A Zionist Among Palestinians

Got a link to back that up?

Where's your link to that?

Rachel Corrie was deliberately ran over with a bulldozer in the process of razing a Palestinian doctors' home.

There is outrage when the incidents occur.

When innocent Jews are blown up in pizza parlors by misguided zealots the US media slavishly swallows every Zionist talking point AIPAC-controlled politicians and pundits offer. When Jews murder a solitary US civilian trying to prevent the illegal destruction of a Palestinian family's home, the same corporate hacks blame the victim. When Israel murders 34 US service men in international waters, the corporate hacks are too timid to say anything. That should outrage everyone.
I agree.

Now is the time for mass non-violent civil disobedience in Palestine; IF the western corporate press provides the same coverage it gave to North Africa, the groundwork for a federation of Israel, Palestine, and Jordan could follow.

"The atmosphere in the Middle East and North Africa today is electric. Thanks to the scenes of peaceful protesters ousting dictators in Tunisia and Egypt, belief in nonviolent people power is at an all-time high.

"But for Palestinians to continue making the same decision, they have to believe they will succeed.

"If nonviolent Palestinian protesters are crushed by force and their repression is met with silence from the Western states that support Israel, many might choose an alternate path."

Palestine's Hidden History of Nonviolence - By Yousef Munayyer | Foreign Policy
"If ever there were a moment for Palestinians to overwhelmingly embrace nonviolence, that moment is now. The new media environment has created space for peaceful Palestinian voices that would never have been heard in the past.

"Many nonviolent protests continue to take place regularly: from the aid flotillas and convoys, along with repeated demonstrations against buffer zones in Gaza, to protests against the separation wall in Bilin, Nilin, Nabi Saleh, and al-Walaja; to demonstrations against home eviction and demolition in Jerusalem neighborhoods like Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan; to regular marches in refugee camps inside and outside of Palestine.

"But Western governments need to end their silence.

"By condemning Palestinian violent resistance while failing to condemn Israel's repression of nonviolent resistance, Israel's allies -- above all the United States -- are sending the dangerous message to young Palestinians that no resistance to Israeli occupation is ever acceptable.

"The fact that the nonviolent protest of the Arab Spring has come to Palestine is not a threat. It's a historic opportunity for the West to finally get it right."

Palestine's Hidden History of Nonviolence - By Yousef Munayyer | Foreign Policy

I wonder if anyone can cite any of those "non-violent" demonstrations.


PS in my youth I was in lots of NON VIOLENT DEMONSTRATIONS----
no one died-----no one was arrested-----all throwing was strictly
prohibited-----including throwing a paper cup on the ground----
blocking by ways and roads was strictly prohibited

In my life I have seen lots of what some people called
"non violent" protests and lots of indignation over arrests
for the "non violent" blocking of by ways ensuring
impediments to ambulances and fire engines.


"Many nonviolent protests continue to take place regularly: from the aid flotillas and convoys, along with repeated demonstrations against buffer zones in Gaza, to protests against the separation wall in Bilin, Nilin, Nabi Saleh, and al-Walaja; to demonstrations against home eviction and demolition in Jerusalem neighborhoods like Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan; to regular marches in refugee camps inside and outside of Palestine."

Palestine's Hidden History of Nonviolence - By Yousef Munayyer | Foreign Policy
"If ever there were a moment for Palestinians to overwhelmingly embrace nonviolence, that moment is now. The new media environment has created space for peaceful Palestinian voices that would never have been heard in the past.

"Many nonviolent protests continue to take place regularly: from the aid flotillas and convoys, along with repeated demonstrations against buffer zones in Gaza, to protests against the separation wall in Bilin, Nilin, Nabi Saleh, and al-Walaja; to demonstrations against home eviction and demolition in Jerusalem neighborhoods like Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan; to regular marches in refugee camps inside and outside of Palestine.

"But Western governments need to end their silence.

"By condemning Palestinian violent resistance while failing to condemn Israel's repression of nonviolent resistance, Israel's allies -- above all the United States -- are sending the dangerous message to young Palestinians that no resistance to Israeli occupation is ever acceptable.

