A simple question...

What is the GOP plan for creating jobs, exactly? I have never met anyone, or heard/read any commentator or politician, who can explain this.
This doesn't bode well for denying Obama a second term.

All those ads saying they were going to Washington to create jobs?.. You can forget those. They can say whatever they like about the Democrats stopping their jobs agenda, but I live in a state with a Republican governor, and a Republican legislature. Unemployment is up, not down. The bottom line is, they don't have a jobs plan. Except to crap on the heads of public workers (excluding themselves, of course).
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RISK? Um, well, you know... I do agree more with your meeting me partial way on this, however, again, it doesn't always fit in the way of it. Some people are quite passive and obedient until a risk presents itself in the way that is sufficiently threatening, then there is adequate cause for action. Until then, let such said individuals be underestimated.
What? GOP in the house wants to cut 62 million and Dems want more than half that amount cut to 33 million or even less by the Senate. So who wants to keep spending now? Dems in the Senate That's who.
It still not enough even at 62 million.
IT does seem, Peach, that it is the Dems (generally) that for the spending. Perhaps someone could correct that with viable evidence otherwise.
What? GOP in the house wants to cut 62 million and Dems want more than half that amount cut to 33 million or even less by the Senate. So who wants to keep spending now? Dems in the Senate That's who.
It still not enough even at 62 million.

It's 62 billion.

And implementing austerity measures in the middle of a weak recovery is a fool's errand.
What? GOP in the house wants to cut 62 billion and Dems want more than half that amount cut to 33 billion or even less by the Senate. So who wants to keep spending now? Dems in the Senate That's who.
It still not enough even at 62 billion.

Sorry I meant billion not million and I fixed it so OK. Wasn't completely awake yet. I needed more coffee.
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What? GOP in the house wants to cut 62 million and Dems want more than half that amount cut to 33 million or even less by the Senate. So who wants to keep spending now? Dems in the Senate That's who.
It still not enough even at 62 million.

It's 62 billion.

And implementing austerity measures in the middle of a weak recovery is a fool's errand.

So you think it's OK to make our children and grandchildren pay for it in the future? Then they won't be able to have anything much, where is growth in that?
The GOP has no plan to make things better.

That's not the agenda.

That isnt obvious?

The fact that anyone is waiting for a politician to make things better demonstrates a complete lack of understandinf of economics and is a large part of the problem that is afflicting this nation.

Then you agree with me, that the GOP agenda, if you believe it, is to eliminate hundreds of thousands of American jobs - both public and private sector - that are directly or indirectly dependent on government spending,

in order to balance the budget.

Why aren't the Republicans saying that then? Why are they lying to us?

During the Clinton Administration, there was a booming economy. What did the government do during those years to create jobs?

If memory serves, wasn't Al Gore charged with reducing the size of government?

If reduction in the size of government occurred during the biggest economic expansion in the last 20 years, what does say about the increase in the size of government today during the deepest recession since the Carter years?
A simple question... What is the GOP plan for creating jobs, exactly?
Such an old, oft-regurgitated talking point... - we have at least FIVE threads on this already.

Did you only just get your marching orders today? You're about a month behind on your parroting.

It still makes you people HOWL, that's the best reason for keeping it up.

Funny how no one on the conservative side wants to admit that their economic plan is a job killer, not a job creator.

Again, under Clinton the plan was to reduce the size of government and balance the budget.
What is the GOP plan for creating jobs, exactly? I have never met anyone, or heard/read any commentator or politician, who can explain this.
This doesn't bode well for denying Obama a second term.

we're going to have America declared a "christian nation"

and then state that ONLY christians are CITIZENS

and only CITIZENS have rights

then we'll fire all the liberals (who hate god) and atheists and muslims and wiccans...etc

and ONLY hire conservative christians!

once we get of the America haters there will be plenty of jobs for us REAL Americans
What is the GOP plan for creating jobs, exactly? I have never met anyone, or heard/read any commentator or politician, who can explain this.
This doesn't bode well for denying Obama a second term.

Wow, you could not have made it clearer for everyone the real difference in thinking between the left and right if you really don't know the answer to this. Obviously you believe government is a driving, major force in job creation in the first place if you believe elected politicians should have a plan laid out for government to "create" jobs in the first place!

GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD on this one because its important! GOVERNMENT does not create jobs. The only thing government can do is take more money OUT of the private sector and spend it in the inefficient, wasteful way it always does -and increase the number of public employees they hire to oversee that inefficient and wasteful spending. In case you are dumb enough to believe that is "job creation", these two things actually HINDER true job creation. The proof is in the pudding. That is because the people who pay the salaries of public employees are workers in the PRIVATE SECTOR! Government employees have gone from being 8% of the total workforce just 40 years ago to more than 15% today and STILL GROWING -removing MILLIONS of productive workers from the private sector and turning them into parasites who are sustained by the remaining private sector workers who pay their salaries. And THAT is just on the federal level. Obama increased the percentage of government employees just in the executive branch of government by 15.6% in just ONE YEAR! And still intends to hire a couple of thousand more this year. Obama created more than 159 new government departments and bureaus in his first two years and still intends to expand government even more. Full Metal Patriot: List of the 159 new government bureaucracies created by Obamacare

But even though government HIRED more government employees, GOVERNMENT isn't paying their salaries as someone who created a real job would. Government MUST use OUR money to pay them! The more public employees there are, the more of our money they must take while there are fewer productive workers left in the private sector able to cough it up! That includes taking it from small businesses which create the bulk of true jobs, thereby reducing their ability to expand and hire more employees. Which means fewer REAL jobs. Then government turns around and pays public employees THOUSANDS more in wages and benefits than private sector workers holding comparable jobs make on top of it! Sorry, but that is NOT "job creation" -it is PARASITE CREATION! At what point is a dangerous tipping point reached? Just take a look at the statistics of public-to-private sector employees in countries like Greece, Italy, Spain where reality is smacking them between the eyes that they created an unsustainable system DESTINED to crash and burn -and compare it to our own now unsustainable system as well. If we don't change the balance and the out-of-control spending spree that ALWAYS accompanies a bloated government system, then we already know what it is coming. In less than 8 years the US will OWE more money than all the world's currency COMBINED! Bloated government and out of control spending goes hand-in-hand -you never get one without the other. Decide whether you REALLY think its better to deal with it when it reaches a crisis -or before in order to prevent it reaching crisis proportions! (Which also begs the question of why Democrats have made it so the very first government employees put on the chopping block MUST be those providing vital services -and NEVER a bunch of pencil pushers! States where those providing vital services are first on the chopping block were required by law to put them up by DEMOCRAT state legislatures. For a REASON. They deliberately force those providing vital services on the chopping block because it is easier to manipulate voters to approve coughing up ever more in taxes if they believe they will lose cops and firemen than it would be seeing a bunch of pencil pushers getting laid off, isn't it? Being an overpaid government pencil pusher is one of the most secure jobs in the nation. Of course when we all have to pinch pennies we turn off our electricity first in order to keep our entertainment budget entirely intact and even expand it a bit, right?)

