A real Liberal would always question government.


VIP Member
May 10, 2011
So why the fuck do progressives who swear up and down they're liberals trust this motherfucker Obama and this pathetic Senate??

Besides, a real Liberal would be opposed to federal government intervention in the majority of situations..

A real Liberal would consult the Constitution rather than their emotions or opinions... A real Liberal would know that their opinions do NOT trump the Constitution of the United States.

Republicans are way more Liberal than progressives.........

Honestly, republicans are now on the left and progressives are on the right....
I think a true conservative is hard to find in the republican party, and a true liberal is hard to find in the democrat party.

Liberals are supposed to be big fans of debate, yet the people on this board who claim to be liberals NEVER debate any of Obama's decisions. It's purely support, defend, and excuse.
Real liberals always do question government. Who do you think raised the outcry about the defense authorization bill, or the War on Terror, or the Patriot Act, or bloated military spending, or violations of the Bill of Rights? Who do you think is always the first one to scrutinize a president for trying to get us into a war? That's always liberals.

What's confusing you is that just because someone "questions" government does not mean he/she wants to do away with everything government does that helps ordinary people against the wealthy elite. Which is what conservatives mean by "questioning government."

That is not, however, what those words actually mean.
Real liberals always do question government. Who do you think raised the outcry about the defense authorization bill, or the War on Terror, or the Patriot Act, or bloated military spending, or violations of the Bill of Rights? Who do you think is always the first one to scrutinize a president for trying to get us into a war? That's always liberals.
Funny, they don't raise jack schitt when it's people with the (D) continuing the exact same policies...All of those policies have been continued with lots and lots of democrat support.

You're such a blind Marxist hack that it's becoming laughable...A sort of lucid and loquacious rderp...:lol::lol::lol:
Real liberals always do question government. Who do you think raised the outcry about the defense authorization bill, or the War on Terror, or the Patriot Act, or bloated military spending, or violations of the Bill of Rights? Who do you think is always the first one to scrutinize a president for trying to get us into a war? That's always liberals.

What's confusing you is that just because someone "questions" government does not mean he/she wants to do away with everything government does that helps ordinary people against the wealthy elite. Which is what conservatives mean by "questioning government."

That is not, however, what those words actually mean.

There's an outcry against any of those things?

I mean I wish there was, but i certainly never hear it.
Real liberals always do question government. Who do you think raised the outcry about the defense authorization bill, or the War on Terror, or the Patriot Act, or bloated military spending, or violations of the Bill of Rights? Who do you think is always the first one to scrutinize a president for trying to get us into a war? That's always liberals.

What's confusing you is that just because someone "questions" government does not mean he/she wants to do away with everything government does that helps ordinary people against the wealthy elite. Which is what conservatives mean by "questioning government."

That is not, however, what those words actually mean.


Democrats don't give a fuck about the Patriot Act nor war just as long as it's THEIR people doing it...

OWS is a perfect example of the so called tolerant and peaceful democrats. Of course those are the same fucks that would label the TEA Party as violent racist lunatics...

They're not pissed at Obama for the Patriot Act or war - they're pissed off at the successful and those who have more than they do..

They won't blame the government or OBAMAFUCK for government intervention into our economy - hell no...

Obama and the democrats are obviously benevolent..
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Real liberals always do question government. Who do you think raised the outcry about the defense authorization bill, or the War on Terror, or the Patriot Act, or bloated military spending, or violations of the Bill of Rights? Who do you think is always the first one to scrutinize a president for trying to get us into a war? That's always liberals.

What's confusing you is that just because someone "questions" government does not mean he/she wants to do away with everything government does that helps ordinary people against the wealthy elite. Which is what conservatives mean by "questioning government."

That is not, however, what those words actually mean.

Then why don't "real liberals" question the trans fats bans, or the soda tax, or any other government social engineering experiment?
Funny, they don't raise jack schitt when it's people with the (D) continuing the exact same policies...All of those policies have been continued with lots and lots of democrat support.

