ACLU Member Joins Minutemen


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2004
© 2005

The American Civil Liberties Union may fight for those holding unpopular beliefs and taking controversial stands, but the ACLU of New Mexico suspended an entire chapter of the organization because a member of the board of directors is leading the state's Minuteman group.

The state organization suspended its Las Cruces chapter after learning that a member of the group's board, Clifford Alford, was heading the formation of a Minuteman group in New Mexico.

Gary Mitchell, a Ruidoso attorney and president of the ACLU board of directors, said the suspension of the southern chapter was a technical move to make sure the leader of the New Mexico Minutemen, a civilian border patrol group, no longer had authority to act or speak on behalf of the ACLU.

"We will not tolerate racism and vigilantism in the leadership structure of our organization,'' Mitchell told the Albuquerque Journal. "They are repugnant to the principles of civil liberties and the mission of the ACLU.''

Alford has said he's not a hateful vigilante and that he would like to see immigration policy reformed. He has said that if the federal government allowed more immigrant workers to enter the country legally, many problems on the border would be solved. He reportedly scouted the New Mexico-Mexico border two weeks ago for sites to station his 42 volunteers to detect illegal immigrants sneaking into the country. His group plans to offer food, water and medical aid while reporting the illegal immigrants to the U.S. Border Patrol.

Oh my god, an ACLU member with a brain.

I don't understand why people keep calling this racism. The whole point is that the people are coming here ILLEGALY, no matter what country they started out in. Black, white, yellow or purple for that matter they should stop trying to sneak in and come legally.
Trigg said:
Oh my god, an ACLU member with a brain.

I don't understand why people keep calling this racism. The whole point is that the people are coming here ILLEGALY, no matter what country they started out in. Black, white, yellow or purple for that matter they should stop trying to sneak in and come legally.

It does seem very simple huh?? Racism is used whenever the Left doesn't like what others are doing. It's the standard fix-all.
Trigg said:
Oh my god, an ACLU member with a brain.

I don't understand why people keep calling this racism. The whole point is that the people are coming here ILLEGALY, no matter what country they started out in. Black, white, yellow or purple for that matter they should stop trying to sneak in and come legally.

reminds me of an olde joke......." i live in LA.....and these illegals jump my fence, swim my pool and they think they are free............"
Trigg said:
Oh my god, an ACLU member with a brain.

I don't understand why people keep calling this racism. The whole point is that the people are coming here ILLEGALY, no matter what country they started out in. Black, white, yellow or purple for that matter they should stop trying to sneak in and come legally.

I wouldn't get to excited...I don't trust the ACLU any farther than I can see em..
They were down on the Arizona/Mexican border the same time as the Minutemen were there...They were doing the same donut and coffee routine...all along taking vid's and photos of the minutemen...trying to document wrongdoing! :2guns:
archangel said:
I wouldn't get to excited...I don't trust the ACLU any farther than I can see em..
They were down on the Arizona/Mexican border the same time as the Minutemen were there...They were doing the same donut and coffee routine...all along taking vid's and photos of the minutemen...trying to document wrongdoing! :2guns:

Yeah I would tend to think along those lines, but hey you never know?? Politics makes for strange bedfellows sometimes..
archangel said:
I wouldn't get to excited...I don't trust the ACLU any farther than I can see em..
They were down on the Arizona/Mexican border the same time as the Minutemen were there...They were doing the same donut and coffee routine...all along taking vid's and photos of the minutemen...trying to document wrongdoing! :2guns:

You never know, 1 with a brain might lead to 2 with a brain.
The problem with this member's involvement in The Minutemen is that the ACLU has been fighting against vigilantism and for expansion of rights for legal workers. Vigilantism runs counter to civil libertarianism. As for the racist part of the remark, I'm not sure whether the minutemen are racist, but they certainly appear to be xenophobic.

acludem said:
The problem with this member's involvement in The Minutemen is that the ACLU has been fighting against vigilantism and for expansion of rights for legal workers. Vigilantism runs counter to civil libertarianism. As for the racist part of the remark, I'm not sure whether the minutemen are racist, but they certainly appear to be xenophobic.


They monitor the border and inform the authorities when U.S. laws are being violated. That's not vigilantism. How can you be so intellectually dishonest. You should be ashamed of your lying self.
acludem said:
The problem with this member's involvement in The Minutemen is that the ACLU has been fighting against vigilantism and for expansion of rights for legal workers. Vigilantism runs counter to civil libertarianism. As for the racist part of the remark, I'm not sure whether the minutemen are racist, but they certainly appear to be xenophobic.


The ACLU fights for nothing but itself and the overthrow of America as we know it by replacing other peoples freedoms with thier own via the courts. Xenophobic? Balderdash !!!!!!!!!!!!! :poop:
acludem said:
The problem with this member's involvement in The Minutemen is that the ACLU has been fighting against vigilantism and for expansion of rights for legal workers. Vigilantism runs counter to civil libertarianism. As for the racist part of the remark, I'm not sure whether the minutemen are racist, but they certainly appear to be xenophobic.


Problem is the ones crossing the border are NOT LEGAL!!!
What's your answer to the problem besides capitulation??

If one happens to cross the border that is a terrorist and is detained by these minutemen will the ACLU fight for the terrorists rights to enter the country illegally???
acludem said:
The problem with this member's involvement in The Minutemen is that the ACLU has been fighting against vigilantism and for expansion of rights for legal workers. Vigilantism runs counter to civil libertarianism. As for the racist part of the remark, I'm not sure whether the minutemen are racist, but they certainly appear to be xenophobic.


It's not that the Minutemen as an organization are xenophobic (though some members may be); it's that they are stepping in to assist the government in enforcing the law. If the ACLU is against those laws being on the books, why don't they try to get the law changed? (Or sue to get it reversed, which seems to be their modus operandi.)
Of course they can't really be concerned about illegal aliens coming here and possibly commiting crimes, killing themselves by wandering ou in the desert, etc. That's just silly. They must be xenophobic.
rtwngAvngr said:
They monitor the border and inform the authorities when U.S. laws are being violated. That's not vigilantism. How can you be so intellectually dishonest. You should be ashamed of your lying self.

They do more than dial 911. They apprehend and tie up the immigrants.

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