The left believes it is "creating" jobs by providing government funding for whatever pet projects the politicians in power happen to like as they steer money to businesses and organizations that support or will support them over their political opponents. It is in reality a system of CORRUPTION and POLITICAL PAY-OFF -not "job creation". So when Obama talks about government "creating" all these jobs using taxpayer funds to try and push his pet projects and increase regulations on the private sector at the same time, calling that "job creating bills" is in reality a LIE in the hopes of deceiving voters. GOVERNMENT is NOT a major job creator no matter what and when it comes to sustainable jobs, it is the WORST of all! No matter how much the left loves the idea of picking winners and losers, it is PROVABLY true the number of jobs "created" by government are both unsustainable WITHOUT CONTINUED GOVERNMENT FUNDING (our money being used to pay for more parasitic jobs) and a fraction of the number that would have been created in the private sector had that money not been removed from the private sector. The left has a major love affair with massive, powerful government with near total control over the individual they see as little more than government-owned property. No matter what the issue or problem the left are mindless dolts whose only answer is always "MORE AND BIGGER GOVERNMENT" even when it is OBVIOUS that one of the biggest problems is government itself! The left really does believe that everything you created for yourself belongs to.....government first which has the "right" to decide how much it will "let" you keep. Its always some whacko liberal talking about how they don't believe anyone NEEDS to keep more than X dollars of their own money and how government should just TAKE the rest from them. Because they believe that is a "right" THEY have to just confiscate your money, a "right" that supersedes YOUR right to own the fruits of your own labor. Conservatives KNOW it belongs to you first and it is the RIGHT of WE THE PEOPLE to decide how much we CHOOSE to give to government! The left believes government, a man-made creation -is our master. Conservatives believe it is our servant and makes a terrible master -and history only supports one side on that! And it isn't liberals. THAT is the underlying fundamental difference between liberals and conservatives in this country! And truthfully they don't care how inefficient it is, how wasteful it is, how corrupt it is (unless it is the corruption is that of their opponents -their own they will defend to the hilt and hold up their criminals as standard bearers of the party) or how much it interferes with the ability of the private sector to create jobs. They love, love, love massive and powerful government because they believe THEY have an inherent right to rule and own that power. Inefficiency and waste aren't even on its list of priorities which is why even with unemployment STILL hovering near 10% nationwide, the ranks of government employees CONTINUES to expand, removing even MORE productive workers from the private sector and turning them into parasites the rest of us must feed. Since conservatives believe true job creation comes from the private sector -then they aren't going to lay out a game plan of increasing the size and power of GOVERNMENT, they aren't going to push bills falsely labeled "job creating bills", push bills intended to strip ever more money from the private sector and put it in government control or pretend government is a major source of job creation when it provably is NOT. And they sure aren't going to look for excuses and justifications to keep removing productive workers from the private sector and turning them into parasites and call it "job creation". That is the LEFT who does that. So one side pretends it is actually doing something about unemployment by doing the very things known to interfere with job creation by bloating government more and more -and the other side is accused of ignoring the problem of unemployment by REDUCING the role of government and the tax burden placed on those who create jobs in the first place. And one side are a pack of LIARS about what they are really doing because the very policies they pursue are contributing to the problem and not addressing it.

Conservatives believe the BEST -and it is REPEATEDLY PROVEN TO BE TRUE -way to create more jobs is for government to get the hell out of the way of those who actually create jobs in the first place! And for government to QUIT taking capital out of the private sector in order for government to decide where to spend it because it PROVABLY spends it in a vastly more inefficient and unproductive manner. When politicians claim to be pushing some "job creating" piece of bullshit legislation in reality all they are doing is trying to determine winners and losers in the private sector -something that provably results in POOR JOB CREATION. Repeated studies have shown that for every job in the private sector that is created as the result of government job creation policies such as spending trillions on those "shovel ready" projects Obama lied about 5-8 jobs would have been created by the private sector. The private sector is MORE efficient and best able to create real jobs and the most sustainable jobs and therefore the BEST government policies for resulting in true job creation is for government to get out of the way of those who create jobs instead of throwing government roadblocks, red tape and higher taxes in their way. So simply put the "game plan" for Republicans is to get government off the backs of those who actually create jobs, STOP the growth of government which removes more productive workers from the private sector while shifting more and more of the tax burden to those who are left in the private sector and is already at an unsustainable level- and STOP confiscating more and more money from the private sector so government can do what it always does best with money -inefficiently and corruptly waste it.

The private sector jobs are created in a vastly more efficient and self-sustaining method because it is driven by the consumer. Those created by government are not sustainable because the driving force behind it is POLITICS and maneuvering for more POWER. So one party believes the PROVEN BEST way to create jobs is to reduce government interference and REDUCE the money government takes out of the private sector in order to PRETEND it is "creating" jobs by choosing where to spend it. There is no "game plan" for government in that scenario because pretending government plays a major role in job creation in the first place is a Democrat LIE. Nearly everything government touches it will do worse than it would be done in the private sector and anyone insisting otherwise is a liar. Government was never set up to be a BUSINESS, was NOT intended to be "everything to everyone" because it can't, was not intended to compete with businesses and cannot. It can only undercut businesses by sticking taxpayers with the bill. Most importantly government cannot fulfill its TRUE purpose and function and make the bottom line a top priority at the same time! Those who insist otherwise -are LIARS.

