A world without unions


I give you....the TRUTH
Feb 9, 2011
The United States
I think people should read about the beginning of the coal and steel industries. I think we should all look at how these companies were run to include an in depth look at the company store. Do you believe that your employer would give you as many breaks and as long a lunch as you get if he wasn't made to by law? How about your vacation time, sick time, and comp time, how do you think that would change? Ever think about child labor laws ? Unions have advanced the rights of all workers, and yes, some union policies need changing, but to do away with unions would have catastrophic results. Employers treat employees horribly in non union work places, does your employer give you two weeks notice before you get laid off? Have you ever seen a fellow employee escorted off the property by the police when they have been teminated? We should all think long and hard before we call for the elimination of unions. Workers have very few rights lets not give up the ones we have left.
I think people should read about the beginning of the coal and steel industries. I think we should all look at how these companies were run to include an in depth look at the company store. Do you believe that your employer would give you as many breaks and as long a lunch as you get if he wasn't made to by law? How about your vacation time, sick time, and comp time, how do you think that would change? Ever think about child labor laws ? Unions have advanced the rights of all workers, and yes, some union policies need changing, but to do away with unions would have catastrophic results. Employers treat employees horribly in non union work places, does your employer give you two weeks notice before you get laid off? Have you ever seen a fellow employee escorted off the property by the police when they have been teminated? We should all think long and hard before we call for the elimination of unions. Workers have very few rights lets not give up the ones we have left.

I don't see anything wrong with the concept of working 8 hours being paid for 8 hours. Work for 7 hours 45 minutes, get paid for 7 hours 45 minutes.
unions today only exist to cover the asses of worthless employees so they cant be fired and to make money for themselves.

unions are the single largest cost of a new car, and why no one is buying them

unions are why there are teachers getting paid for 10 years after they were caught molesting students but they cant be fired.

unions are a cancer on american businesses and should, IMO be outlawed
We have very extensive labor laws in the U.S. The original purpose of unions has been more than sufficiently addressed. Now, they are just shakedown operators with an agenda to get more than market wages at the expense of either shareholders or taxpayers. The ultimate end is bankruptcy.
For the record, teacher's unions ALSO:

- help teachers whose schedule does not include a lunch break (or bathroom break) address that fact with an administration who shrugs and says, "You're a Special Education teacher...we couldn't figure out your schedule any other way..."

- help with the legal costs when a teacher is sued by a parent who is mad because the teacher refused to continue giving one-on-one tutoring to a student who was scoring proficient and/or advanced on state assessment tests because she had 27 other special needs students who were score basic and/or below basic on those assessments

I could list a few more examples...but these are situations where teachers were being exploited and having a union did help. I am a public school teacher who would not be devastated if teacher's unions went away...but in the sake of honest discourse....they DO also help protect GOOD teachers from bad situations.
We need children working in coal mines and the textile industries again to make us competitive in the world market.
Another tidbit of information the president of the USA ordered a bombing raid on striking miners in the USA. It did not happen becuase the planes got lost in the fog and one crashed. But our president ordered a bombing raid on striking US miners.
With the economy imploding daily, I hope no one ever has to work in a non union shop. I hope no one ever has to see their employer take extensive vacations, buy personal planes, boats and cars, all the while telling you he can't afford to keep your family on the companies insurance program.
I'm not against making a buck, and I understand that the employer should be making a profit, but to pay slave wages with no safety net available for workers, I can understand workers who go "postal". Look around the world and watch the people revolting and the reasons for it.
the days of the robber barons ended like 100 years ago people

thats what the minumum wage is for. thats law, so you aitn gonna be working for nothing

grow up and quit crying

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