A Tale of Two Cows


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Desert Southwest USA
Disclaimer. The example here is fictitious and any comparison to any USMB member is entirely unintentional.

Riche started out with one cow. He gave up many pleasures and worked long hours to nurture, groom, feed, care for, and breed the cow and he did everything honorably necessary to one day own a herd of hundreds of fine cows.

Pauvre started out with one cow. Pauvre enjoyed life to the fullest and the cow was something of an inconvenience to his chosen lifestyle So he butchered his cow to provide a feast for his friends and drink and make merry. But the meat and the gratitude of his friends would not last forever and one day he was poor and dissatisfied.

And he noticed that Riche had many cows while he had none. He demanded that the governor give him some of Riche's cows as it was unfair that Riche had so many while he had none.

What gives Pauve the right to any of Riche’s cows?

How should the governor respond to Pauvre’s demand?
If The person with more cows has more income, he will pay more in taxes. That is the way modern societies work
If The person with more cows has more income, he will pay more in taxes. That is the way modern societies work

We aren't talking about taxes here though please. That may factor into it later on.

The issue here is whether Pauvre should be entitled to one or more of Riche's cows.

If you are the governor, how do you rule?
If The person with more cows has more income, he will pay more in taxes. That is the way modern societies work

We aren't talking about taxes here though please. That may factor into it later on.

The issue here is whether Pauvre should be entitled to one or more of Riche's cows.

If you are the governor, how do you rule?

In Marxist theory, the proletariat is the class of a capitalist society that does not have ownership of the means of production and whose only means of subsistence is to sell their labour power[1] for a wage or salary. Proletarians are wage-workers, while some refer to those cows who receive salaries as the salariat. For Marx, however, wage labour may involve getting a salary from the cows rather than a wage per se. Marxism sees the proletariat and bourgeoisie (capitalist class) as occupying conflicting positions, since cows automatically wish their wages to be as high as possible, while owners and their proxies wish for wages (costs) to be as low as possible. the cows get what they want at the end of the day and the president gets to have a good time in rio. the governor has to "spread the wealth", and the manure, so that all factions are covered evenly.

that was an easy one....
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Wait...are you the cow that is being given away?

If not, I say: false dichotomy.

But hey, what do you expect from someone that wants tax breaks for property owners at the expense of others.
If The person with more cows has more income, he will pay more in taxes. That is the way modern societies work

We aren't talking about taxes here though please. That may factor into it later on.

The issue here is whether Pauvre should be entitled to one or more of Riche's cows.

If you are the governor, how do you rule?

In Marxist theory, the proletariat is the class of a capitalist society that does not have ownership of the means of production and whose only means of subsistence is to sell their labour power[1] for a wage or salary. Proletarians are wage-workers, while some refer to those cows who receive salaries as the salariat. For Marx, however, wage labour may involve getting a salary from the cows rather than a wage per se. Marxism sees the proletariat and bourgeoisie (capitalist class) as occupying conflicting positions, since cows automatically wish their wages to be as high as possible, while owners and their proxies wish for wages (costs) to be as low as possible. the cows get what they want at the end of the day and the president gets to have a good time in rio. the governor has to "spread the wealth", and the manure, so that all factions are covered evenly.

that was an easy one....

Nope, re-read the OP again please. The feelings of the cows were NOT part of the issue in this one.

So if you were the governor, would Pauvre get a cow or cows?
In this case I will object if any attempt to rewrite the problem, add to it, or take away any facts as stated. We just got company so I'll be away from the computer for a bit, but I hope at least some will take a stab at answering the question as stated.
We aren't talking about taxes here though please. That may factor into it later on.

The issue here is whether Pauvre should be entitled to one or more of Riche's cows.

If you are the governor, how do you rule?

In Marxist theory, the proletariat is the class of a capitalist society that does not have ownership of the means of production and whose only means of subsistence is to sell their labour power[1] for a wage or salary. Proletarians are wage-workers, while some refer to those cows who receive salaries as the salariat. For Marx, however, wage labour may involve getting a salary from the cows rather than a wage per se. Marxism sees the proletariat and bourgeoisie (capitalist class) as occupying conflicting positions, since cows automatically wish their wages to be as high as possible, while owners and their proxies wish for wages (costs) to be as low as possible. the cows get what they want at the end of the day and the president gets to have a good time in rio. the governor has to "spread the wealth", and the manure, so that all factions are covered evenly.

that was an easy one....