BTW -the next time you watch protesting, near-rioting public employees demonstrating, screeching and chanting -just remember this. The people they are really demonstrating against is not some governor who is just the convenient face at the moment. They are demonstrating against us, TAXPAYERS who foot the bill. Not some fat cat, jet riding CEO of some company -but the people who pay their salaries and pay for a level of benefits those with comparable jobs in the private sector don't have! The governors are NOT the ones paying their wages and benefits so these protests are in reality directed at those who DO -the rest of us. The governors are just convenient boogey men for the demonstrators but the governors have claimed to be representing the best interests of the people of their state, not just an elite group of them! That elite group is in reality protesting against everyone who isn't a government employee or public union employee, insisting they MUST cave to union demands. Democrats are claiming THEY represent the interests of public union employees -and NEVER forget that because in reality, they mean it! AND I BELIEVE THEM! But that also means they CANNOT represent the best interests of those who foot the bills for those public union employees at the same time -because it is INSTANTLY a conflict of interest. Pretending they can represent the best interests of both at the same time is a lie. It is like pretending a district attorney can represent the best interests of the prosecution AND defense at the same time. Anyone buy that? Would you buy it if the district attorney used his most convincing voice that he had the defense's best interests at heart at the very same time he had the best interests of the prosecution at heart? How stupid does someone have to be to buy that? Which is probably why it isn't allowed in our justice system, huh. There is a reason Democrats support collective bargaining for public employees -and no surprise that these same unions demand government confiscate -oops "collect" union dues and give it to the unions -who then use it get a Democrat elected. It is truly a CORRUPT shell game and it is TAXPAYERS who are getting shellacked. Because Democrats CANNOT represent the best interests of both those demanding higher wages and benefits than exist in the private sector for a comparable job -and the taxpayers who are forced to pay for it.
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These clowns in Washington aren't going to do shit. They talk the talk, but they'll never walk the walk. Anyone who truly wants to reduce the deficit will realize two things. First, cuts need to be made in SS, Medicare, and military spending. In order to make legitimate cuts into SS and Mediare, the retirement age must be raised and it must be done in a fairly aggressive manner. Secondly, taxes must be raised. Tax cuts are not going to help create that many new jobs if the deficit continues to grow and leads us into much higher inflation along with even more debt. So until our elected officials start discussing what really needs to be done, they are all just full of shit, Republicans and Democrats alike.

I agree with this post. The Dems have made concessions on cutting the spending but everytime they do the Repubs want more.

Repubs have made NO concessions on raising taxes. Hell they wont agree to raising it 2%. That oughta show you how serious they are about reducing the debt. Instead of raising any taxes they would rather cut the Head Start program and the Women Infant and Children program.

It takes some pretty big balls to go after kids, dont it?
Here are TWO simple questions..

What would you do with the money you forcefully took from the taxpayers? What's your plan?

What would you replace evil capitalism with..

**** the second question has been asked many times with no answers given*****

You do realize that the government isn't even taxing anyone for trillions of dollars worth of the spending it's been doing for most of the last 30 years?

Do you get that? Do you need that explained to you?

Yes, explain that to me.
What is the GOP plan for creating jobs, exactly? I have never met anyone, or heard/read any commentator or politician, who can explain this.
This doesn't bode well for denying Obama a second term.

Wow, you could not have made it clearer for everyone the real difference in thinking between the left and right if you really don't know the answer to this. Obviously you believe government is a driving, major force in job creation in the first place if you believe elected politicians should have a plan laid out for government to "create" jobs in the first place!

GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD on this one because its important! GOVERNMENT does not create jobs. The only thing government can do is take more money OUT of the private sector and spend it in the inefficient, wasteful way it always does -and increase the number of public employees they hire to oversee that inefficient and wasteful spending. In case you are dumb enough to believe that is "job creation", these two things actually HINDER true job creation. The proof is in the pudding. That is because the people who pay the salaries of public employees are workers in the PRIVATE SECTOR! Government employees have gone from being 8% of the total workforce just 40 years ago to more than 15% today and STILL GROWING -removing MILLIONS of productive workers from the private sector and turning them into parasites who are sustained by the remaining private sector workers who pay their salaries. And THAT is just on the federal level. Obama increased the percentage of government employees just in the executive branch of government by 15.6% in just ONE YEAR! And still intends to hire a couple of thousand more this year. Obama created more than 159 new government departments and bureaus in his first two years and still intends to expand government even more. Full Metal Patriot: List of the 159 new government bureaucracies created by Obamacare

