A terrorist detonates an atomic bomb or releases weaponized Ebola in a US City

Trying to agrivate the right wingers fear response system?

I lived in NYC most of my adult life, so this is more than hypothetical what with that "9/11" thingy you Libruls dismiss

When you get out of your mom's basement you should come for a visit.
Check your law books..

Is there a charge of "terrorism"???
Libruls hate answering question that ridicules them and show the folly of their "thinking"
Come on Libs, put on the big boy diapers and answer. This is your great idea to try a terrorist in a Criminal Court

250,000 count of murder?

700,000 counts attempted murder?

Violating a smoking ordinance?
How about we use the Bush justice department model in the Eric Rudolph case? Offer to let him plead guilty to avoid the death penalty, then lock him up for life...
A terrorist detonates an atomic bomb or releases weaponized Ebola in a US City
What should he be charged with?

I know this might be a special situation, but do we usually charge a dead person with a crime?

He used a cell phone to detonate the weapon or release the virus into Penn Station.

A typical clueless Libtard's attempt at humour. I really think he/she/it wasn't aware of the different methods of detonation.
If you execute someone for an act of terrorism or execute them for murder...What is the difference?
If you execute someone for an act of terrorism or execute them for murder...What is the difference?

The OBVIOUS answer to your libtard question is the ensuing POLITICAL THEATRICS. By bringing KSM, and the other terrorists to NY and face a a Costly Civil trial (estimated to be AT LEAST $75 million plus), when they have ALREADY CONFESSED and have ALREADY acquiesced to be executed, Obami Salami, and his semi-criminal stooge Holder want to denigrate the Bush Adm by having these terrorists, in effect, try Bush, the CIA etc.

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