Acceptance by women of Bill Clinton's sexual dalliances paved the way for today's assaults


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Feminists saved the 42nd president of the United States in the 1990s.
They were on the wrong side of history; is it finally time to make things right?

For that reason, the response to those dramatic hearings constituted one of the great truly feminist events of the modern era. Even though Thomas successfully, and perhaps rightly, survived Hill’s accusations, something in the country had changed about women and work and the range of things men could do to them there.

But then Bubba came along and blew up the tracks.
Yet let us not forget the sex crimes of which the younger, stronger Bill Clinton was very credibly accused in the 1990s. Juanita Broaddrick reported that when she was a volunteer on one of his gubernatorial campaigns, she had arranged to meet him in a hotel coffee shop. At the last minute, he had changed the location to her room in the hotel, where she says he very violently raped her. She said that she fought against Clinton throughout a rape that left her bloodied.
But Clinton was not left to the swift and pitiless justice that today’s accused men have experienced. Rather, he was rescued by a surprising force: machine feminism. The movement had by then ossified into a partisan operation, and it was willing—eager—to let this friend of the sisterhood enjoy a little droit de seigneur.

The notorious 1998 New York Times op-ed by Gloria Steinem must surely stand as one of the most regretted public actions of her life. It slut-shamed, victim-blamed, and age-shamed; it urged compassion for and gratitude to the man the women accused. Moreover (never write an op-ed in a hurry; you’ll accidentally say what you really believe), it characterized contemporary feminism as a weaponized auxiliary of the Democratic Party.

The party needs to come to terms with the fact that it was so enraptured by their brilliant, Big Dog president and his stunning string of progressive accomplishments that it abandoned some of its central principles. The party was on the wrong side of history, and there are consequences for that. Yet expedience is not the only reason to make this public accounting. If it is possible for politics and moral behavior to coexist, then this grave wrong needs to be acknowledged. If Weinstein and Mark Halperin and Louis C. K. and all the rest can be held accountable, so can our former president and so can his party, which so many Americans so desperately need to rise again.
Bill Clinton: A Reckoning
The public acceptance of Bill Clinton's sexual escapades ALSO allowed the men now accused of various assaults to think.."well if Bill Clinton can get by with it, so can I"!
Again to most of us men, the act of rubbing a woman's behind or as Franken did cupped a sleeping woman's breast was totally verboten by our parents especially our Dads.
Women were to be respected. To be protected not molested. We were taught that as young boys and then young men.
But what can society expect out of these accused men if society ACCEPTS crude behavior exemplified in videos, in TV shows, etc. all venues providing justifications for
these truly dishonorable acts to women. If the feminist movement was to declare women to break the glass ceiling, well there are bound to be some shards damaging some of them!
Frog in the pan of water on the stove, and all that. Clinton did make it fashionable to be a womanizer and his supporters still admire him. The same could be said of Teddy Kennedy. How that guy never got any consequences for letting that girl die, is beyond me.
'Acceptance by women of Bill Clinton's sexual dalliances paved the way for today's assaults'

And the democrats defending their own exposed sexual offenders is helping to ensure it is tolerated and continues in the future....
Let's not forget the number one supporter for Bill Clinton's vicious rapes was Hillary. She threw Bill's rape victims under the bus accusing THEM of everything under the sun, blamed the 'Vast Right Wing Conspiracy' :lmao:
and of course never publicly criticized her meal ticket Bubba since after all theirs was a marriage of political convenience.
Bill Clinton inoculated all politicians from any consequences for sexual harassment, the dems protected Bill and attacked the women. Now the chickens have come home to roost, and the GOP voters will not allow the double standard. What's good for Bill is good for Roy.
Let's not forget the number one supporter for Bill Clinton's vicious rapes was Hillary. She threw Bill's rape victims under the bus accusing THEM of everything under the sun, blamed the 'Vast Right Wing Conspiracy' :lmao:
and of course never publicly criticized her meal ticket Bubba since after all theirs was a marriage of political convenience.

so true--------it was Hillary's limp wristed reaction to Bill's GROSS sexual crimes that made me that I am today "ANYONE BUT HILLARY"
Let's not forget the number one supporter for Bill Clinton's vicious rapes was Hillary. She threw Bill's rape victims under the bus accusing THEM of everything under the sun, blamed the 'Vast Right Wing Conspiracy' :lmao:
and of course never publicly criticized her meal ticket Bubba since after all theirs was a marriage of political convenience.

so true--------it was Hillary's limp wristed reaction to Bill's GROSS sexual crimes that made me that I am today "ANYONE BUT HILLARY"