But even though government HIRED more government employees, GOVERNMENT isn't paying their salaries as someone who created a real job would. Government MUST use OUR money to pay them! The more public employees there are, the more of our money they must take while there are fewer productive workers left in the private sector able to cough it up! That includes taking it from small businesses which create the bulk of true jobs, thereby reducing their ability to expand and hire more employees. Which means fewer REAL jobs. Then government turns around and pays public employees THOUSANDS more in wages and benefits than private sector workers holding comparable jobs make on top of it! Sorry, but that is NOT "job creation" -it is PARASITE CREATION! At what point is a dangerous tipping point reached? Just take a look at the statistics of public-to-private sector employees in countries like Greece, Italy, Spain where reality is smacking them between the eyes that they created an unsustainable system DESTINED to crash and burn -and compare it to our own now unsustainable system as well. If we don't change the balance and the out-of-control spending spree that ALWAYS accompanies a bloated government system, then we already know what it is coming. In less than 8 years the US will OWE more money than all the world's currency COMBINED! Bloated government and out of control spending goes hand-in-hand -you never get one without the other. Decide whether you REALLY think its better to deal with it when it reaches a crisis -or before in order to prevent it reaching crisis proportions! (Which also begs the question of why Democrats have made it so the very first government employees put on the chopping block MUST be those providing vital services -and NEVER a bunch of pencil pushers! States where those providing vital services are first on the chopping block were required by law to put them up by DEMOCRAT state legislatures. For a REASON. They deliberately force those providing vital services on the chopping block because it is easier to manipulate voters to approve coughing up ever more in taxes if they believe they will lose cops and firemen than it would be seeing a bunch of pencil pushers getting laid off, isn't it? Being an overpaid government pencil pusher is one of the most secure jobs in the nation. Of course when we all have to pinch pennies we turn off our electricity first in order to keep our entertainment budget entirely intact and even expand it a bit, right?)

The left believes it is "creating" jobs by providing government funding for whatever pet projects the politicians in power happen to like as they steer money to businesses and organizations that support or will support them over their political opponents. It is in reality a system of CORRUPTION and POLITICAL PAY-OFF -not "job creation". So when Obama talks about government "creating" all these jobs using taxpayer funds to try and push his pet projects and increase regulations on the private sector at the same time, calling that "job creating bills" is in reality a LIE in the hopes of deceiving voters. GOVERNMENT is NOT a major job creator no matter what and when it comes to sustainable jobs, it is the WORST of all! No matter how much the left loves the idea of picking winners and losers, it is PROVABLY true the number of jobs "created" by government are both unsustainable WITHOUT CONTINUED GOVERNMENT FUNDING (our money being used to pay for more parasitic jobs) and a fraction of the number that would have been created in the private sector had that money not been removed from the private sector. The left has a major love affair with massive, powerful government with near total control over the individual they see as little more than government-owned property. No matter what the issue or problem the left are mindless dolts whose only answer is always "MORE AND BIGGER GOVERNMENT" even when it is OBVIOUS that one of the biggest problems is government itself! The left really does believe that everything you created for yourself belongs to.....government first which has the "right" to decide how much it will "let" you keep. Its always some whacko liberal talking about how they don't believe anyone NEEDS to keep more than X dollars of their own money and how government should just TAKE the rest from them. Because they believe that is a "right" THEY have to just confiscate your money, a "right" that supersedes YOUR right to own the fruits of your own labor. Conservatives KNOW it belongs to you first and it is the RIGHT of WE THE PEOPLE to decide how much we CHOOSE to give to government! The left believes government, a man-made creation -is our master. Conservatives believe it is our servant and makes a terrible master -and history only supports one side on that! And it isn't liberals. THAT is the underlying fundamental difference between liberals and conservatives in this country! And truthfully they don't care how inefficient it is, how wasteful it is, how corrupt it is (unless it is the corruption is that of their opponents -their own they will defend to the hilt and hold up their criminals as standard bearers of the party) or how much it interferes with the ability of the private sector to create jobs. They love, love, love massive and powerful government because they believe THEY have an inherent right to rule and own that power. Inefficiency and waste aren't even on its list of priorities which is why even with unemployment STILL hovering near 10% nationwide, the ranks of government employees CONTINUES to expand, removing even MORE productive workers from the private sector and turning them into parasites the rest of us must feed. Since conservatives believe true job creation comes from the private sector -then they aren't going to lay out a game plan of increasing the size and power of GOVERNMENT, they aren't going to push bills falsely labeled "job creating bills", push bills intended to strip ever more money from the private sector and put it in government control or pretend government is a major source of job creation when it provably is NOT. And they sure aren't going to look for excuses and justifications to keep removing productive workers from the private sector and turning them into parasites and call it "job creation". That is the LEFT who does that. So one side pretends it is actually doing something about unemployment by doing the very things known to interfere with job creation by bloating government more and more -and the other side is accused of ignoring the problem of unemployment by REDUCING the role of government and the tax burden placed on those who create jobs in the first place. And one side are a pack of LIARS about what they are really doing because the very policies they pursue are contributing to the problem and not addressing it.

