A vote for a losing candidate is not squandered


Gold Member
Jul 26, 2009
A vote for a losing candidate is not squandered.

I’m confident that the policies Obama ADVOCATED would have been to our nation’s best interests. His lack of commitment to his own opinions does himself, the Democratic Party and our nation a great disservice.

The Democratic Party declined to bring income taxes onto the floors of the U.S. Congress prior to the 2010 elections; In 2010 I declined to vote for Democrats. I’ve voted for Democrats each election since leaving the service in 1959. Last year I cast my vote for the Green Party’s congressional candidate.

It may not be possible for the president to reverse the consequences of his so often acquiescing and surrendering his political positions. He’s lost his credibility. The president’s promises and lovely speeches are not an acceptable substitute for actions. He’s the titular leader of the Party.

President Obama and the Democratic Party had lost our votes in the 2010 elections. It’s not likely that we will vote for Democrats this November. The next round of budget decisions will affect our votes in the 2012 elections. I’d be pleased if he would give us reason to again vote for Democrats.

It’s hoped a nation moving the wrong direction will recognize correct their error. A directionless Democrat Party gives us no hope. Thus far it doesn’t appear that we will be voting for Democrats in 2011 or 2012.

Respectfully, Supposn
It works equally as well on the other side of the aisle. In 2008, the slightly less Liberal party (the R's) ran a set of Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates that were by no means Conservative. In fact one of them couldn't have been Conservative based solely on her gender. So I chose to vote for Chuck Baldwin, the Constitution Party candidate for President.
A vote for a losing candidate is not squandered.

I’m confident that the policies Obama ADVOCATED would have been to our nation’s best interests. His lack of commitment to his own opinions does himself, the Democratic Party and our nation a great disservice.

The Democratic Party declined to bring income taxes onto the floors of the U.S. Congress prior to the 2010 elections; In 2010 I declined to vote for Democrats. I’ve voted for Democrats each election since leaving the service in 1959. Last year I cast my vote for the Green Party’s congressional candidate.

It may not be possible for the president to reverse the consequences of his so often acquiescing and surrendering his political positions. He’s lost his credibility. The president’s promises and lovely speeches are not an acceptable substitute for actions. He’s the titular leader of the Party.

President Obama and the Democratic Party had lost our votes in the 2010 elections. It’s not likely that we will vote for Democrats this November. The next round of budget decisions will affect our votes in the 2012 elections. I’d be pleased if he would give us reason to again vote for Democrats.

It’s hoped a nation moving the wrong direction will recognize correct their error. A directionless Democrat Party gives us no hope. Thus far it doesn’t appear that we will be voting for Democrats in 2011 or 2012.

Respectfully, Supposn

Who is this "we" of whom you speak?
Ananchronism, I’m not a proponent of compromise for only the sake compromise.

Too often the middle ground is the least advantagous position for all concerned or some concepts and conditions are mutually exclusive.

“One size fits all” generally means that there’s few (if any) for who would or should find the fit satisfactory and far to many (if not most) would or should find it unacceptable.

Respectfully, Supposn
A vote for a losing candidate is not squandered.

I’m confident that the policies Obama ADVOCATED would have been to our nation’s best interests. His lack of commitment to his own opinions does himself, the Democratic Party and our nation a great disservice.

The Democratic Party declined to bring income taxes onto the floors of the U.S. Congress prior to the 2010 elections; In 2010 I declined to vote for Democrats. I’ve voted for Democrats each election since leaving the service in 1959. Last year I cast my vote for the Green Party’s congressional candidate.

It may not be possible for the president to reverse the consequences of his so often acquiescing and surrendering his political positions. He’s lost his credibility. The president’s promises and lovely speeches are not an acceptable substitute for actions. He’s the titular leader of the Party.

President Obama and the Democratic Party had lost our votes in the 2010 elections. It’s not likely that we will vote for Democrats this November. The next round of budget decisions will affect our votes in the 2012 elections. I’d be pleased if he would give us reason to again vote for Democrats.

It’s hoped a nation moving the wrong direction will recognize correct their error. A directionless Democrat Party gives us no hope. Thus far it doesn’t appear that we will be voting for Democrats in 2011 or 2012.

Respectfully, Supposn

Donald? Is that you?
A vote for a losing candidate is not squandered.

I’m confident that the policies Obama ADVOCATED would have been to our nation’s best interests. His lack of commitment to his own opinions does himself, the Democratic Party and our nation a great disservice.

The Democratic Party declined to bring income taxes onto the floors of the U.S. Congress prior to the 2010 elections; In 2010 I declined to vote for Democrats. I’ve voted for Democrats each election since leaving the service in 1959. Last year I cast my vote for the Green Party’s congressional candidate.

It may not be possible for the president to reverse the consequences of his so often acquiescing and surrendering his political positions. He’s lost his credibility. The president’s promises and lovely speeches are not an acceptable substitute for actions. He’s the titular leader of the Party.

President Obama and the Democratic Party had lost our votes in the 2010 elections. It’s not likely that we will vote for Democrats this November. The next round of budget decisions will affect our votes in the 2012 elections. I’d be pleased if he would give us reason to again vote for Democrats.

It’s hoped a nation moving the wrong direction will recognize correct their error. A directionless Democrat Party gives us no hope. Thus far it doesn’t appear that we will be voting for Democrats in 2011 or 2012.

Respectfully, Supposn

Interesting. I had always voted Republican. Bush cured me of that. I too went Green in the last election.

A third party does not need a lot of votes the first time. If one can get 5% it is considered a regular party. It gets on ballots, receives matching funds, and gets in debates.
At this time, 3rd Party candidates are America's only hope.

Then we have no hope.


I'm still hopeful that the American people are smarter than that. Ross Perot got 19% of the popular vote in 1992. If a 3rd Party Candidate could get in the 30% range, America might have a chance.

I thought the Libertarian party started to gain some ground when Bush exposed himself as the opposite of a fiscal conservative, and lots of those fiscal conservatives were looking for a new home.

Then they chose Bob Barr, who was essentially someone just angry about not being made famous enough by the republican party.
Then we have no hope.


I'm still hopeful that the American people are smarter than that. Ross Perot got 19% of the popular vote in 1992. If a 3rd Party Candidate could get in the 30% range, America might have a chance.

I thought the Libertarian party started to gain some ground when Bush exposed himself as the opposite of a fiscal conservative, and lots of those fiscal conservatives were looking for a new home.

Then they chose Bob Barr, who was essentially someone just angry about not being made famous enough by the republican party.

I'm with you. After the Bob Barr debacle, I decided I wouldn't have anything to do with the Libertarian Party anymore. What in the hell were they thinking? You don't have a Republican front-runner for the Libertarian Party. Duh!
Ananchronism, I’m not a proponent of compromise for only the sake compromise.

I'm not a fan of Compromise AT ALL. It's not something I engage in socially, politically, or in any other part of my life. I'm a control freak and a "my way or the highway" type.
It works equally as well on the other side of the aisle. In 2008, the slightly less Liberal party (the R's) ran a set of Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates that were by no means Conservative. In fact one of them couldn't have been Conservative based solely on her gender. So I chose to vote for Chuck Baldwin, the Constitution Party candidate for President.

So women can't be conservatives?

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