A Year of Climategate


Gold Member
Sep 22, 2009

a lot has happened in just one year. he even mentions one of my favourite memories- Scientific American blowing a gasket and removing the results when they put up a poll and close to 80% of the respondents said they thought that global warming was predominantly caused by natural processes. hahahaha

a lot has happened in just one year. he even mentions one of my favourite memories- Scientific American blowing a gasket and removing the results when they put up a poll and close to 80% of the respondents said they thought that global warming was predominantly caused by natural processes. hahahaha

They're allowed to be Intellectually dishonest because so few of them are honest, maybe only 6%.
A year of climategate? Complete exoneration for the scientists. Just the wingnuts still yapping about baseless charges.

And the climate continues to warm, as we see increasing evidence in every field of study of the harm that we are doing in increasing the GHGs in the atmosphere.
A year of climategate? Complete exoneration for the scientists. Just the wingnuts still yapping about baseless charges.

And the climate continues to warm, as we see increasing evidence in every field of study of the harm that we are doing in increasing the GHGs in the atmosphere.

And, more great moments in the march of (real) science...

"On Election Day 2010, Reuters noted briefly that Intercontinental Exchange Inc. (ICE) was “shedding some 40 employees from its … Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX) by the end of the year, with further cuts [expected] in 2011.” In its curt announcement, Reuters said that all trading on that exchange had virtually stopped in July “due to the lack of U.S. action on climate change.”

Steve Milloy expected much more fanfare from the media. Commenting on the news, Milloy said that over the last 15 years, “cap and trade has been one of the most stridently debated public policy controversies … but it is dying a quiet death.” Chicago Climate Exchange Closes in Silence

"CCX’s panicked original investors bailed out this spring, unloading the dog and its across-the-pond cousin, the European Climate Exchange (ECX), for $600 million to the New York Stock Exchange-traded Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) – an electronic futures and derivatives platform based in Atlanta and London."
Al Gore?s Chicago Climate Exchange closes down carbon trading operations // Current

Poor, poor Rocks...
Fail to see the connection. Like Dr. Hansen, I would prefer to see a shutdown of fossil fuel plants in the space of a decade. Cap and trade was just a fallback position that worked for sulphate emissions in the coal fired electrical generation.

But, you Conservatives have gotten your way, and we and China continue to create a catastrophe for the whole world. And when it hits the fan, the first thing you will say is "Why didn't the scientists warn us?!!!!". Just in your genetic makeup to accept no responsibility whatsoever for your actions.
A year of climategate? Complete exoneration for the scientists. Just the wingnuts still yapping about baseless charges.

And the climate continues to warm, as we see increasing evidence in every field of study of the harm that we are doing in increasing the GHGs in the atmosphere.

How come we never see any laboratory experiment demonstrating this "harm"?

Do you consider all of America north of the Ohio River under 2 miles of ice to be the "Good Ole Days"?

Frank, old boy, you haven't a clue as to what a rapid climate change does. And you understand so little of science that it is impossible to explain to you the reasons for the melting of the ice.
Frank, old boy, you haven't a clue as to what a rapid climate change does. And you understand so little of science that it is impossible to explain to you the reasons for the melting of the ice.

Pretty sure, as debates go, I have your little shrunken head on my belt because you have never once, not in over a year of being asked, provided a single, repeatable laboratory experiment showing how a 200PPM increase in CO2 causes an increase in temperature and you still can't or won't tell what triggered the retreat of the Glaciers and if that process ever stopped.

Your "Science" is preposterous: The massive ice sheets retreat (will you tell us why? Was it Global Warming, or something else?), then they stop around 1850 because Earth is in Balance, and only retreat again because I drove my SUV to Albany.

Old Rocks has his climate models set to 'alarm' and a bunch of 'what ifs', but not much else.
"The thawing of most of the ice-sheets in the northern hemisphere began between 20,000 and 19,000 years ago (Clark, 2009), and finally ended around 8,000 years ago, when the ice-sheets reached (more or less) their current volume and extension. However, it is probable that part of the ice in Western Antarctica continued to thaw until very recently; and perhaps the retreat of the coastal ice platforms, evident in some areas of Antarctica, is simply a continuation of the deglaciation which began approximately twenty thousand years ago (Conway, 1999)."

Chapter 10. Deglaciation. 1. The causes 2. Rise in sea level 3. Phases and time lags between the Arctic and the Antarctic 4. The Younger Dryas 1. The causes

Seriously? Does he not know that Western Civilization use of "Fossil fuels" is causing the melting?

OR, have a talk with this guy!
"According to the classic theory, it was an astronomical factor which triggered the entire process."

Chapter 10. Deglaciation. 1. The causes 2. Rise in sea level 3. Phases and time lags between the Arctic and the Antarctic 4. The Younger Dryas 1. The causes

"But that process came to a screeching halt in 1840 and the Earth was in Balance until 1850 when Americans started burning Fossil Fuels and made the Glaciers retreat" -- excerpted from OR and the Warmers new book, "How Global Waring Works. Seriously. We think we have this all figured out. Trust us"
Fail to see the connection. Like Dr. Hansen, I would prefer to see a shutdown of fossil fuel plants in the space of a decade. Cap and trade was just a fallback position that worked for sulphate emissions in the coal fired electrical generation.

But, you Conservatives have gotten your way, and we and China continue to create a catastrophe for the whole world. And when it hits the fan, the first thing you will say is "Why didn't the scientists warn us?!!!!". Just in your genetic makeup to accept no responsibility whatsoever for your actions.

"you Conservatives have gotten your way...

Close, but no cigar.

Those with comprehension have prevailed!

The only ones left are you and Hiroo Onoda.

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