A Wall Street Protester

These people want the economy to be shared by all

It is shared by all, those that work and contribute into it enjoy it, and those that don't work and have their hands out "Wall street protestors" enjoy the handouts the rest of us work for. Everyone is sharing it, just because the ones not trying to work are not getting as much as they would like....well, that's their own fucking fault for being lazy candy asses.
Did any of you notice the young man said he was jewish himself?

And just because he said he was that makes it so. And even if it is so, does it really matter? I would bet he wasn't though, the rest of the protestors would have killed him or beat him up by now.
They have no list of demands. That was the solitary opinion of one solitary person who represents nobody but himself.

You're right. They have no demands.

They are a mob. Designed to create Chaos.

Top down. Bottom up. Inside out.

"Let the Lord of Chaos rule"

Personally, Id rather worship the Lord of Creation and order.

"Judge Not Lest You Be Judged. For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you."
Where was that sentiment when the left where bashing up on the tea party rallies? Not to be found, hypocrite.
The right jsut doesnt know what to do with a real American protest.

These people want the economy to be shared by all instead of piled into a corner for just 400 families while the rest of us scramble arround trying to hang onto a few hard earned assets.

They would like the people who caused this mess with their greed to at LEAST be investigated for the fraud they perpitrated on the world and especially the USA.

They want a country that works for the peopel instead of jsut for the wealthy.

They want the MONEY OUT of the system in which we pick our representatives so we can get represented instead of sold out to the highewst bidder.

Same as the failure of the left to cope with real protests on the other side. The left has come up with something akin to the tea party though you will never admit that. Perhaps this movement has a future as well??
There list of Demands reads like a study on today's Entitlement Mentality. They want a Min Living Wage of 20 Dollars a hour. Whether you work or not. Meaning people would get 20 Bucks an hour to not work.

Yet they also want Free College, Not sure why you need it if you can get 20 Bucks and hour to sit at home and play with yourself.

Literally reads like the list of a 4 year old Child Demanding things from his Mommy and Daddy.

We Want

20 Bucks and Hour
Free Medical
Free College
Free housing
Free, Free, Free

It's as if these people think Money simply Grows on tree and is available to fund every Pipe dream they have.

Pathetic study in the horrible, LIBERALLY BIASED, Public Education system.

You know there isnt a list of demands but you lie about it anyway and repeatedly. Whats your goal with this lie? And when you already know its a lie, why do you keep repeating it?

So a bunch of people are hanging around and causing a general nuisance for absolutely no reason.

Yeah I'll support that..................not.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8of8h-N1o7M&feature=player_embedded]Leftist Hurls Racist, Hateful Comments, Assaults Tea Party Member - YouTube[/ame]
I dont see why anyone gets upset about these protesters. They will eventually go home after they figure out that you cannot get the corruption out of wall street. Its part of the system. I could really care less whether the whole country protests. In fact, it makes for fun viewing. But what they havent figured out yet is they arent going to be able to change a thing. Wall street is its own entity and free to do whatever it wants to whomever. Its always been that way. The american way.
I dont see why anyone gets upset about these protesters. They will eventually go home after they figure out that you cannot get the corruption out of wall street. Its part of the system. I could really care less whether the whole country protests. In fact, it makes for fun viewing. But what they havent figured out yet is they arent going to be able to change a thing. Wall street is its own entity and free to do whatever it wants to whomever. Its always been that way. The american way.

Your not really paying attention. They know they cant get corruption out of this system, thats why they are calling for a new system.

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