"The fact that the nonviolent protest of the Arab Spring has come to Palestine is not a threat. It's a historic opportunity for the West to finally get it right."

Palestine's Hidden History of Nonviolence - By Yousef Munayyer | Foreign Policy

I wonder if anyone can cite any of those "non-violent" demonstrations.


PS in my youth I was in lots of NON VIOLENT DEMONSTRATIONS----
no one died-----no one was arrested-----all throwing was strictly
prohibited-----including throwing a paper cup on the ground----
blocking by ways and roads was strictly prohibited

In my life I have seen lots of what some people called
"non violent" protests and lots of indignation over arrests
for the "non violent" blocking of by ways ensuring
impediments to ambulances and fire engines.


"Many nonviolent protests continue to take place regularly: from the aid flotillas and convoys, along with repeated demonstrations against buffer zones in Gaza, to protests against the separation wall in Bilin, Nilin, Nabi Saleh, and al-Walaja; to demonstrations against home eviction and demolition in Jerusalem neighborhoods like Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan; to regular marches in refugee camps inside and outside of Palestine."

Palestine's Hidden History of Nonviolence - By Yousef Munayyer | Foreign Policy

I was hoping that you would cite SINGLE examples of non violent protest ----with dates
and places so that I could research them As to the AID FLOTILLAS----
Israel has a MILITARY EMBARGO on Gaza-----which is a response to incessant
bombings into Israel ----into civilian centers like Sderot and Beersheba which the UN
has deemed LEGAL ------The issue is possible contraband---The ships merely have to be

I have not seen LOTS of protests enacted by palestinians-----very few----but all involved
rock flinging enacted by young strong men------even some using SLINGS-----try that
in your local town square. I spent some of my youth in New Jersey-----try slinging rocks
at people in the presence of a NEW JERSEY COP------did you ever see those TWIN CANNONS those nine foot tall cops have holstered on their belts?------ever see one of them pull one out of its holster------I have -----and they do SHOOT ---big giant
real bullets. If you REALLY want to see how cops in the US respond to ROCK FLINGING--
visit New Jersey and FLING around. No one will say "that poor child tossed a pebble"
" When innocent Jews are blown up in pizza parlors by misguided zealots the US media slavishly swallows every Zionist talking point AIPAC-controlled politicians and pundits offer. When Jews murder a solitary US civilian trying to prevent the illegal destruction of a Palestinian family's home, the same corporate hacks blame the victim. When Israel murders 34 US service men in international waters, the corporate hacks are too timid to say anything. That should outrage everyone."

George, as far as I'm concerned, the above quote is a perfect illustration of why nothing you can post is worth taking seriously:

1) "misguided zealots" is a poor euphemism for terrorists

2) "the US media slavishly swallows every Zionist talking point AIPAC-controlled politicians and pundits offer" is unequivocally conspiranutter BS filth. Never-mind that it's of a Jew-hating, Jew-baiting variety...

3)" when Jews murder a solitary US civilian" shows the Jew-hating Jew-baiting AGAIN. And then there's the "murder" bit, which ignores the fact that the area was OFF-LIMITS to civilians of any citizenship, with signage. It was a 'war zone'. The girl was not 'solitary': this was part of an 'in-your-face' style of "demonstration" (organized by a communist group). So there's a complete distortion and misrepresentation of an incident - and all done for the effect of demonizing - not Israelis but Jews

4) "the same corporate hacks blame the victim" And ANOTHER reference to the conspiranutter BS filth paradigm.

5) "When Israel murders 34 US service men in international waters" - ONE solitary situation, in wartime, in battle - and the 'corporate hacks' are following what the US Government decided after the US Navy investigated. Why blame the press? Why are you so certain you know better than the people who investigated the matter, just what happened? And how can you be certain about *intent* with so little information or access?

6) "That should outrage everyone" Well, this is highly ironic, coming from someone who's consistently sneered at the US military as you have. But suddenly you are oh-so-upset about a 'friendly fire' situation in 1967 - 46 years ago.

And that was just the one paragraph.
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I wonder if anyone can cite any of those "non-violent" demonstrations.


