A ten foot poll


VIP Member
Feb 28, 2011
Poll: Water is High Priority For Bipartisan Majority of Americans

News | American Clean Energy Agenda (ACEA)
Public Has Major Concerns About Expanded Shale Gas Fracking for Exporting to Other Nations;
“Clean Water First” is Clear Choice When Public Weighs Options for More U.S. Energy Production

1.7 million Americans are saying today that it is critically important that the next President embrace a truly clean energy revolution for electric power generation.

(read full poll at above link)


94 percent of Americans – including 92 percent of Republicans, 87 percent of Independents, and 98 percent of Democrats – want political leadership on balancing calls for more energy production in U.S. with protecting clean water and air.

86 percent of Americans want leadership on shifting from coal and nuclear energy to wind and solar. Support for this approach exists across party lines, including 72 percent of Republicans, 83 percent of Independents, and 97 percent of Democrats.

88 percent of Americans want leadership when it comes to exercising caution on exporting energy – such as natural gas – that could boost China and other economies, but hurt U.S. consumers by raising energy and manufacturing costs at home. Nearly identical support levels were seen here along partisan lines: 88 percent of Republicans, 86 percent of Independents, 87 percent of Democrats.

86 percent of Americans want leadership on addressing climate change and extreme weather. Relatively little partisan difference is seen on this point, with support for action coming from 75 percent of Republicans, 82 percent of Independents, and 95 percent of Democrats.

86 percent of Americans want leadership on standing up to pressure from coal, oil, natural gas, and nuclear power lobbyists.

74 percent think a grassroots movement will be needed “to counter the influence of energy industry lobbyists and campaign contributions on politicians in Washington, D.C.”
But PC knows it is all a commie plot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, the majority of Americans are waking up to the fact that we cannot keep going down the present road without some unpleasant results. And that there are viable alternatives out there. But those Americans must expend some effort to let the leaders of both parties know that their job depends on actions that reflect present reality, in spite of the energy corps lobbying, or someone else will have their job.
100% of enviro whacks don't know their ass from a hole in the ground. :D

Seriously, individual states' departments of natural resources have in place adequate measures for protecting and preserving groundwaters.

"Waterless" hydraulic fracturing is being developed and used and could become widespread practice.

It's an issue of containment, not contaminant.
Poll: Water is High Priority For Bipartisan Majority of Americans

News | American Clean Energy Agenda (ACEA)
Public Has Major Concerns About Expanded Shale Gas Fracking for Exporting to Other Nations;
“Clean Water First” is Clear Choice When Public Weighs Options for More U.S. Energy Production

1.7 million Americans are saying today that it is critically important that the next President embrace a truly clean energy revolution for electric power generation.

(read full poll at above link)


94 percent of Americans – including 92 percent of Republicans, 87 percent of Independents, and 98 percent of Democrats – want political leadership on balancing calls for more energy production in U.S. with protecting clean water and air.

86 percent of Americans want leadership on shifting from coal and nuclear energy to wind and solar. Support for this approach exists across party lines, including 72 percent of Republicans, 83 percent of Independents, and 97 percent of Democrats.

88 percent of Americans want leadership when it comes to exercising caution on exporting energy – such as natural gas – that could boost China and other economies, but hurt U.S. consumers by raising energy and manufacturing costs at home. Nearly identical support levels were seen here along partisan lines: 88 percent of Republicans, 86 percent of Independents, 87 percent of Democrats.

86 percent of Americans want leadership on addressing climate change and extreme weather. Relatively little partisan difference is seen on this point, with support for action coming from 75 percent of Republicans, 82 percent of Independents, and 95 percent of Democrats.

86 percent of Americans want leadership on standing up to pressure from coal, oil, natural gas, and nuclear power lobbyists.

74 percent think a grassroots movement will be needed “to counter the influence of energy industry lobbyists and campaign contributions on politicians in Washington, D.C.”

All this does is confirm what I already know. the majority of Americans are dumber than a bag of hammers.
What are the effects of agriculture on clean water?

What is the cost to the quality and quantity of water in the name of agricultural exports?

You are picking shit off flies going after fracturing. It's becoming a cottage industry in itself, all because of carbon hysteria. Petrophobes on the march!
Environmentalist propaganda is gay. The author of this thread has started 19 threads since the new year.:eek::eek::eek: This shit sells only with low information people.
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What are the effects of agriculture on clean water?

What is the cost to the quality and quantity of water in the name of agricultural exports?

You are picking shit off flies going after fracturing. It's becoming a cottage industry in itself, all because of carbon hysteria. Petrophobes on the march!

Looks to me like you mean "petrophiles," who would rather die in your own wastes instead of advancing into the twenty-first century.
What are the effects of agriculture on clean water?

What is the cost to the quality and quantity of water in the name of agricultural exports?

You are picking shit off flies going after fracturing. It's becoming a cottage industry in itself, all because of carbon hysteria. Petrophobes on the march!

Looks to me like you mean "petrophiles," who would rather die in your own wastes instead of advancing into the twenty-first century.

Hydrocarbons propelled mankind into the modern era and have allowed us to live longer and fuller lives.

You'd rather we ride bicycles? That would make you a pedo-file. :D
What are the effects of agriculture on clean water?

What is the cost to the quality and quantity of water in the name of agricultural exports?

You are picking shit off flies going after fracturing. It's becoming a cottage industry in itself, all because of carbon hysteria. Petrophobes on the march!