Actually the really sad aspect was Bill never had an authority figure, i.e. father as many of us had that taught us to respect women. Bill and many of his ilk were captive to their
genetic pre-disposition, i.e. spread his sperm wherever he could to insure his immortality. Unlike women who had to in the past nurture their limited eggs and when pregnant historically were dependent on someone to help them i.e. a man during their months of pregnancy. Hence wise women chose carefully who they had sex with so as to insure their genetic immortality was with a positive valued male.
But since Bill never had that male figure to share (in most cases...I don't say all men were like my Dad) the fundamental respect for women. Groping, etc. as my Dad would say was for really adolescent people that never understood the mutual respect that basic man/woman have that in most cases culminated in matrimony.
And of course with our society growing more course over the years and women becoming less modest this juxtaposition of sexual misbehavior with society acceptance was bound to occur. Is there and resolution?
The simplest one is encouraging male/female matrimony and fidelity and modesty by all involved.
I know this sounds so archaic. So totally old fashioned but there is a blend of new with old that we should all strive to achieve.
Maybe this is a good start in reinforcing what our old fashioned parents taught....respect for women!
Yeah, Democrat 'Feminists' are among the most dishonest hypocrites in the country. They dutifully defended the serial pervert Bill Clinton. Shame on em.
Feminists saved the 42nd president of the United States in the 1990s.
They were on the wrong side of history; is it finally time to make things right?

For that reason, the response to those dramatic hearings constituted one of the great truly feminist events of the modern era. Even though Thomas successfully, and perhaps rightly, survived Hill’s accusations, something in the country had changed about women and work and the range of things men could do to them there.

But then Bubba came along and blew up the tracks.
Yet let us not forget the sex crimes of which the younger, stronger Bill Clinton was very credibly accused in the 1990s. Juanita Broaddrick reported that when she was a volunteer on one of his gubernatorial campaigns, she had arranged to meet him in a hotel coffee shop. At the last minute, he had changed the location to her room in the hotel, where she says he very violently raped her. She said that she fought against Clinton throughout a rape that left her bloodied.
But Clinton was not left to the swift and pitiless justice that today’s accused men have experienced. Rather, he was rescued by a surprising force: machine feminism. The movement had by then ossified into a partisan operation, and it was willing—eager—to let this friend of the sisterhood enjoy a little droit de seigneur.

The notorious 1998 New York Times op-ed by Gloria Steinem must surely stand as one of the most regretted public actions of her life. It slut-shamed, victim-blamed, and age-shamed; it urged compassion for and gratitude to the man the women accused. Moreover (never write an op-ed in a hurry; you’ll accidentally say what you really believe), it characterized contemporary feminism as a weaponized auxiliary of the Democratic Party.

The party needs to come to terms with the fact that it was so enraptured by their brilliant, Big Dog president and his stunning string of progressive accomplishments that it abandoned some of its central principles. The party was on the wrong side of history, and there are consequences for that. Yet expedience is not the only reason to make this public accounting. If it is possible for politics and moral behavior to coexist, then this grave wrong needs to be acknowledged. If Weinstein and Mark Halperin and Louis C. K. and all the rest can be held accountable, so can our former president and so can his party, which so many Americans so desperately need to rise again.
Bill Clinton: A Reckoning

So does this mean it will continue for many years in the future since everyone accepts Trumps grabbing any pussy that walks by?
Feminists saved the 42nd president of the United States in the 1990s.
They were on the wrong side of history; is it finally time to make things right?

For that reason, the response to those dramatic hearings constituted one of the great truly feminist events of the modern era. Even though Thomas successfully, and perhaps rightly, survived Hill’s accusations, something in the country had changed about women and work and the range of things men could do to them there.

But then Bubba came along and blew up the tracks.
Yet let us not forget the sex crimes of which the younger, stronger Bill Clinton was very credibly accused in the 1990s. Juanita Broaddrick reported that when she was a volunteer on one of his gubernatorial campaigns, she had arranged to meet him in a hotel coffee shop. At the last minute, he had changed the location to her room in the hotel, where she says he very violently raped her. She said that she fought against Clinton throughout a rape that left her bloodied.
But Clinton was not left to the swift and pitiless justice that today’s accused men have experienced. Rather, he was rescued by a surprising force: machine feminism. The movement had by then ossified into a partisan operation, and it was willing—eager—to let this friend of the sisterhood enjoy a little droit de seigneur.

The notorious 1998 New York Times op-ed by Gloria Steinem must surely stand as one of the most regretted public actions of her life. It slut-shamed, victim-blamed, and age-shamed; it urged compassion for and gratitude to the man the women accused. Moreover (never write an op-ed in a hurry; you’ll accidentally say what you really believe), it characterized contemporary feminism as a weaponized auxiliary of the Democratic Party.

The party needs to come to terms with the fact that it was so enraptured by their brilliant, Big Dog president and his stunning string of progressive accomplishments that it abandoned some of its central principles. The party was on the wrong side of history, and there are consequences for that. Yet expedience is not the only reason to make this public accounting. If it is possible for politics and moral behavior to coexist, then this grave wrong needs to be acknowledged. If Weinstein and Mark Halperin and Louis C. K. and all the rest can be held accountable, so can our former president and so can his party, which so many Americans so desperately need to rise again.
Bill Clinton: A Reckoning

So does this mean it will continue for many years in the future since everyone accepts Trumps grabbing any pussy that walks by?

Well Obama said:"Gotta have them ribs and pussy too!"
cheer up folks-------a SPOT LIGHT has been cast on bad boy
behavior--------THEY ARE LEARNING------wattaya want----a POUND OF FLESH?

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