"A Read The Rule Bill"


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Anyone think this isn't a good idea? This is to the abstract, you have to download to read the whole thing:

SSRN-A Read-the-Bill Rule for Congress by Hanah Volokh

From the Document:

Rushed legislation is not a partisan problem. Many of the examples given by proponents of the Read the Bill movement portray Democrats engaging in bad behavior while Republicans decry it,11 but this is simply a function of the fact that the Democrats have recently controlled both houses of Congress and as a result have set the agenda and moved bills forward. Republicans have been equally guilty of using rush tactics when in power. The PATRIOT Act,12 for example, was passed in an extremely rushed format, just six weeks after the September 11 attacks. The time frame probably did not allow a full reading by Members of Congress,13 and public debate about the wisdom of the PATRIOT Act‘s provisions continued long after the bill was enacted.14

I agree. And I would add that the Representitives should open it for discussion for a period of days/weeks for input from constituients.

I would also suggest that they cite Constitutional Authority with any Bill up for consideration.

They've promised to put bills up on the WEB and other places for constituients...and have failed.

Yes I'm aware that thomas.gov does have these things posted...

More as I read this...
[/SIZE]I agree. And I would add that the Representitives should open it for discussion for a period of days/weeks for input from constituients.

I would also suggest that they cite Constitutional Authority with any Bill up for consideration.

They've promised to put bills up on the WEB and other places for constituients...and have failed.

Yes I'm aware that thomas.gov does have these things posted...

More as I read this...

Was'nt that in the GOP's pledge to America?

Indeed it was..... good rule if ya ask me.
Anyone think this isn't a good idea? This is to the abstract, you have to download to read the whole thing:

SSRN-A Read-the-Bill Rule for Congress by Hanah Volokh


It's okay if I just go along with it with out reading it, right? :lol:

I think for anyone to sign a Bill without reading it and knowing what is and is not in it is both an act of incompetence and negligence. It is a breach of trust. The garbage in these Bills is shameful, there really is no excuse for it.
[/size]I agree. And I would add that the Representitives should open it for discussion for a period of days/weeks for input from constituients.

I would also suggest that they cite Constitutional Authority with any Bill up for consideration.

They've promised to put bills up on the WEB and other places for constituients...and have failed.

Yes I'm aware that thomas.gov does have these things posted...

More as I read this...

Was'nt that in the GOP's pledge to America?

Indeed it was..... good rule if ya ask me.

Yes it was. About time. We'll see if they follow through. They're on probation with the people so they had better be serious. ;)

On the Surface? I like the idea of this bill.
Anyone think this isn't a good idea? This is to the abstract, you have to download to read the whole thing:

SSRN-A Read-the-Bill Rule for Congress by Hanah Volokh


It's okay if I just go along with it with out reading it, right? :lol:

I think for anyone to sign a Bill without reading it and knowing what is and is not in it is both an act of incompetence and negligence. It is a breach of trust. The garbage in these Bills is shameful, there really is no excuse for it.

I would also suggest that a Bill stand alone on it's own merit. No more riders in the form of amendments that have ZERO to do with the subject of the bill. Those deals are part of what makes people angry with our legislators.

It has to go.
[/size]I agree. And I would add that the Representitives should open it for discussion for a period of days/weeks for input from constituients.

I would also suggest that they cite Constitutional Authority with any Bill up for consideration.

They've promised to put bills up on the WEB and other places for constituients...and have failed.

Yes I'm aware that thomas.gov does have these things posted...

More as I read this...

Was'nt that in the GOP's pledge to America?

Indeed it was..... good rule if ya ask me.

Yes it was. About time. We'll see if they follow through. They're on probation with the people so they had better be serious. ;)

On the Surface? I like the idea of this bill.

On the surface it angers the fuck out of me that there is so much abuse and negligence going on in Congress. Makes you wonder if they are even capable of wiping their own asses. We have some serious governance issues here. If it wasn't so pathetic it would be hilarious.
From the Document:

Rushed legislation is not a partisan problem. Many of the examples given by proponents of the Read the Bill movement portray Democrats engaging in bad behavior while Republicans decry it,11 but this is simply a function of the fact that the Democrats have recently controlled both houses of Congress and as a result have set the agenda and moved bills forward. Republicans have been equally guilty of using rush tactics when in power. The PATRIOT Act,12 for example, was passed in an extremely rushed format, just six weeks after the September 11 attacks. The time frame probably did not allow a full reading by Members of Congress,13 and public debate about the wisdom of the PATRIOT Act‘s provisions continued long after the bill was enacted.14

I agree. And I would add that the Representitives should open it for discussion for a period of days/weeks for input from constituients.

I would also suggest that they cite Constitutional Authority with any Bill up for consideration.

They've promised to put bills up on the WEB and other places for constituients...and have failed.

Yes I'm aware that thomas.gov does have these things posted...

More as I read this...

This is published by a school journal, I'd assume a thesis or may be a professor.
Was'nt that in the GOP's pledge to America?

Indeed it was..... good rule if ya ask me.

Yes it was. About time. We'll see if they follow through. They're on probation with the people so they had better be serious. ;)

On the Surface? I like the idea of this bill.

On the surface it angers the fuck out of me that there is so much abuse and negligence going on in Congress. Makes you wonder if they are even capable of wiping their own asses. We have some serious governance issues here. If it wasn't so pathetic it would be hilarious.

I concur. One thing is clear? These idiots are in it for their own agrandizement/personal agendas as this paper seems to suggest. The more I read it? The more I'm on board with this...[still reading].