PS in my youth I was in lots of NON VIOLENT DEMONSTRATIONS----
no one died-----no one was arrested-----all throwing was strictly
prohibited-----including throwing a paper cup on the ground----
blocking by ways and roads was strictly prohibited

In my life I have seen lots of what some people called
"non violent" protests and lots of indignation over arrests
for the "non violent" blocking of by ways ensuring
impediments to ambulances and fire engines.


"Many nonviolent protests continue to take place regularly: from the aid flotillas and convoys, along with repeated demonstrations against buffer zones in Gaza, to protests against the separation wall in Bilin, Nilin, Nabi Saleh, and al-Walaja; to demonstrations against home eviction and demolition in Jerusalem neighborhoods like Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan; to regular marches in refugee camps inside and outside of Palestine."

Palestine's Hidden History of Nonviolence - By Yousef Munayyer | Foreign Policy

I was hoping that you would cite SINGLE examples of non violent protest ----with dates
and places so that I could research them As to the AID FLOTILLAS----
Israel has a MILITARY EMBARGO on Gaza-----which is a response to incessant
bombings into Israel ----into civilian centers like Sderot and Beersheba which the UN
has deemed LEGAL ------The issue is possible contraband---The ships merely have to be

I have not seen LOTS of protests enacted by palestinians-----very few----but all involved
rock flinging enacted by young strong men------even some using SLINGS-----try that
in your local town square. I spent some of my youth in New Jersey-----try slinging rocks
at people in the presence of a NEW JERSEY COP------did you ever see those TWIN CANNONS those nine foot tall cops have holstered on their belts?------ever see one of them pull one out of its holster------I have -----and they do SHOOT ---big giant
real bullets. If you REALLY want to see how cops in the US respond to ROCK FLINGING--
visit New Jersey and FLING around. No one will say "that poor child tossed a pebble"

Research the connection between 650,000 Jews inflicting their nation upon twice as many non-Jews in 1948 and Israel's illegal MILITARY EMBARGO on Gaza today, then pay a visit to the Tent of Nations tomorrow:

"In my recent visit to the Occupied Palestinian Territories (on an international observation tour) I saw many examples of creative, non-violent resistance to the injustice of the Israeli occupation where the scenes described by Dr King are a daily reality for thousands of Palestinians.

"This not only encouraged me about the validity and effectiveness of the approach, but also served to continue to challenge the popular (and ignorant) notion that ‘most Palestinians are terrorists’.

"One of the first examples of this came at an ‘educational and environmental farm’ called the Tent of Nations, in the rural area just outside Bethlehem.

"The farm is set within a fence-gated entrance, to protect it from attacks by Israeli settlers living nearby – their settlements being illegal under international law.

"As we approach, we are forced to leave our coach a few hundred yards away due to enormous boulders blocking the road, a frequent tactic of local settlers to restrict Palestinian movement between villages.

"Walking through the olive tree plantations (which are also often attacked and destroyed by settlers), we have time to explore the almost self-sustaining farm and education centre, in which the colourful graffiti prove that peace and love did not die at the end of the 60’s."

Non-violent resistance: A Case study from the Occupied Palestinian Territories | socialjusticefirst
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I am familiar with the "tent of nations" ----it is simply a division of
the DAR AL ISLAM---a totalitarian utopian movement painted up as ---
--aka the stink of the caliphate and shariah-----it appeals to nazis too---
since it is essentially the same ideology

All totalitarian utopian ideologies lead to MASSIVE GENOCIDES
"Research the connection between 650,000 Jews inflicting their nation upon twice as many non-Jews in 1948 ..."

Complete rubbish. There was no 'inflicting' involved - unless it were by the UN. Which makes the establishment of the State of Israel completely legal under that selfsame 'international law' you lot are constantly claiming must be respected.

While anyone continues to so misrepresent the Partition as in the scurrilous quote in bold above, their every reference to 'international law' is an obscenity.
"Research the connection between 650,000 Jews inflicting their nation upon twice as many non-Jews in 1948 ..."

