Absentee Ballots With Prepaid Envelopes Sending Them to the Dems PO BOX...


Jeffersonian Liberal
May 22, 2010
(Mark Hemingway)- Pennsylvania Republicans are up in arms over a mailer that went out all over Bucks county. The mailer, which you can see here, tells voters that their participation the election is “in jeopardy” and includes an application for an absentee ballot. The mailer comes with a prepaid envelope so voters can return their absentee ballot requests to the P.O. box of the official-sounding-but-entirely-fictitious “Voter Assistance Office.”
As it happens, the campaign manager of Rep. Patrick Murphy, D-Pa., is one of two people cleared to pick up mail from the P.O. box listed on the mailer. In fact, the Pennsylvania Republican Party has a photo of what it claims is the P.O. box in question with campaign manager Tim Perisco’s name on it.
While collecting absentee ballots is not out of the ordinary for a campaign, making it look like a government notice is certainly deceptive if it’s not illegal. More than that, it’s a sign of desperation for Murphy’ campaign, which is trailing in the polls.

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