Conservatives believe the BEST -and it is REPEATEDLY PROVEN TO BE TRUE -way to create more jobs is for government to get the hell out of the way of those who actually create jobs in the first place! And for government to QUIT taking capital out of the private sector in order for government to decide where to spend it because it PROVABLY spends it in a vastly more inefficient and unproductive manner. When politicians claim to be pushing some "job creating" piece of bullshit legislation in reality all they are doing is trying to determine winners and losers in the private sector -something that provably results in POOR JOB CREATION. Repeated studies have shown that for every job in the private sector that is created as the result of government job creation policies such as spending trillions on those "shovel ready" projects Obama lied about 5-8 jobs would have been created by the private sector. The private sector is MORE efficient and best able to create real jobs and the most sustainable jobs and therefore the BEST government policies for resulting in true job creation is for government to get out of the way of those who create jobs instead of throwing government roadblocks, red tape and higher taxes in their way. So simply put the "game plan" for Republicans is to get government off the backs of those who actually create jobs, STOP the growth of government which removes more productive workers from the private sector while shifting more and more of the tax burden to those who are left in the private sector and is already at an unsustainable level- and STOP confiscating more and more money from the private sector so government can do what it always does best with money -inefficiently and corruptly waste it.

The private sector jobs are created in a vastly more efficient and self-sustaining method because it is driven by the consumer. Those created by government are not sustainable because the driving force behind it is POLITICS and maneuvering for more POWER. So one party believes the PROVEN BEST way to create jobs is to reduce government interference and REDUCE the money government takes out of the private sector in order to PRETEND it is "creating" jobs by choosing where to spend it. There is no "game plan" for government in that scenario because pretending government plays a major role in job creation in the first place is a Democrat LIE. Nearly everything government touches it will do worse than it would be done in the private sector and anyone insisting otherwise is a liar. Government was never set up to be a BUSINESS, was NOT intended to be "everything to everyone" because it can't, was not intended to compete with businesses and cannot. It can only undercut businesses by sticking taxpayers with the bill. Most importantly government cannot fulfill its TRUE purpose and function and make the bottom line a top priority at the same time! Those who insist otherwise -are LIARS.

BTW -the next time you watch protesting, near-rioting public employees demonstrating, screeching and chanting -just remember this. The people they are really demonstrating against is not some governor who is just the convenient face at the moment. They are demonstrating against us, TAXPAYERS who foot the bill. Not some fat cat, jet riding CEO of some company -but the people who pay their salaries and pay for a level of benefits those with comparable jobs in the private sector don't have! The governors are NOT the ones paying their wages and benefits so these protests are in reality directed at those who DO -the rest of us. The governors are just convenient boogey men for the demonstrators but the governors have claimed to be representing the best interests of the people of their state, not just an elite group of them! That elite group is in reality protesting against everyone who isn't a government employee or public union employee, insisting they MUST cave to union demands. Democrats are claiming THEY represent the interests of public union employees -and NEVER forget that because in reality, they mean it! AND I BELIEVE THEM! But that also means they CANNOT represent the best interests of those who foot the bills for those public union employees at the same time -because it is INSTANTLY a conflict of interest. Pretending they can represent the best interests of both at the same time is a lie. It is like pretending a district attorney can represent the best interests of the prosecution AND defense at the same time. Anyone buy that? Would you buy it if the district attorney used his most convincing voice that he had the defense's best interests at heart at the very same time he had the best interests of the prosecution at heart? How stupid does someone have to be to buy that? Which is probably why it isn't allowed in our justice system, huh. There is a reason Democrats support collective bargaining for public employees -and no surprise that these same unions demand government confiscate -oops "collect" union dues and give it to the unions -who then use it get a Democrat elected. It is truly a CORRUPT shell game and it is TAXPAYERS who are getting shellacked. Because Democrats CANNOT represent the best interests of both those demanding higher wages and benefits than exist in the private sector for a comparable job -and the taxpayers who are forced to pay for it.