Looks to me like you mean "petrophiles," who would rather die in your own wastes instead of advancing into the twenty-first century.

Hydrocarbons propelled mankind into the modern era and have allowed us to live longer and fuller lives.

You'd rather we ride bicycles? That would make you a pedo-file. :D

Intellectuals think it is gay to drive cars. They prefer bicycles....a more sophisticated mode of transport.
100% of enviro whacks don't know their ass from a hole in the ground. :D

Seriously, individual states' departments of natural resources have in place adequate measures for protecting and preserving groundwaters.

"Waterless" hydraulic fracturing is being developed and used and could become widespread practice.

It's an issue of containment, not contaminant.

Except for California who allowed enviro idiots, who reeeeeally didn't know anything, to get MTBE added to the gasoline which polluted thousands of water wells throughout the state.

Boy,what a wonderful job they did. Had that been an oil company that did it the fines would be astronomical, butg, as it was done "to make things better" the perps get a free pass even though they did more damage than any oil company ever has.

Environmentalist propaganda is gay.

You should know candy ass, that's all you spout, propaganda about the environment.

Ummmm, actually no it's you who are the propagandist. Skkoks just loves mocking you and your brainless posts. It must suck to come over here from the Randi site where you have likeminded dimwits who fall all over themselves demonstrating their singleminded simplemindedness.

Here we can tear you apart and expose you for the dipshit you are because you don't have mods to protect you.
What are the effects of agriculture on clean water?

What is the cost to the quality and quantity of water in the name of agricultural exports?

You are picking shit off flies going after fracturing. It's becoming a cottage industry in itself, all because of carbon hysteria. Petrophobes on the march!

Looks to me like you mean "petrophiles," who would rather die in your own wastes instead of advancing into the twenty-first century.

:lol::lol::lol: And yet it was you dumbshits who mandated MTBE in CA's gas and did more environmental damage than any oil company ever. Nice job idiot. My gosh you truly are a shining example of utter stupidity.
100% of enviro whacks don't know their ass from a hole in the ground. :D

Seriously, individual states' departments of natural resources have in place adequate measures for protecting and preserving groundwaters.

"Waterless" hydraulic fracturing is being developed and used and could become widespread practice.

It's an issue of containment, not contaminant.

Except for California who allowed enviro idiots, who reeeeeally didn't know anything, to get MTBE added to the gasoline which polluted thousands of water wells throughout the state.

Boy,what a wonderful job they did. Had that been an oil company that did it the fines would be astronomical, butg, as it was done "to make things better" the perps get a free pass even though they did more damage than any oil company ever has.


That too was an issue of containment. MTBE was railroaded out of the equation by the very powerful and influential agriculture lobby in order to clear the way for ethanol. Now it is ethanol polluting groundwater along with ag practices of the last several decades.
100% of enviro whacks don't know their ass from a hole in the ground. :D

Seriously, individual states' departments of natural resources have in place adequate measures for protecting and preserving groundwaters.

"Waterless" hydraulic fracturing is being developed and used and could become widespread practice.

It's an issue of containment, not contaminant.

Except for California who allowed enviro idiots, who reeeeeally didn't know anything, to get MTBE added to the gasoline which polluted thousands of water wells throughout the state.

Boy,what a wonderful job they did. Had that been an oil company that did it the fines would be astronomical, butg, as it was done "to make things better" the perps get a free pass even though they did more damage than any oil company ever has.


That too was an issue of containment. MTBE was railroaded out of the equation by the very powerful and influential agriculture lobby in order to clear the way for ethanol. Now it is ethanol polluting groundwater along with ag practices of the last several decades.

That's absolutely true. However ethanol will at least oxidise away in a relatively short time, MTBE sticks around for decades at least. Here in Tahoe there are over 100 wells contaminated by MTBE that can't be used till they find a way to get rid of the shit. All the while they talk about Tahoe's clarity they are poisoning the land around it.

Utter idiots who claim to be scientifically literate but every move they make exposes them for the frauds they are.
And yet it was you dumbshits who mandated MTBE in CA's gas and did more environmental damage than any oil company ever. Nice job idiot. My gosh you truly are a shining example of utter stupidity.

Smacked around, and off you go on another totally irrelevent tangent without compelling support and broadbrush accusations. How predictable, and pathetic.
That's absolutely true. However ethanol will at least oxidise away in a relatively short time, MTBE sticks around for decades at least. Here in Tahoe there are over 100 wells contaminated by MTBE that can't be used till they find a way to get rid of the shit. All the while they talk about Tahoe's clarity they are poisoning the land around it.

Utter idiots who claim to be scientifically literate but every move they make exposes them for the frauds they are.

MTBE was Exxon Mobile's idea.

MTBE Still a Water Risk, Witness Says at ExxonMobil Trial - Bloomberg

And they are the ones getting sued for adding it gasoline.
What are the effects of agriculture on clean water?

What is the cost to the quality and quantity of water in the name of agricultural exports?

You are picking shit off flies going after fracturing. It's becoming a cottage industry in itself, all because of carbon hysteria. Petrophobes on the march!

Looks to me like you mean "petrophiles," who would rather die in your own wastes instead of advancing into the twenty-first century.

Hydrocarbons propelled mankind into the modern era and have allowed us to live longer and fuller lives.

You'd rather we ride bicycles? That would make you a pedo-file. :D

Horses were once the basis of wealth and mobility. Hydrocarbons are going in the same direction.

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