Abbas's Impossible Decision

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas is facing a growing political dilemma that some observers suggest might even force him to resign. The dilemma stems from the impossible situation of having to balance intensive behind- the-scenes US pressure to join open-ended peace talks with Israel and pressure from the Palestinian street as well as Abbas's own Fatah Party to stay out of talks under the present conditions irrespective of the cost.

Most Palestinians view submission to US pressure as amounting to capitulation to Israeli demands and dictates. Earlier this week, President Obama sent a letter to Abbas telling him that the PA would have to join direct peace talks with Israel or face the consequences. For most Palestinians, the word "consequences" is widely believed to be an allusion to withdrawing financial assistance paid by Washington, without which it is doubtful that the PA can survive for long.

palestinefreevoice: Abbas's Impossible Decision

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