Yeah, sure. Give away all the secrets of the massive right wing conspiracy.
What is the GOP plan for creating jobs, exactly? I have never met anyone, or heard/read any commentator or politician, who can explain this.
This doesn't bode well for denying Obama a second term.

First things first.

What is the alleged Democrap "plan?"

To tax the living shit out of every productive component of society? THAT should work. You idiots.

Or to spend vast sums of money we don't have?

yeah, massively icreased debt when we are already in danger of an economic collapse oughta do the trick. You idiots.

Plan number 1 for the GOP is to prevent the idiot Democraps from killing us.

Plan number 2 is to reverse course on the disaster unleashed by years and decades of idiotic Democrap policies.

Plan number 3 is to RE-release the forces of a CAPITALIST society. The latter involves LOWERING taxes to the point where there is finally an economic incentive once again for manufacturing to STAY here and create wealth (and JOBS) here.

What doesn't bode well for an Obama Administration SECOND term is the FACT that he is one truly horrendous President and the FACT that his policies are disastrous.

What doesn't bode well for the GOP to prevent him from getting a 2nd term is the perfidy of the GOP politicians.
Here are TWO simple questions..

What would you do with the money you forcefully took from the taxpayers? What's your plan?

What would you replace evil capitalism with..

**** the second question has been asked many times with no answers given*****

You do realize that the government isn't even taxing anyone for trillions of dollars worth of the spending it's been doing for most of the last 30 years?

Do you get that? Do you need that explained to you?

Yes, explain that to me.

Every time the government makes an expenditure that it doesn't have tax money to pay for, it borrows the money. Every year the government spends more than it has tax money to pay for, that excess is added to the debt. We have 14 trillion dollars of debt, almost all of which was accumulated in the last 30 years.

Example: George Bush cut taxes in 2001 and 2003, BUT, we were confronted with 2 costly wars in that time period. No measures were taken to pay for the wars, so effectively all of the cost of the wars was borrowed and added to the debt. That was spending YOU got that you weren't taxed for.

Example: the Republicans passed a Medicare prescription drug plan, Medicare part D, in 2003, again, the same year as the tax cuts. The estimated 2006 to 2015 cost, about 550 billion. No taxes to pay for it; no way to pay for it. Again, YOU got that spending that you weren't taxed for.
The fact that anyone is waiting for a politician to make things better demonstrates a complete lack of understandinf of economics and is a large part of the problem that is afflicting this nation.

Then you agree with me, that the GOP agenda, if you believe it, is to eliminate hundreds of thousands of American jobs - both public and private sector - that are directly or indirectly dependent on government spending,

in order to balance the budget.

Why aren't the Republicans saying that then? Why are they lying to us?

During the Clinton Administration, there was a booming economy. What did the government do during those years to create jobs?

If memory serves, wasn't Al Gore charged with reducing the size of government?

If reduction in the size of government occurred during the biggest economic expansion in the last 20 years, what does say about the increase in the size of government today during the deepest recession since the Carter years?

Clinton raised taxes in 1993, or, rolled back some of the Reagan era budget busting tax cuts,
and despite hysterical cries from Republicans, it did not bring on a recession, it did not kill the economy and jobs.
What is the GOP plan for creating jobs, exactly? I have never met anyone, or heard/read any commentator or politician, who can explain this.
This doesn't bode well for denying Obama a second term.

It's the same as the Dems' plan.

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