Complete rubbish. There was no 'inflicting' involved - unless it were by the UN. Which makes the establishment of the State of Israel completely legal under that selfsame 'international law' you lot are constantly claiming must be respected.

While anyone continues to so misrepresent the Partition as in the scurrilous quote in bold above, their every reference to 'international law' is an obscenity.
1948 Mandate Palestine.
650,000 Jews.
1.2 million Arabs.
Jewish state???

The only "legal" authority the UN possessed to inflict a Jewish ethnocracy on Mandate Palestine came from the barrel of a gun. (not unlike your heroes in 1939 Poland)
"Research the connection between 650,000 Jews inflicting their nation upon twice as many non-Jews in 1948 ..."

Complete rubbish. There was no 'inflicting' involved - unless it were by the UN. Which makes the establishment of the State of Israel completely legal under that selfsame 'international law' you lot are constantly claiming must be respected.

While anyone continues to so misrepresent the Partition as in the scurrilous quote in bold above, their every reference to 'international law' is an obscenity.
1948 Mandate Palestine.
650,000 Jews.
1.2 million Arabs.
Jewish state???

The only "legal" authority the UN possessed to inflict a Jewish ethnocracy on Mandate Palestine came from the barrel of a gun. (not unlike your heroes in 1939 Poland)

you have something against "ethnocracies" ???? does that mean that you insist
on the disbandment of Pakistan, Iran, Jordan, Saudi arabia? Maldives, Sudan,
Yemen, etc etc etc? I agree with you that any country that flies a flag with
a CRESCENT upon it-----or mentions the word "islamic" or "shariah" or "koran"
in its charter or constitution-----must be ousted from the UN -----I appreciate
your input Btw-----650,000 is approximately 2/3 million something like well over
a half of 1.2 million. How many Muslims inflicted Pakistan on how mny hindus
in the Indian subcontinent?. The only heroes in Poland in 1939----ended up in the
WARSAW GHETTO-----most of them were murdered by your heros and your 'god'
Adolf abu ali
"Research the connection between 650,000 Jews inflicting their nation upon twice as many non-Jews in 1948 ..."

Complete rubbish. There was no 'inflicting' involved - unless it were by the UN. Which makes the establishment of the State of Israel completely legal under that selfsame 'international law' you lot are constantly claiming must be respected.

While anyone continues to so misrepresent the Partition as in the scurrilous quote in bold above, their every reference to 'international law' is an obscenity.
1948 Mandate Palestine.
650,000 Jews.
1.2 million Arabs.
Jewish state???

The only "legal" authority the UN possessed to inflict a Jewish ethnocracy on Mandate Palestine came from the barrel of a gun. (not unlike your heroes in 1939 Poland)

you have something against "ethnocracies" ???? does that mean that you insist
on the disbandment of Pakistan, Iran, Jordan, Saudi arabia? Maldives, Sudan,
Yemen, etc etc etc? I agree with you that any country that flies a flag with
a CRESCENT upon it-----or mentions the word "islamic" or "shariah" or "koran"
in its charter or constitution-----must be ousted from the UN -----I appreciate
your input Btw-----650,000 is approximately 2/3 million something like well over
a half of 1.2 million. How many Muslims inflicted Pakistan on how mny hindus
in the Indian subcontinent?. The only heroes in Poland in 1939----ended up in the
WARSAW GHETTO-----most of them were murdered by your heros and your 'god'
Adolf abu ali

1) The same rich royal parasites who inflicted Pakistan upon the Indian subcontinent also inflicted Jewish rule upon Palestine, where, in 1948, Jews comprised about one-third of the total population.

2) While it isn't within either of our powers to "disband" any sovereign state (no matter how racist or corrupt) it is within my rights to state I don't want my government supporting their authoritarian leaders or covering up their many crimes against humanity like Israel's illegal annexation of Jerusalem or the rich royal Saudis discrimination against women. Why do you condemn one and apologize for the other?
1948 Mandate Palestine.
650,000 Jews.
1.2 million Arabs.
Jewish state???

