ABC Poll - Romney Hits 50% for the First Time


Diamond Member
Jan 6, 2012
Prague, Czech Republic
Read 'em and rejoice!

HORSE RACE – Romney never before has exceeded 49 percent support in ABC/Post polls, making his 50 percent a new high numerically. That includes new highs among a range of groups – including 60 percent support among whites, 56 percent among white women, 58 percent among middle- to upper-middle income adults and 83 percent among conservatives.
Most strikingly, Romney’s advanced to 57 percent support among independents.
They’re a changeable group, less rooted in partisan predispositions, so their eventual preferences – and their turnout – are uncertain. But they’re key to Romney’s current fortunes; he’s improved among independents by 9 points in the past week.

Romney Hits the 50 Percent Mark, With a Clear Edge on the Economy - ABC News

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