It's clear they don't care it effect on the people, but their power is more of import. I share your sentiments whole-heartedly. And this silly board told me I couldn't share more rep with you for awhile...too bad. ;)

[/SIZE]I agree. And I would add that the Representitives should open it for discussion for a period of days/weeks for input from constituients.

I would also suggest that they cite Constitutional Authority with any Bill up for consideration.

They've promised to put bills up on the WEB and other places for constituients...and have failed.

Yes I'm aware that thomas.gov does have these things posted...

More as I read this...

Was'nt that in the GOP's pledge to America?

Indeed it was..... good rule if ya ask me.

I thought that the pledge was that it would be posted publicly for x number of hours?
From the Document:

Rushed legislation is not a partisan problem. Many of the examples given by proponents of the Read the Bill movement portray Democrats engaging in bad behavior while Republicans decry it,11 but this is simply a function of the fact that the Democrats have recently controlled both houses of Congress and as a result have set the agenda and moved bills forward. Republicans have been equally guilty of using rush tactics when in power. The PATRIOT Act,12 for example, was passed in an extremely rushed format, just six weeks after the September 11 attacks. The time frame probably did not allow a full reading by Members of Congress,13 and public debate about the wisdom of the PATRIOT Act‘s provisions continued long after the bill was enacted.14

I agree. And I would add that the Representitives should open it for discussion for a period of days/weeks for input from constituients.

I would also suggest that they cite Constitutional Authority with any Bill up for consideration.

They've promised to put bills up on the WEB and other places for constituients...and have failed.

Yes I'm aware that thomas.gov does have these things posted...

More as I read this...

This is published by a school journal, I'd assume a thesis or may be a professor.

It certainly shows alot of time, alot of thought went into it. I applaud the effort. Key word here is thought.

One thing that I am disappointed with however? That WE here in the 21st Century have to post things as this when the Framers whom were men of honour...thought we would do these things in the first place.

But then that's why we have an Amendment process built in...and if that doesn't work? We were granted permission to start over.

It is my sincere hope that the latter will never have to be visited. ;)

Great thread Annie! A thinker's thread.
it certainly shows alot of time, alot of thought went into it. I applaud the effort. Key word here is thought.

One thing that i am disappointed with however? That we here in the 21st century have to post things as this when the framers whom were men of honour...thought we would do these things in the first place.

But then that's why we have an amendment process built in...and if that doesn't work? We were granted permission to start over.

It is my sincere hope that the latter will never have to be visited. ;)

great thread annie! A thinker's thread.

Is anyone else more than a tad concerned that we have to create a bill to force politicians to read a bill before signing it. Isn't that what they are elected to do?

I know that some posters (or rather one poster) seems to think that the job of a politician is to get elected and then get reelected but most of us are smarter than that, right? They are supposed to actually do a job between elections, right? Isn't part of that job to read bills and vote in accordance with the best interests of their constituents?
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Each bill should open with a reference to the specific section of the Constitution that gives Congress the power to enact said bill. Should be a max of 20 pages, and written in clear, concise English.
I like The T's suggestion on riders. Also, a bill should be simple, it it's over 20 pages it needs to be thrown out or re-worked.

And that I think is part of the point of this? It should be slow,arduous, and painful. In this way? It teaches a valuable lesson of looking before we LEAP as to avoid what became of several failed civilizations, exercises that came before us.

This is a good read. I hope many of you will look at it. It's one step of many we have to take to get back to where we should have been all along.
it certainly shows alot of time, alot of thought went into it. I applaud the effort. Key word here is thought.

One thing that i am disappointed with however? That we here in the 21st century have to post things as this when the framers whom were men of honour...thought we would do these things in the first place.

But then that's why we have an amendment process built in...and if that doesn't work? We were granted permission to start over.

It is my sincere hope that the latter will never have to be visited. ;)

great thread annie! A thinker's thread.


36 hours? 96? Some number of hours.
it certainly shows alot of time, alot of thought went into it. I applaud the effort. Key word here is thought.

One thing that i am disappointed with however? That we here in the 21st century have to post things as this when the framers whom were men of honour...thought we would do these things in the first place.

But then that's why we have an amendment process built in...and if that doesn't work? We were granted permission to start over.

It is my sincere hope that the latter will never have to be visited. ;)

great thread annie! A thinker's thread.


36 hours? 96? Some number of hours.

Where is the room for verification, consideration, debate?
From the Document:

Rushed legislation is not a partisan problem. Many of the examples given by proponents of the Read the Bill movement portray Democrats engaging in bad behavior while Republicans decry it,11 but this is simply a function of the fact that the Democrats have recently controlled both houses of Congress and as a result have set the agenda and moved bills forward. Republicans have been equally guilty of using rush tactics when in power. The PATRIOT Act,12 for example, was passed in an extremely rushed format, just six weeks after the September 11 attacks. The time frame probably did not allow a full reading by Members of Congress,13 and public debate about the wisdom of the PATRIOT Act‘s provisions continued long after the bill was enacted.14

I agree. And I would add that the Representitives should open it for discussion for a period of days/weeks for input from constituients.

I would also suggest that they cite Constitutional Authority with any Bill up for consideration.

They've promised to put bills up on the WEB and other places for constituients...and have failed.

Yes I'm aware that thomas.gov does have these things posted...

More as I read this...

That's probably a good idea..and would have worked great in the Bush administration.

For example:

Torturing people: No Constitutional reason I can think of for that.
Iraqi War: Nothing in the Constitution permits that.
Funding Religious Organizations: The Constitution actually prohibits that.
Warrantless Wiretaps: Nope..big no no.
Holding Americans (or anyone for that matter) without trial: Another prohibited practice.

Yeah..I kinda like it.

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