Nope, re-read the OP again please. The feelings of the cows were NOT part of the issue in this one.

So if you were the governor, would Pauvre get a cow or cows?

rats... how many cows were there ? you said food and drink... did he make his own mead ??
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In Marxist theory, the proletariat is the class of a capitalist society that does not have ownership of the means of production and whose only means of subsistence is to sell their labour power[1] for a wage or salary. Proletarians are wage-workers, while some refer to those cows who receive salaries as the salariat. For Marx, however, wage labour may involve getting a salary from the cows rather than a wage per se. Marxism sees the proletariat and bourgeoisie (capitalist class) as occupying conflicting positions, since cows automatically wish their wages to be as high as possible, while owners and their proxies wish for wages (costs) to be as low as possible. the cows get what they want at the end of the day and the president gets to have a good time in rio. the governor has to "spread the wealth", and the manure, so that all factions are covered evenly.

that was an easy one....

Nope, re-read the OP again please. The feelings of the cows were NOT part of the issue in this one.

So if you were the governor, would Pauvre get a cow or cows?

rats... how many cows were there ?

The numbers are inferred in the OP.

But if you insist on a number: Riche has 500 cows. Pauvre has no cow.

Okay I do gotta go. Back later.
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Nope, re-read the OP again please. The feelings of the cows were NOT part of the issue in this one.

So if you were the governor, would Pauvre get a cow or cows?

rats... how many cows were there ?

The numbers are inferred in the OP.

But if you insist on a number: Riche has 500 cows. Pauvre has no cow.

Okay I do gotta go. Back later.

okay, i've got a team of specialists working on it. are you sure this isn't about michelle and hillary ??
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It doesn't matter. McDonald's buys both farms via eminent domain, and pays the farmers next to nothing. All the cows are turned into grade c hamburgers. Both Pauvre Po'boy and Riche Rich then end up flipping burgers at MickyD's, while drawing from welfare. :dunno:
In this case I will object if any attempt to rewrite the problem, add to it, or take away any facts as stated. We just got company so I'll be away from the computer for a bit, but I hope at least some will take a stab at answering the question as stated.

I KNEW this was gonig to be a snipe hunt.
If Walter E. Williams was the Governor, here's your answer:
Three-fifths to two-thirds of the federal budget consists of taking property from one American and giving it to another. Were a private person to do the same thing, we'd call it theft. When government does it, we euphemistically call it income redistribution, but that's exactly what thieves do -- redistribute income. Income redistribution not only betrays the founders' vision, it's a sin in the eyes of God.
If The person with more cows has more income, he will pay more in taxes. That is the way modern societies work

We aren't talking about taxes here though please. That may factor into it later on.

The issue here is whether Pauvre should be entitled to one or more of Riche's cows.

If you are the governor, how do you rule?

In Marxist theory, the proletariat is the class of a capitalist society that does not have ownership of the means of production and whose only means of subsistence is to sell their labour power[1] for a wage or salary. Proletarians are wage-workers, while some refer to those cows who receive salaries as the salariat. For Marx, however, wage labour may involve getting a salary from the cows rather than a wage per se. Marxism sees the proletariat and bourgeoisie (capitalist class) as occupying conflicting positions, since cows automatically wish their wages to be as high as possible, while owners and their proxies wish for wages (costs) to be as low as possible. the cows get what they want at the end of the day and the president gets to have a good time in rio. the governor has to "spread the wealth", and the manure, so that all factions are covered evenly.

that was an easy one....

From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.

One man has an obvious ability to breed cows, the other needs them, Marxist theory is pretty simple, and completely wrong.
If Walter E. Williams was the Governor, here's your answer:
Three-fifths to two-thirds of the federal budget consists of taking property from one American and giving it to another. Were a private person to do the same thing, we'd call it theft. When government does it, we euphemistically call it income redistribution, but that's exactly what thieves do -- redistribute income. Income redistribution not only betrays the founders' vision, it's a sin in the eyes of God.

Yes that was also pretty much the POV of the Founders, but then Williams is very much a Constitutional originalist too so it stands to reason that he would agree mostly with them.

But if you are the governor, does Pauvre get one or more of Riche's cows?

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