A Serious Question About Climate Change


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is the estimated amount of energy added to the Earth's biosphere from several sources:

From human causes.................18 TW
From Earth's core......................47 TW
From the Sun....................170,000 TW

So what might be the most likely place to look for the cause of Climate Change?

I know; COW FARTS!


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It was a globalist hoax nothing more...there will always be fires and earthquakes in the west, flooding and tornadoes in the Midwest, and hurricanes and nor'easters in the east.
This is the estimated amount of energy added to the Earth's biosphere from several sources:

From human causes.................18 TW
From Earth's core......................47 TW
From the Sun....................170,000 TW

So what might be the most likely place to look for the cause of Climate Change?

I know; COW FARTS!



If cows weren't so rude, they might not be eaten so often.
Hard to believe that the climate scientists of the world can't see this conundrum.
Are they idiots, or are YOU the idiot?
This is the estimated amount of energy added to the Earth's biosphere from several sources:

From human causes.................18 TW
From Earth's core......................47 TW
From the Sun....................170,000 TW

So what might be the most likely place to look for the cause of Climate Change?
Surely the concepts of "incremental change" and "tipping points" are not foreign to you?
Climate warming was invented by the Rothschild clan ...
The cold climate was invented by the Rockefeller clan.
"American democracy" is the struggle of these two Jewish clans ...
One of them sponsors Democrats, the other - Republicans ..
That's all.
Americans believe that they "live in the freest country" ...
Ha-Ha-Ha ...
This is the estimated amount of energy added to the Earth's biosphere from several sources:

From human causes.................18 TW
From Earth's core......................47 TW
From the Sun....................170,000 TW

So what might be the most likely place to look for the cause of Climate Change?

I know; COW FARTS!


Yet climate has managed to change dramatically over time.
"We redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy," -- IPCC
I love it when statements are taken out of context. What he said was that a change in climate policy will have the effect of redistributing the value of coal and oil reserves to other means of energy production. It was not an admission of some global conspiracy. Sorry.
"We redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy," -- IPCC
I love it when statements are taken out of context. What he said was that a change in climate policy will have the effect of redistributing the value of coal and oil reserves to other means of energy production. It was not an admission of some global conspiracy. Sorry.

I'm sorry for you.
This is the estimated amount of energy added to the Earth's biosphere from several sources:

From human causes.................18 TW
From Earth's core......................47 TW
From the Sun....................170,000 TW

So what might be the most likely place to look for the cause of Climate Change?

I know; COW FARTS!


Yet climate has managed to change dramatically over time.

Dramatically? Please expand
This is the estimated amount of energy added to the Earth's biosphere from several sources:

From human causes.................18 TW
From Earth's core......................47 TW
From the Sun....................170,000 TW

So what might be the most likely place to look for the cause of Climate Change?
Surely the concepts of "incremental change" and "tipping points" are not foreign to you?
Of course I do but can you share with me a 'tipping point' that is less than 0.001% of the total energy of a system?

This is the estimated amount of energy added to the Earth's biosphere from several sources:

From human causes.................18 TW
From Earth's core......................47 TW
From the Sun....................170,000 TW

So what might be the most likely place to look for the cause of Climate Change?
Surely the concepts of "incremental change" and "tipping points" are not foreign to you?

Not foreign to me. However the concepts of "tipping points" is EXACTLY why I'm skeptical.. If a 2deg "tipping point" will cause this junker of a planet to irreversibly destroy itself -- It's time to be shopping for a new home. PARTICULARLY because we don't have adequate evidence of historical temperatures to that accuracy. AND that number has ALREADY been exceeded many times in the past.

We came out of FOUR RECENT ICE AGES with a 15degC differential -- and the planet is STILL HERE..

So I accept the Greenhouse theory. And man's piddling little contribution to warming, but reject all of the horseshit CATASTROPHIC theories wrapped up in this public relations campaign..
This is the estimated amount of energy added to the Earth's biosphere from several sources:

From human causes.................18 TW
From Earth's core......................47 TW
From the Sun....................170,000 TW

So what might be the most likely place to look for the cause of Climate Change?
Surely the concepts of "incremental change" and "tipping points" are not foreign to you?
Of course I do but can you share with me a 'tipping point' that is less than 0.001% of the total energy of a system?

No, but then there's no need for me to do so because tipping points are just that, points, not magnitudes.
No, but then there's no need for me to do so because tipping points are just that, points, not magnitudes.

But they have to be relevant in magnitude.

No fulcrum point is relevant if it can hold only 0.001% of the total weight.

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