ABC News: Should Michael Steele Resign?


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
The Roundtable: Should Steele Resign? - Political Punch

“Michael Steele is a self-aggrandizing, gaffe-prone incompetent who would have been fired a long time ago were he not black,” Cynthia Tucker of The Atlanta Journal Constitution said. “Of course the irony is he never would have been voted in as chairman of the Republican party were he not black."

The GOP made him Chairman in an attempt to gain the black vote. They made Palin VP nominee to gain the female vote. How did those moves work out for them?

Next, maybe they should nominate Rim Lushbaugh to gain the fat head vote. THEY WOULD SURELY WIN!
Fire Steele, beg Palin to replace him as RNC head.

She'll organize a nationwide Republican strategy for 2010 and Republicans might actually come close to picking up 100 seats
He has no business running a national party. He has no strategy, no goals and tends to help Dems more than he help Reoublicans
No. I was talking about the prospect of making Palin the RNC head.

I know, but that would mean Steele is out then.

Palin needs to stay right where she is for now. (All you Plain haters are so silly :cuckoo: )

The Dems would love to see the GOP fighting amoungst themselves over something so absolutely idiotic.
Do Republicans pay any attention to Steele?

I used to be a Republican, and I sure don't.

Probably should be fired, but whoever the leader of the RNC is doesn't matter, especially this election.
He has no business running a national party. He has no strategy, no goals and tends to help Dems more than he help Reoublicans

Put Palin in charge and that problem increases 10 fold.

But, but, she's a true conservative... And she loves America! Oh say can you see, by the dawn's early light...

I'm glad there're some conservatives out there that see what a dope she is. She would attract a good deal of dope support though. Whether or not it's a good thing, I guess that depends on how many dopes you think there are in the country, and how much of your party you're willing to sell out in order to win.
yes, he has to go, this and the other faux pas of the past, it didn't work out. The longer they wait the closer the election, the worse it will be , drop'em now. and move on.
He has no business running a national party. He has no strategy, no goals and tends to help Dems more than he help Reoublicans

Geeeeesh Frank, that description sure sounds terribly familiar about several in D.C. Well 'they' do have goals and strategies but not necessarily the ones most of us free Americans would like, well, kinda free so far. I thought you may be talking about...............never mind. :tongue:
This election, 2010, needs to be a national referendum on the direction Obama and the Democrats are taking this country.

Steele doesn't get it, he needs to go.
This election, 2010, needs to be a national referendum on the direction Obama and the Democrats are taking this country.

Steele doesn't get it, he needs to go.

I agree, he has to go.
The last thing they need to do is listen to you fuckin' leftist hacks about who, or what kind of leader, they need. They need to stop coddling, and trying to please, people who would never vote for them anyway, fuck 'em.
Steele should go but not for simply giving his opinion on something. There has been a ridiculous over-reaction to his comments by the corrupt MSM and the usual suspect Neocon RINO's. Personally i think Steele was right. We should get the H*ll out of Afghanistan and these Wars are now Obama's wars. The Wars came with the job. The man is entitled to his own opinions for God's sake. Everyone is so quick to attack anyone who dares to give their own opinions these days. What kind of country are we becoming? I think the RNC should dump Steele for his incompetence but not his words. Palin would be a much better choice to head the RNC. She's aggressive & smart and she scares the H*ll out of the Democrats. I am pretty sick of everyone viciously attacking anyone who gives their opinions though. It's such a herd mentality. In the end Steele was right and i don't understand what all the fuss is about.

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