A Trump Co-Conspirator Attacks His Fellow Co-Conspirators??


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Kenneth Chesebro, an attorney charged in the 2020 Georgia election case for aiding in the fake electors plan, made clear to a state judge Friday he wants nothing to do with co-defendant Sidney Powell. Chesebro already sought to sever his case from all of his 18 co-defendants. But on Friday, he filed a new motion about Powell specifically, stressing that despite her similar demand for rapidity, the duo still should be tried separately. “The actions of Mr. Chesebro and Ms. Powell are akin to oil and water; wholly separate and impossible to mix (into one conspiracy),” Chesebro’s attorney wrote in Friday’s court filing.

Chesebro, who faces seven charges, wrote several memos devising a strategy for how slates of pro-Trump individuals could falsely purport to be their states’ valid electors. Powell, another Trump-aligned attorney, is charged in connection with a breach at an elections office in Coffee County, a rural area of Georgia south of Atlanta. Prosecutors charged both Powell and Chesebro with racketeering over their alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 election."

How are Chesebro and Powell attorneys and both not know how RICO cases work? Chesebro is panicking because he knows Sidney Powell is other level crazy and doesn't want to be associated with her; which is funny because they both were more than happy to work towards the same goal - trying to overturn the 2020 election. His tactic for doing it was trying to send in fraudulent electors, her tactic for doing it was manufacturing batshit crazy conspiracies that even in court she conceded was bullshit:

"Attorneys for Sidney Powell are asking a federal judge to dismiss a defamation lawsuit filed against her, claiming that “no reasonable person” thought the pro-Trump lawyer’s statements about the 2020 election results were factual."

That is how RICO cases work bro; but hey, if you are totally innocent and everything you did was legal, you will be exonerated, doesn't matter who is at the defendant's table with you. And if you were so sure that Sidney Powell is a moron and you don't want to be associated with her, maybe you shouldn't have kept your mouth shut and going on with her bullshit all this time...funny how they change their tune when they are in court. It's almost like all of that shit they say on Newsmaxx or Truth social is 1000% bullshit, only for the entertainment of Trump cultists.
“The actions of Mr. Chesebro and Ms. Powell are akin to oil and water; wholly separate and impossible to mix (into one conspiracy),” Chesebro’s attorney wrote in Friday’s court filing.

Both are treasonous enemies of America, both willfully participated in a criminal effort to defraud the United States and disenfranchise American voters – the nature of their crimes to realize their treasonous goal is irrelevant.

Both are treasonous enemies of America, both willfully participated in a criminal effort to defraud the United States and disenfranchise American voters – the nature of their crimes to realize their treasonous goal is irrelevant.
They should build a special dock and herd them all in wearing chains.

"Kenneth Chesebro, an attorney charged in the 2020 Georgia election case for aiding in the fake electors plan, made clear to a state judge Friday he wants nothing to do with co-defendant Sidney Powell. Chesebro already sought to sever his case from all of his 18 co-defendants. But on Friday, he filed a new motion about Powell specifically, stressing that despite her similar demand for rapidity, the duo still should be tried separately. “The actions of Mr. Chesebro and Ms. Powell are akin to oil and water; wholly separate and impossible to mix (into one conspiracy),” Chesebro’s attorney wrote in Friday’s court filing.

Chesebro, who faces seven charges, wrote several memos devising a strategy for how slates of pro-Trump individuals could falsely purport to be their states’ valid electors. Powell, another Trump-aligned attorney, is charged in connection with a breach at an elections office in Coffee County, a rural area of Georgia south of Atlanta. Prosecutors charged both Powell and Chesebro with racketeering over their alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 election."

How are Chesebro and Powell attorneys and both not know how RICO cases work? Chesebro is panicking because he knows Sidney Powell is other level crazy and doesn't want to be associated with her; which is funny because they both were more than happy to work towards the same goal - trying to overturn the 2020 election. His tactic for doing it was trying to send in fraudulent electors, her tactic for doing it was manufacturing batshit crazy conspiracies that even in court she conceded was bullshit:

"Attorneys for Sidney Powell are asking a federal judge to dismiss a defamation lawsuit filed against her, claiming that “no reasonable person” thought the pro-Trump lawyer’s statements about the 2020 election results were factual."

That is how RICO cases work bro; but hey, if you are totally innocent and everything you did was legal, you will be exonerated, doesn't matter who is at the defendant's table with you. And if you were so sure that Sidney Powell is a moron and you don't want to be associated with her, maybe you shouldn't have kept your mouth shut and going on with her bullshit all this time...funny how they change their tune when they are in court. It's almost like all of that shit they say on Newsmaxx or Truth social is 1000% bullshit, only for the entertainment of Trump cultists.

What's changed?


The Devil Went Down to Georgia -----

Krakenpot Powell , a lawyer working for Trump, pleads guilty yesterday.
Her co-defendant, also a lawyer working for Trump, Kenneth Chesboro, pleads guilty today.

Fanni Willis is gonna have a TGIF Happy Hour somewhere....even if at home with the hubby & kids. Regardless, it'll be happy.


"Kenneth Chesebro, an attorney charged in the 2020 Georgia election case for aiding in the fake electors plan, made clear to a state judge Friday he wants nothing to do with co-defendant Sidney Powell. Chesebro already sought to sever his case from all of his 18 co-defendants. But on Friday, he filed a new motion about Powell specifically, stressing that despite her similar demand for rapidity, the duo still should be tried separately. “The actions of Mr. Chesebro and Ms. Powell are akin to oil and water; wholly separate and impossible to mix (into one conspiracy),” Chesebro’s attorney wrote in Friday’s court filing.

Chesebro, who faces seven charges, wrote several memos devising a strategy for how slates of pro-Trump individuals could falsely purport to be their states’ valid electors. Powell, another Trump-aligned attorney, is charged in connection with a breach at an elections office in Coffee County, a rural area of Georgia south of Atlanta. Prosecutors charged both Powell and Chesebro with racketeering over their alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 election."

How are Chesebro and Powell attorneys and both not know how RICO cases work? Chesebro is panicking because he knows Sidney Powell is other level crazy and doesn't want to be associated with her; which is funny because they both were more than happy to work towards the same goal - trying to overturn the 2020 election. His tactic for doing it was trying to send in fraudulent electors, her tactic for doing it was manufacturing batshit crazy conspiracies that even in court she conceded was bullshit:

"Attorneys for Sidney Powell are asking a federal judge to dismiss a defamation lawsuit filed against her, claiming that “no reasonable person” thought the pro-Trump lawyer’s statements about the 2020 election results were factual."

That is how RICO cases work bro; but hey, if you are totally innocent and everything you did was legal, you will be exonerated, doesn't matter who is at the defendant's table with you. And if you were so sure that Sidney Powell is a moron and you don't want to be associated with her, maybe you shouldn't have kept your mouth shut and going on with her bullshit all this time...funny how they change their tune when they are in court. It's almost like all of that shit they say on Newsmaxx or Truth social is 1000% bullshit, only for the entertainment of Trump cultists.

Makes no sense to me.
The alternate electors are selected ahead of time, and everyone knows who they are.
Then on election night, everyone knows what the results of the election were.
So then how could any one possibly switch the outcome?
Its impossible.
The state legislators know who the electors are supposed to be and what vote they should cast.
I see no possible way to defraud the election in any way?

Both are treasonous enemies of America, both willfully participated in a criminal effort to defraud the United States and disenfranchise American voters – the nature of their crimes to realize their treasonous goal is irrelevant.

Since everyone knows who the electors are supposed to be and how they are supposed to vote, then how could the results in the state legislator session, ever be altered?

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