Acid Rain Day: Black Raincoats (Eco-Doctor)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a modernism eco-prayer inspired by FernGully and Leviathan.

Signing off,



"A number of women around the globe decided to wear black raincoats on Earth Day to raise awareness about the modern anathema of eco-pollution catalysed acid rain. These women wanted to make a statement about fashion and its relation to vital politics in modern civilization."


"Acid rain is a real problem. It's generated a great deal of social dialogue and even inspired all kinds of Orwellian/dystopian art and storytelling. You can imagine the kind of gloomy over-industrialized modern environment in which pollution-caused acid rain really throws a damper on the proverbial party and reminds everyone of the reality of strange imagination!"


"A man in this modern age might be a fan of comic books and even appreciate the symbolism of the Marvel Comics super-villain Green Goblin, a deformed mad scientist who soars around on a jet-glider and sometimes throws pumpkin-bombs as a gesture of anarchy/terrorism. Green Goblin symbolizes the modern fear of industry-related manmade problems (e.g., eco-pollution)."


"American movie star/celebrity Leo DiCaprio is planning a film adaptation of the eco-activism oriented planetary superhero known as Captain Planet. Perhaps Leo will have Captain Planet allude to Marvel's Green Goblin in some way, since in some way, Captain Planet (a democracy-advocate) and Green Goblin (a real adversary of modern optimism) are complete opposites."


GOD: I like this 'black-raincoat acid-rain day' commemoration.
SATAN: Yes, it's all part of Earth Day 'festivities.'
GOD: Acid rain is already a stagnating problem...
SATAN: Politicians are addressing the issue now!
GOD: Really? It seems U.S. President Donald Trump lacks a real eco-policy.
SATAN: He's definitely outlined procedures for energy-management in this modern age.
GOD: What do you make of this Green Goblin (Marvel Comics)?
SATAN: I like him! He certainly represents the modern angst towards industrialization.
GOD: Green Goblin is a 'Devil's Advocate' (similar to Iago from Shakespeare's Othello).
SATAN: Unlike Iago, however, Green Goblin is a 'diplomat' of only terrorism.
GOD: Yes, Green Goblin hates standard science and normal politics...
SATAN: Precisely; perhaps Green Goblin will become an Earth Day mascot.
GOD: I doubt kids would understand why a villain would be an eco-mascot.
SATAN: It's all media/marketing, and DiCaprio's Captain Planet film might offer allegories!
GOD: Yes; after all, the lauded new sci-fi horror-film Alien: Covenant symbolizes evolution.
SATAN: Yes, Alien: Covenant is about compromise during encounters with monsters.
GOD: In some ways, Green Goblin is sort of a 'monster' (since he symbolizes rage).
SATAN: I wonder if Alien: Covenant will be considered a 'magical modernism movie.'
GOD: Modern storytellers use monsters to characterize doom...
SATAN: Perhaps that's because industrialization creates McCarthyism(!).
GOD: Maybe you're right (e.g., Enron, Napster, etc.). Critics eat up capitalism-failures.




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