The only "legal" authority the UN possessed to inflict a Jewish ethnocracy on Mandate Palestine came from the barrel of a gun. (not unlike your heroes in 1939 Poland)

you have something against "ethnocracies" ???? does that mean that you insist
on the disbandment of Pakistan, Iran, Jordan, Saudi arabia? Maldives, Sudan,
Yemen, etc etc etc? I agree with you that any country that flies a flag with
a CRESCENT upon it-----or mentions the word "islamic" or "shariah" or "koran"
in its charter or constitution-----must be ousted from the UN -----I appreciate
your input Btw-----650,000 is approximately 2/3 million something like well over
a half of 1.2 million. How many Muslims inflicted Pakistan on how mny hindus
in the Indian subcontinent?. The only heroes in Poland in 1939----ended up in the
WARSAW GHETTO-----most of them were murdered by your heros and your 'god'
Adolf abu ali

1) The same rich royal parasites who inflicted Pakistan upon the Indian subcontinent also inflicted Jewish rule upon Palestine, where, in 1948, Jews comprised about one-third of the total population.

2) While it isn't within either of our powers to "disband" any sovereign state (no matter how racist or corrupt) it is within my rights to state I don't want my government supporting their authoritarian leaders or covering up their many crimes against humanity like Israel's illegal annexation of Jerusalem or the rich royal Saudis discrimination against women. Why do you condemn one and apologize for the other?

try again----I correctly addressed YOUR comment regarding "ethnocracies"-----why do you
dredge up "authoritarian leaders"----lots of countries have authoritarian leaders
which are not ethnocracies

I do not know who it is that you are called the "rich parasites" today. What I do
know about PAKISTAN based on close social and professional relationships with
HUNDREDS of pakistanis over the past approx. 45 years is that it is the MUSLIMS
of the Indian subcontinent who clamoured for Pakistan-------in fact even those
muslims of the Indian subcontinent who REMAINED in India------of my acquaintance--
have been ARDENT PAKISTANOPHILS (an interesting story >> one of my
Indian/hindu colleagues-----one day----told me ----with real tears in his
eyes----that he attended a crickett match---between India and pakistan----
and the indian muslims in the audience OPENLY rooted for the pakistani
team........I listened quietly and did not mention the fact that I have known
Indian muslims who comment on hindus "one day we will drink their blood")

btw---GANDHI also supported the formation of pakistan---UNDER
remember the name of the leader----could be "ZIA"

the poeple who imposed PAKISTAN on the INDIAN SUBCONTINENT---
were muslims-------that you claim "the same people" "imposed"
Israel on the middle east-----is fascinating --- does not seem
like the pakistani muslims I have encountered

can you name the "pakistan imposers" did they have an '
oil motive too? ----pakistan does produce sissors -----was it
Edward Sissorhands?
"The Pakistan Movement or Tehrik-e-Pakistan (Urdu: تحریکِ پاکستان* — Tẹḥrīk-e Pākistān) refers to the successful historical movement against British Raj and Indian Congress to have an independent Muslim state named Pakistan created from the separation of the north-western region of the South Asia, divided within or outside the British Indian Empire.

"It had its origins in the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh (present day Uttar Pradesh). Muslims there were a minority, yet their elite had a disproportionate amount of representation in the civil service and a strong degree of cultural and literary influence.

"The idea of Pakistan spread from Northern India through the Muslim diaspora of this region, and spread outwards to the Muslim communities of the rest of India.[1]

"This movement was led by lawyer Muhammad Ali Jinnah, along with other prominent founding fathers of Pakistan including Allama Iqbal, Liaqat Ali Khan, Muhammad Zafarullah Khan, Aga Khan III, Fatima Jinnah, Bahadur Yar Jung, Maulana Mohammad Ali Jauhar, Chaudhry Khaliquzzaman, A.K. Fazlul Huq, Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar, Jogendra Nath Mandal, Victor Turner, Ra'na Liaquat Ali Khan, and Dr. Sir Ziauddin Ahmed.

"The movement ultimately achieved success in 1947 with the Partition of India into largely Muslim-majority and non-Muslim majority regions."

Pakistan Movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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