A regulation question


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
What would be the effects of rolling back all environmental and energy regulations back to 2000? How would the environment and energy sector look.

Would you on the far right stop being angry if Trump did this?
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I'd put Ralph Nader and the Greens in charge of organizing scientific R&D across the academic and private business sectors,
and set up a system of checking against abusive or damaging practices. Reward people for finding solutions that are
most cost-effective and environmentally sustainable.
Green energy is mostly BS

Solar cells contain an arsenic based artificial semi-conductor.

Florescent lights contain mercury.

With this total disregard of the environment we live in how do the greens get away with calling themselves environmentalists.
Even if the regulations are rolled back, nothing will be cheaper, because the corporations will just pocket the difference. Plus you will end up with the air quality of Beijing in New York again, not seen since the 1970's.
Even if the regulations are rolled back, nothing will be cheaper, because the corporations will just pocket the difference. Plus you will end up with the air quality of Beijing in New York again, not seen since the 1970's.

Matthew is taking the 2000s not 1970.
Even if the regulations are rolled back, nothing will be cheaper, because the corporations will just pocket the difference. Plus you will end up with the air quality of Beijing in New York again, not seen since the 1970's.

Matthew is taking the 2000s not 1970.

Okay, so we have just discovered a new way, to put more money in the pockets of CEO's and shareholders. Too bad, you will be the one with cancer for breathing and drinking their externalities. Hehe. Operations, sales, and production don't matter, shareholder balance does.
Even if the regulations are rolled back, nothing will be cheaper, because the corporations will just pocket the difference. Plus you will end up with the air quality of Beijing in New York again, not seen since the 1970's.

Matthew is taking the 2000s not 1970.

Okay, so we have just discovered a new way, to put more money in the pockets of CEO's and shareholders. Too bad, you will be the one with cancer for breathing and drinking their externalities. Hehe. Operations, sales, and production don't matter, shareholder balance does.

What does that have to do with the Op?
Even if the regulations are rolled back, nothing will be cheaper, because the corporations will just pocket the difference. Plus you will end up with the air quality of Beijing in New York again, not seen since the 1970's.

Matthew is taking the 2000s not 1970.

Okay, so we have just discovered a new way, to put more money in the pockets of CEO's and shareholders. Too bad, you will be the one with cancer for breathing and drinking their externalities. Hehe. Operations, sales, and production don't matter, shareholder balance does.

What does that have to do with the Op?

When something is deregulated, it always results in more cash for the agent, less positive for the principal, and negative to all others. This is as per the classic principal - agent model of management science. This thread is about deregulation, but the poster of the OP didn't state being either a CEO or a shareholder. Hence my point of what it means to others.
Trump and the GOP's aim is not just a little rollback, but a complete rollback. Their ideal is laissez faire capitalism. Which, of course, shortly degrades into a feudalistic society.

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