Please observe that the words "Democrat" and "liberal" are not the same word.

Liberals object to these things under Obama every bit as much as we did under Bush. In fact, that is a large part of what has soured me on Barack Obama. I expected him to discontinue Bush's abuse of power, and for the most part he has not done that.
Lol...the day nick tells me what u s a liberal and its a fact is the day i leave this board in shame.

What's your opinion on Obama continuing the Patriot Act, leaving Gitmo open, setting records for spending on the Drug War where marijuana remains illegal and him viewing marriage as something between a man and a woman only?
Funny, they don't raise jack schitt when it's people with the (D) continuing the exact same policies...All of those policies have been continued with lots and lots of democrat support.

Please observe that the words "Democrat" and "liberal" are not the same word.

Liberals object to these things under Obama every bit as much as we did under Bush. In fact, that is a large part of what has soured me on Barack Obama. I expected him to discontinue Bush's abuse of power, and for the most part he has not done that.

But I bet he gets your vote again in November....
Lol...the day nick tells me what u s a liberal and its a fact is the day i leave this board in shame.

Yep, because a lot of people on the right have been over using scary words like "communist", "socialist", "nazi", etc., for so long that they've forgotten the actual meaning of the word, and now just use those words to inflame and scare people.

I mean shit..........don't those on the right realize that fascism is a far right viewpoint?
Lol...the day nick tells me what u s a liberal and its a fact is the day i leave this board in shame.

The day you can write a sentence with proper grammar is the day I can lick my elbow..

Show's how lazy you are...
Trying to mandate morals to promote 'fairness' via government fiat is no different than mandating morals to promote religion via government fiat. 'Fairness' cannot even be defined the same way twice. Yet there they all are, lining up to tell us all how to live, where our money should go, what we should eat, what temperature we should keep our homes, what kind of vehicles we can drive. You can't even begin to list all of their mandates for the morals they want the 'rich' to follow to ensure a 'fair society', or the mandates for successful corporations. The list goes on. How can people be so blind and stupid to their own biases?
Well they could not use the word socialists could they?
They stole the word liberal.
They first used progressive, then when the people found out that it meant socialists, they changed it to liberal.
Now that the people found out liberal means socialists they went back to the word progressive.
They can't hide anymore. :)
Lol...the day nick tells me what u s a liberal and its a fact is the day i leave this board in shame.

Yep, because a lot of people on the right have been over using scary words like "communist", "socialist", "nazi", etc., for so long that they've forgotten the actual meaning of the word, and now just use those words to inflame and scare people.

I mean shit..........don't those on the right realize that fascism is a far right viewpoint?

I don't know what makes National Socialism far right..

Maybe theoretically, but as far as action Stalin was no different and he was a communist.

If one was to look at actions instead of ideology Hitler and Stalin were the same - as a matter of fact Stalin was responsible for 4-6 x more death and murder than Hitler.

Stalin wasn't liberal- communism IS NOT liberal..

That is why we use words like totalitarianism and authoritarian.

Marxism is a theoretical idea, when applied it's anything but liberal... It's a horror show..
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Lol...the day nick tells me what u s a liberal and its a fact is the day i leave this board in shame.

Yep, because a lot of people on the right have been over using scary words like "communist", "socialist", "nazi", etc., for so long that they've forgotten the actual meaning of the word, and now just use those words to inflame and scare people.

I mean shit..........don't those on the right realize that fascism is a far right viewpoint?

I don't know what makes National Socialism far right..

Maybe theoretically, but as far as action Stalin was no different and he was a communist.

If one was to look at actions instead of ideology Hitler and Stalin were the same - as a matter of fact Stalin was responsible for 4-6 x more death and murder than Hitler.

Stalin wasn't liberal- communism IS NOT liberal..

That is why we use words like totalitarianism and authoritarian.

Marxism is a theoretical idea, when applied it's anything but liberal... It's a horror show..

So which is it..........is Obama a liberal or a communist?

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