A sad day when Gingrich is riduled for moon colonization


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
I still think Romney is the best person to go against Obama..

But to criticize Newt for forward-thinking is unfair....

As someone who watched neil Armstrong take the first step on thelunar surface....

(and Walter Cronkite - "Boy!!!!!!!)
I don't understand why colonizing the moon is so crackpot...............

Thoughtthat was the purpose of the Apollo landings in the first place....................
"One small step for a man - one giant leap for mankind."

Armstrong is pizzed -off...............................
I don't understand why colonizing the moon is so crackpot...............

Thoughtthat was the purpose of the Apollo landings in the first place....................

Nah, JFK only authorized that stuff because some alien craft crashed on the drak side of the moon, remember? :D
I don't understand why colonizing the moon is so crackpot...............

Thoughtthat was the purpose of the Apollo landings in the first place....................

Because our bridges are collapsing.

Would have been a fabulous thing to do with the Clinton surplus.

thats the oldest cliche in the book..............
The economy is fucked, we are in multiple wars and we passed the NDAA and that's not even getting into the 1.6 trillion dollar deficit we run up every year and Newt is talking about going to the moon... With more money from China?

This is about as bright as going into a cold war with fucking Cuba... Oh, what do you know, Newt wants that too lolz!
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Moon colonization is a good idea..

What's taking so long????????

You can get moon rocks on Ebay
Fake-moon landing conspiarcy buffs becomemore credible with each passing year..............................
I don't understand why colonizing the moon is so crackpot...............

Thoughtthat was the purpose of the Apollo landings in the first place....................

Nah, JFK only authorized that stuff because some alien craft crashed on the drak side of the moon, remember? :D


(far from being an overrated president as some have suggested - UNDERRATED IMO )
You fucking Liberal turds laughed at JFK too.
Can't wait to see you asswipes go down in flames on election day.

Hope and Change, my ass.
I still think Romney is the best person to go against Obama..

But to criticize Newt for forward-thinking is unfair....

As someone who watched neil Armstrong take the first step on thelunar surface....

(and Walter Cronkite - "Boy!!!!!!!)

That's what I thought. It's a sad day in America when a Presidential Candidate is dismissed and Ridiculed out of hand because of suggesting a Bold Step in Exploration of one of the last Frontiers left.

How far we have fallen from the Day JFK announced we would go to the moon with in the decade of the 60's and the whole country not only responded Positively, But were sure we could do it.

Today a combination of Greed, Big Government Socialism, and Failed Leadership by Both parties, Plus Criminal Negligence on the part of Voters who's Apathy has allowed it all to happen. Have conspired to take us from Thinking we could do anything, to making crude jokes about how stupid someone is for Daring to think we could do something like a Base on the Moon.
I still think Romney is the best person to go against Obama..

But to criticize Newt for forward-thinking is unfair....

As someone who watched neil Armstrong take the first step on thelunar surface....

(and Walter Cronkite - "Boy!!!!!!!)

That's what I thought. It's a sad day in America when a Presidential Candidate is dismissed and Ridiculed out of hand because of suggesting a Bold Step in Exploration of one of the last Frontiers left.

How far we have fallen from the Day JFK announced we would go to the moon with in the decade of the 60's and the whole country not only responded Positively, But were sure we could do it.

Today a combination of Greed, Big Government Socialism, and Failed Leadership by Both parties, Plus Criminal Negligence on the part of Voters who's Apathy has allowed it all to happen. Have conspired to take us from Thinking we could do anything, to making crude jokes about how stupid someone is for Daring to think we could do something like a Base on the Moon.

And do you get the money for this "great" idea that you share with Newtie?
Moon colony in 8 years...who WOULDNT laugh at that bullshit? One it took almost a decade to fill the hole in the ground from 9/11. Two Newt cant explain how he will build a moon base while cutting taxes.

So yeah, it's fucking stupid

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