people to represent us instead we elect people to represent one faction and the rest must simply wait for the next election in the hope of prevailing against the others. What is wrong with this? Why don't people understand that when one faction or person can vote away the right of another to a vote on the very laws that govern them on election day is tyranny. Like, I have said on several occasions. I have as much of a problem with liberals and Democrats as I do with conservatives and Republicans because of this.

I also don't give a shit if you find me credible asshole because the moment you cast your motherfucking vote you lose credibility with me you fucking mini-tryant who casts your vote to get a vote on the laws of our country and against others having the right to vote on those laws. The electoral system of our country comes down to one thing and that is: THE MAJORITY VOTES AWAY THE RIGHT OF EVERYONE TO HAVE AN EQUAL VOICE AT THE TABLE WITH THEM AND THAT IS TYRANNY. We are simply to accept this because a group of bastards met in 1789 to restore the British form of government. We are simply to go along with it because assholes like you (whether conservatives, liberals or whatever they choose to call themselves) want to have a twisted form of government. Those who warned us about ratifying the Constitution and those who voted to reject it were right about the motivations of the bastards who took it upon themselves to create a system of government based on the conservative (or by whatever name you wish to call them) principles that are now finding their way into even more prominence.

I am sure the bitch Jamie Madison and the cocksucker Alex Hamilton would agree with you because they also attacked the crediblity of those who stood up to their retarded asses and worst they threatened them like the fucking tyrants they were. Learn some history about your fucking founders and what scum they were. It is no wonder they met in secret, and overrode the people of Rhode Island when they rejected their filthy Constitution. Thank God for the Bill of Rights but they wouldn't have given us that either had it not been for the armed men marching on Philadelphia. But of course if I kissed your ass and told you how good and awesome you are and how fucking great I feel for being able to vote one damn day out of the fucking year you would applaud me and find me fucking credible (i.e., your definition of credible is that I agree with your retarded ass and accept your sick form of government King Shogun of the Voterdom of Retardsville). I on the other hand will not do so and do not intend to kiss your ass motherfucker. Instead, I am willing to say what needs to be said and to condem the American Parliment, and the King just like those in 1789 did (the fuckers who supported the Constitution made sure they were barred from attending their special conventions where they made the decision to ratify their constitution and when the people of Rhode Island voted on it they ignored them and held themselve a special convention). I suggest you try learning some history instead of the shit you learn in High School. The truth is that the people of this country did not support the Constitution when it was ratified. :cuckoo: We have been sold the greatest lie of all which is that we are now more free than we were before the Constitution was ratified.

You know, I've always thought that people who look at two clearly distinct points of view and say "They are all the same" are too lazy to actually look at reality.

Anarchy isnt freedom. Freedom comes through self discipline. The Founders established the Constitution because the people weren't free before then. If they hadn't its very likely that the British would have regained control of the colonies and all their work would have been flushed down the toilet. All those lives would have perished in vain.
You know, I've always thought that people who look at two clearly distinct points of view and say "They are all the same" are too lazy to actually look at reality.

Anarchy isnt freedom. Freedom comes through self discipline. The Founders established the Constitution because the people weren't free before then. If they hadn't its very likely that the British would have regained control of the colonies and all their work would have been flushed down the toilet. All those lives would have perished in vain.

The united States was not in a state of anarchy before the Constitution was established contrary to what you may think. The government of the united States existed and the founders were nothing more than conspiring men and traitors. The united States also was able to win a war and had demonstrated their ability to do that during the Revolution. The Articles of Confederation governed the united States from 1777 until 1789 and did so quite effectively. It was through self-discipline that they obtained their freedom, fought for it, died for it and ultimately made sacrifices. To even state that "people weren't free before" the Constitution was established is a lie. The truth is that they were free and that is why those who wrote the Constitution sought to find a way to deprive them of that freedom. To even suggest that the united States which had just won a war against Britain would have lost it without the Constitution ignores the single fact that they did win against Britain without it. What is interesting about the Constitution is that it forms the same government as that of Britain with a King (aka President), Parliment (aka Congress), House of Lords (aka Senate), and House of Commons (aka House of Representatives). In fact, those who supported the Constitution (i.e., Alexander Hamilton) actually referred to the British form of government as the "best in the world" and advocated that the President be "appointed for life" and stated that the role of government is to "protect the opulent from the majority." In simple words these men had one single goal in mind and that was to undo what had been accomplished by the American Revolution. They were opposed to any sort of freedom and were willing to give us the illusion of being able to vote because being able to vote isn't the same as being able to govern oneself and they understood that and that is why they had no problem overruling the people of Rhode Island when they voted to reject the Constitution. I suggest that you learn some real history (i.e., the threats made by those who supported the Constitution against those who opposed, their refusal to allow the speeches of those who opposed it to be included on the journals of the ratifying conventions, etc). The truth is that the lives of those who died in the Revolution have perished in vain as a result of the ratification of the Constitution. All that was accomplished, and the form of government that allowed us to be a free people was abolished by the hands of such motherfuckers as Jamie Madison and Alex Hamilton.
Here we go again. What is the benefit of proving either party has had more scandals ? It might make for a good trivial pursuit question but mostly is just proves that people succumb to temptation. Sure I wanna see the better people in office but I seriously doubt that it can be determined by their party affiliation.

Someone posted a statement as if it were a fact that I find hard to believe. I’m asking him to prove it by supplying a link. That is all.
The board smelled a little fresher without Red States Rule funking up the place but now it seems the vacuum has been filled by little eddie.

meet tne new troll, same as the old troll.

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