A recap of "collusion" with the Russians......

Everytime a thread gets a bit under the thin-skin of right wingers, the powers-that-be move it away to another forum............After all, we cannot infringe on the delicate sensibilities of the Trump Cult membership.

Hey remember, "Mueller gets Trump impeached, Pence becomes President, makes Hillary his VP, then Pence gets impeached , so Hillary becomes President"?
Rereading a post later and after more information comes out,. your post is downright insightful, Frank, because it points out a very strange scenario of the Constitutionality of this entire procedure. A year ago, a couple of Constitutional scholars and experienced attorneys who've had careers in the White House, took apart the appointment of Mueller, who in fact, had more unsupervised judicial power than is recommended in Article II of the Constitution, and they showed it pretty much violated Presidential Power and also the Judicial powers. I left the proof here and would like you and others who value the Constitution to decide for yourself if these gentlemen actually showed this messy business that has caused so much political fail was unconstitutional, because the framers of the Constitution already had an inkling as to how messy things could go if the judicial system became outranked by an outside judicial power. In fact, no other single person has carried so much political and judicial power due to ignoring the constitution, and the argument is here, hopefully the tape is still intact when you come back from your family's Easter festivities: Some Constitutional Scholars Believe Mueller's Job Was Unconstitutional

Others of you who highly value the Constitution's wisdom are also welcome to comment, and I'd appreciate it if you commented. Hope your Easter is a good one. :)

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